-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Time: [-]:[-] noon.

Location: South Gate of Yanjing City.

Bai Jue and the fire-proof girl arrived in Yanjing City on time, and took the bullet train for more than half a day. Although the journey was not bumpy, it was still boring and boring. In addition, the fire-proof woman was quiet and didn't like to talk very much. She only liked to listen to Bai Jue's words. On the way, Bai Jue said a lot of irrelevant things to pass the time, and in the end, he was bored and started surfing the jirijiri group.

After leaving Shenhai and arriving in Yanjing, Bai Jue realized that the changes in the world are really so huge.

The prosperity of this imperial capital has already completely surpassed the capital of a certain dynasty.

When it arrived, Bai Jue notified the uncle, but he said that he would not arrive until the evening, and he needed to wait another afternoon to resolve the internal conflicts in the family after celebrating His Majesty Liu Xiu's birthday.

Bai Jue had no choice but to think of ways to pass the next half day of leisure time, but the city of Yanjing was very lively, with Thirty Li Long Street, hundreds of century-old shops, and shops that claimed to be thousands of years old, but basically the advertisements had just been published He was sprayed with dog blood.

The urban layout of Yanjing is very well planned, and the urban layout has basically been planned since ancient times. Urban transportation, housing land, ditches and waterways, etc., have passed hundreds of years since the Tang emperor moved the capital to Yanjing. The wisdom of the people accumulated over the years has penetrated into every corner of the land, the process of urban modernization must be gradually planned, and every node of road traffic must be changed carefully and cautiously, and there is no such thing as changing overnight.

In such a big city of Yanjing, it is rare to find any large-scale construction projects, and the greening is also in place. To mention it separately, pedestrians walking on the road do not need to wear masks. The air quality is high, and the white clouds are clear at a glance. Yes, seeing a garbage bag flying in the sky counts as my loss. Take a deep breath and your mouth will be full of fresh air.

"Oh... It's like living in a dream." Bai Jue covered his face, moved to tears: "This horse riding is what Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou should look like."

The fire-proof woman also said softly: "Indeed, it is very prosperous, even the busiest time of Losric King City can't be compared with it...Maybe everything will be fine after the technology is accepted in the fire world?"

She is still promoting the generator in the world of dark souls, but the effect does not seem to be very good.

"It's a little difficult, but there is a possibility if you work hard." Bai Jue comforted: "Now let's find a place to pass the time, the street is quite lively, huh? There are still people making sugar, syrup There are paintings, are they coconut carvings?"

Bai Jue, who had no interest at first, only took a few steps before he was attracted by the surrounding shops. Many fresh and interesting ancient crafts can be found here, and most of the crafts that have been gradually lost are also booming. Modernized commercial performance elements.

The owner of a noodle stall kneaded the dough as if he was practicing Tai Chi, which attracted many foreign tourists to stop by frequently. The takeaway guy beside him kept urging him, and finally the noodles came out of the pot. The air flew into the sky.

Then... He was stopped by a traffic policeman, who was flying higher than him, and forced him to be held down by the head.

"Young man, there are so many classes recently, don't use lightness kungfu indiscriminately, what should I do if there is a stampede? Didn't you see the height limit of five meters?" The uncle traffic policeman said earnestly: "Gecko kungfu is not allowed, just ride a bicycle over there honestly. "

This style of painting is very wrong, but in the era when all people are martial arts, even a passer-by may be a practitioner with more than ten years of internal skills, but I am afraid that only the imperial capital can see this painting everywhere that integrates martial arts into life The painting style in other cities is relatively normal. Many young people in the contemporary era say that practicing martial arts is useless. After practicing a good lightness kung fu, they ran to deliver food. Isn’t this tormenting yourself? It’s better to save time and study.

I would rather indulge in studying than practice martial arts.

Along the way, Bai Jue's eyes were dazzled, and he unconsciously had a lot of specialties in his hand.

And the road was only a third of the way, Bai Jue thought for a while, and handed all the souvenirs to the fire prevention woman, and the fire prevention woman put the things back under her skirt one by one... She didn't say where she put them, and Bai Jue didn't know where they were. Very smart not to ask.

After all, four-dimensional breasts, five-dimensional skirt bottoms, girls' skirt bottoms are unlimited.

The two found a teahouse and sat down. Bai Jue was a little tired and dazzled by watching. He decided to wait for the new mobile game to be released later. It was only after he took out his mobile phone that he realized that he came to Yanjing when he said he came to Yanjing. I haven't told Bei Gao and Da Jing yet.

—Do you want to inform them?

He thought about it for half a second.

—Forget it, let’s touch the fish...

——Man, you have to rely on yourself. I'm not here to meddle in other people's business.

So he happily clicked on the mobile game app.

However, Bai Jue didn't realize that the fireproof woman had already quietly sent a message to Li Xiuning. She did it face to face, but Bai Jue didn't realize who she sent the message to. This fatal mistake caused him to suffer in the future. The foreshadowing of the day was laid.

While the two were enjoying their rare leisure time, an ordinary-looking girl with a low sense of existence walked in the crowd.

In the eyes of ordinary people, she seems to be a dispensable background character, who can be easily ignored like an NPC in anime, but in Bai Jue's soul perception, her existence is not only not weak at all, but quite Strong, she just walks on the ground, as if she is connected with the ground, the entire Yanjing... no, the dragon veins of the entire land of Shenzhou are connected with it.

The soul of the heroic spirit always exudes a soul wavelength far superior to that of human beings.

Bai Jue had only sensed this familiar aura from one person.

——Zhao Zhenger.

Bai Jue raised his eyes slightly. If this girl and sister Jianxian are the same person, then...their identities must have something in common, and a conclusion can be drawn after a little guesswork.

The only person who is both a heroic spirit and able to control the dragon's veins is Liu Xiu, the contemporary emperor of the Shenzhou Empire.

The Fireproof Girl was also aware of her existence, and she cast a questioning look at Bai Jue, while Bai continued to lie on the table with a calm expression.

——The emperor went privately in his micro-clothes, but so what?I feel like I don't want to work overtime today, so I just pretend I didn't see it.


At this time, Liu Xiu was walking on the street full of anxiety, her appearance was covered by the principle of heroic spirit, which also reduced her overwhelming sense of existence. Curiosity still overwhelmed her sense of guilt, how many birthdays can a person have in a lifetime?

It is a pity that she has not seen this city of Yanjing with her own eyes even though she is an adult.

So she slipped out and saw a lot with her own eyes, which made her very relieved, but also very regretful.

Because she...has no money.

It's so pitiful, a majestic emperor doesn't even have his own private money, she just asks for anything she needs, food, clothing and housing are the best, but she has no private money!No one even gave the New Year's money, and His Majesty Xiuxiu, who had no means of saving money at all, just slipped out of the imperial city empty-handed, staring at the dazzling array of snacks, small and exquisite handicrafts, and beautiful and fashionable clothing.

She is a majestic Emperor Guangwu, of course she would not do things without giving money for shopping, but without money, she really can't do anything, she can only watch.

Liu Xiu was very heartbroken, a penny is really hard for a hero, obviously his own face is painted on the coins, why doesn't he have the ability to print money?

So she thought about it...how about asking someone else to borrow some money?

People I know definitely can't do it, so I can only borrow money from people I don't know... There is only one way how can someone I don't know lend her money.

——Take it yourself.

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