For a moment... All the girls centered around the love potion, creating a strong aura of confrontation.

Even if they are both Valkyries, shikigami, and heroic spirits... At this moment, there is a huge difference. There is no so-called position, no so-called companions, fuck the friendship, I only want love.

Trust quietly crumbled.

How frightening is this, that their rationality is about to evaporate with just a bottle of love potion.

At this moment, when the war was about to begin, a wise man stood up.

Da Vinci's spirit subcommunication came on at the right time, and she smiled and said, "I'm sorry to interrupt your friendly communication, but this kind of love potion is not more efficient the more you drink it, according to my analysis , let Bai Jue drink a whole bottle and drink a few drops of the actual effect is not much different."

"The so-called love potion does not create emotions out of thin air, but multiplies emotions. It cannot make two enemies become inseparable, but only strengthens and releases the original emotions. Directly increased by a thousand times."

"And this bottle of love potion is quite high-quality, even I, an almighty person, can't make it out. One or two drops is comparable to a large vat of love potion made by the clock tower magician. It's amazing. Knowing who this bottle of love potion was used against in the first place, it is so strong."

"So you can share it equally. On average, each person will get two drops of potion, and the rest will be sent to Chaldea for me to store as a specimen. You can use these two drops of potion at your own disposal. My opinion is tomorrow At the Cherry Blossom Appreciation Festival, each prepares the food, and after he eats it, we can see the specific effect, isn't it good to have fair competition?"

Da Vinci's proposal made all the girls calm down, they thought for a while, and nodded in agreement.

This is the best choice, and it is also a fair matchup to a certain extent.

The love potion is to increase the favorability. The effect of two drops of the love potion can be regarded as multiplied by fifty. The original favorability is multiplied by a fixed multiple to get the final favorability. In other words, the slight difference in the original favorability will be magnified fifty times.

Assume that Bai Jue's favorability for A is 1, and his favorability for B is 1.2. The difference is very small, and it is difficult for him to detect it. But after multiplying by fifty, the gap in favorability has also been enlarged by five. Ten times, directly increased to ten points.

In this case, it is much easier to tell who he has stronger emotions for.

The girls' thoughts are also based on this point. The love potion is powerful, but it really depends on the basic favorability. Whoever has a higher basic favorability will have the last laugh. This is fair competition.

Bai Jue didn't even have a chance to hide if he wanted to. He would definitely have a choice on the spot, and it would be clear at a glance who was the loser and who was the winner!

The girls happily took their share of the love potion and left. Everyone smiled secretly, and went back to carefully prepare love dishes, waiting for tomorrow's cherry blossom viewing meeting.

Soon the courtyard was empty and quiet.

Gorgon was not interested in participating, and she didn't know how to cook, so she didn't leave.

Yuzao didn't participate before, but she was very curious about who Bai Jue would choose.

In this way, the night passed.

When Bai Jue woke up in the morning, the sky was bright, and the warm sunlight shone on his cheeks. When he opened his eyes, he saw familiar smiles.

"Good morning." Qing Ji was sitting upright, she was very polite, she didn't overdo it in the slightest: "Lord An Zhen."

"Qing Ji?" Bai Jue supported his forehead: "I was yesterday?"

"Did something happen last night?" Qing Ji pretended not to know, she smiled and said, "But today is the day for viewing cherry blossoms, Mrs. An Zhen, please wash up quickly, everyone is waiting for you, I need to help you change clothes ?"

"No, no need." Bai Jue said a little awkwardly, "I'll be out soon."

Qing Ji didn't force her, and walked out gracefully, which was uncharacteristically.

Bai Jue silently sensed that there was a conspiracy, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. After a quick wash, he changed his clothes and walked out of the room. Only the shackles on his hands looked like a prisoner, but there was nothing wrong with it in other respects.

The cherry blossom viewing location is set outside Heian-kyo, and you can see it a few miles out of the city.

Talking and laughing along the way, the harmony was unbelievable. Although Bai Jue was wary, he gradually relaxed his vigilance when he saw all the girls' expressions. He only cared about the cherry blossoms and the scenery, ignoring the passage of time, and soon the whole morning passed by. And pass.

It was noon, and before Bai Jue said anything, he saw all the girls taking out the food boxes they carried with them as if by magic.

At this time, Bai finally remembered what happened last night, that bowl of white porridge...the taste like chocolate, and the expectant smiles of these girls, everything was such a familiar routine!

"No, I don't eat it!"

"I feel like I'm going to starve to death today! If I die outside, I won't eat a single thing from you!"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

He said he would never eat it, but Bai Jue couldn't escape.

There were people sitting on the front, back, left, and right sides, and the girls surrounded him in the center with bright smiles, their expectant eyes and fiery gazes, and the beautifully packaged food boxes, as if everyone was holding It's a Pandora's box that spills out when opened.

"Please don't resist, come...Master Anzhen, open your mouth obediently."

Qing Ji smiled and opened the food box. What she made was standard Japanese-style sushi. Although it was served cold, it was exceptionally exquisite, shining like a handicraft with a mysterious light. ?

"You're going too far, you're going too far! Can cooking still shine?" Bai Jue shouted, "Where is Liu Maoxing? You must have been cooked by someone else!"

"Isn't it common sense that cooking will glow?" Qing Ji held a piece of sushi and smiled softly: "Come on, ah—"

Bai Jue leaned back subconsciously, but there was a stiff touch from behind, as if he was touching the flat wall, he looked back stiffly, as expected, Teresa blinked and smiled shyly Smiling, turning his cheek: "Does the captain still want to take advantage of me at this time?"

No, you made a mistake. Instead, it's your ribs that make my scalp tingle...

Bai Jue pursed his lips, but before he spoke, his left and right hands were pressed under him by other girls, his mental power was also sealed by shackles, and there was no possibility of escape. Among them, only Qing Ji's smiling face kept getting closer, and the loving dishes soaked in the love potion were being stuffed into his mouth.

In this desperate moment, Bai Jue's heart suddenly calmed down. As an honest person... ah bah, as a good person with strong self-control, he has never gone out of control until now, but the love potion will kill him. Disrupting his normal thinking, making his emotions unbalanced instantly, the final result is that he completely loses his ability to think.

What will happen then?

What else can happen if you go berserk?I'm afraid it is an eighteen-ban plot that is not suitable for children.

He looked around at the girls and said calmly, " are playing with fire, you know?"

Qing Ji paused slightly, and her smile became even brighter: "Master An Zhen has finally become conscious? Then open your mouth obediently. We will naturally bear the consequences of what we do. Why don't you just say please come to me." Woolen cloth."

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