The stupid hair on Liu Xiu's head stood up: "Does Her Highness Mary have any friends in the Shenzhou Empire?"

"Well, we met during the last Shen Hai incident." Mary nodded slightly, and she blushed unconsciously when she recalled the scene at the time: "A lot of things happened."

"Oh?" Liu Xiu's dazed hair twirled, expressing her mood swings full of gossip desires: "A lot of things?"

"Well, it's not convenient to say... If you want to describe him." Mary thought for a while, and expressed in short words: "Maybe it feels like a savior and a trustworthy knight?"

"It's so good, it's so good!" Xiuxiu showed a look of longing: "I really want to experience something like a hero saving the beauty."

Mary smiled and shook her head: "That's impossible...the Forbidden City, which is heavily guarded, the Emperor's Sword commanding the dragon's veins, and the Man of Destiny, who can hurt a hair of yours when these three gather together?"

"You have successfully hurt me." Liu Xiu said pitifully, "You have hurt my heart."

Mary chuckled, and immediately she couldn't help but said infatuatedly: "But I also understand what your majesty thinks... After the real experience, I realized that what I want is actually very simple, but as heroic spirits and high-ranking people, we have no right to give up. , because it is our mission to protect the country and civilization.”

When Liu Xiu heard this, she also looked out of the window. The sky at night was lit up by fireworks. China was already in its prime, and her life as an emperor had just begun. It was her inborn mission to try her best to maintain this rule until the eternity. obligation.


Liu Xiu pinched the corner of her clothes, and couldn't help asking in her heart, who made the obligation?

She understands that anyone can be the emperor. She was promoted to the throne when she was only seven years old, and it took ten years for the country to return to its prosperity. Did she rely on her alone?

No... Of course not, even if there is no emperor, the system of this country can be maintained for a long time. The emperor is no longer the emperor of the past. It is a symbol, representing the face and force of the country. Although it is supreme, it is by no means invincible replaceable.

That being the case, why must he be the emperor?

Liu Xiu couldn't help being puzzled. Mary was younger than herself. Like herself, she had never experienced the war ten years ago, but she clearly knew what life she longed for and why she came into this world. , and I have stayed in the Forbidden City for ten years, and now it is the birthday of adulthood, but before today I have never even seen the streets of Yanjing with my own eyes, and I have never used my feet to measure the ancient city under my feet.

What about them?

What about the other Heroic Spirits... Have they found the reason for their existence, found their unique desire, and possessed the unyielding attachment in their hearts?

But what about yourself?

Liu Xiu asked herself, she pressed her chest subconsciously, until now...the place is still empty.

She suddenly understood what Li Xiuning said to her once - you are the emperor, you have everything, so you can't get more, you will just blindly lose something.

Unable to get an answer, she shifted her eyes again and stared at Mary quietly. Under the reflection of the fireworks, her eyes were crystal clear, exuding incomparable beauty, like a clear spring, surging the memories of the past. Memories.

Mary was remembering something again, and it was that memory that made her eyes... so vivid and human.

Liu Xiu's heart tightened suddenly, and she was overwhelmed by the panic spreading from the emptiness. She bit her lip and realized her emptiness for the first time——Why did I reincarnate into this world?

——If I have similar memories like her...can I also find my own reason for existence?


ps1: There are too many characters... If you want to portray the characters, you can't be in a hurry, the plot is forced to unfold slowly, and the control ability needs to be improved.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It's really yin and yang." Bai Jue sighed abruptly: "Look at this scene, there are not many male spirits. Although I admit that this is indeed very eye-catching, as a male creature, the little self-esteem in the heart It was shattered in an instant."

Li Qinglian was noncommittal, and he said flatly: "Whether you are a man or a woman, strength is the last word. The three heroic spirits who protect the country in Kyushu Island are all women, but I have never seen the people of the island country feel ashamed of this."

"I just felt this kind of emotion suddenly." Bai Jue tapped his fingers on the table, he looked at the suddenly stagnant atmosphere in the banquet, and said in shock: "It's a good banquet, and there are a few more people who are overwhelmed by the country and the city After Heroic Spirit, even the atmosphere has changed..."

The change he was talking about was not a group of people walking up to show courteousness like stars and moons, but a cautious distance, and the conversation was only a few words, and the tone was carefully considered in the process. Out of awe.

"I understand what you want to say." Bei Gao heard the meaning hidden in Bai Jue's words, and he said lightly: "You think they should be admired rather than revered, but this kind of thinking is too arrogant, at least for ordinary people There is definitely such a disrespectful see them as beautiful flowers, but those Godzillas are all human-shaped, and there are human-shaped monsters with an unknown amount of blood on their hands."

"I just think that these people don't have to be afraid of them like quails, even though they are surrounded by monsters in human skin." Bai Jue paused his fingers, and withdrew the unhappiness in his eyes: "This is a banquet, there is There is music on the dance floor, but no one dares to invite them to dance now, it is really not ordinary cowardice, compared to this group of high-ranking people, maybe the common people are more courageous."

"That may not be courage, it may be recklessness, because I have never seen the mighty power of Heroic Spirits with my own eyes... Although the government's Heroic Spirit idolization project has been very successful, although this kind of brainwashing propaganda can change ordinary people's fear of Heroic Spirits, Deepen the stalwart image of the heroic spirits, but this kind of lie can't deceive themselves." Li Qinglian smiled: "In the final analysis, the heroic spirits are monsters with extraordinary power, which are different from humans."

"Are you speaking from your own body?" Bai Jue raised his eyebrows and asked back.

"It doesn't count, I haven't experienced the great war ten years ago, so I don't fall into this category." Li Qinglian touched the flagon on her waist: "What's more, the heroic spirits of the new era are far stronger than the heroic spirits of the older generation. You look at Liu Xiu and Mary, and you look at Li Xiuning and Gao Wen...the contrast is unusually strong."

"Tsk..." Bai Jue crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall, with an unruly attitude and an indecent posture: "It can only be said that it is the inevitable result of the different training methods. Compared with Liu Xiu, even Mary is better than her." Courage, this group of ministers raised the emperor like a canary, they are really capable. If it were Li Shiming and Li Xiuning, let alone just go to Yanjing City, even if they are in a bad mood, they will slash Kunlun Mountain with a sword , they may not dare to fart."

"...So I've said it all, since you don't like it, why do you get involved?" Bei Gao knew early on that Bai Jue was destined to say that.

"As far as the matter is concerned, I didn't go into this muddy water, I just complained. Since I can't change the facts, why should I continue to hold back and not complain." Bai Jue's attitude was very rascal, he spread his hands: " I'm sorry, that's the kind of person I am, if I'm not happy, I'll say it, if you're not happy, you can hold back, our Bai family has always been crazy and do whatever we want."

Bei Gao said: "I think it's okay, there are some things that no one is more suitable to say than you."

"The authorities are obsessed with the onlookers." Bai Jue thought that what Bei Gao meant, he didn't delve into it, and continued: "In a word, this group of people's awe of power is not enough. The emperors of the Shenzhou Empire are not as good as each generation. Li Shi Ming has more murderous spirit but not enough benevolent government, Liu Xiu has more benevolent government but not enough majesty, Li Shiming can still restrain Xiao Xiao with blood, but in Liu Xiu's generation, after losing his majesty, he has gradually been unable to restrain courtiers. It can be said that the imperial power has not been controlled The reason why it is empty is because of the Tianzi Sword... Without the Tianzi Sword, the emperor will lose all of his existence value."

"But as long as the Tianzi Sword is still there, the emperor will be there..." Bei Gao whispered, he was taken aback: "Do you suspect that someone wants to steal the Tianzi Sword?"

"I didn't say that." Bai Jue shook his finger: "But things always have to be prepared... After the incident in Kyushu Island, I feel that the whole world is targeting me. On the surface, I am on the side of the Chinese Empire. So there is a high possibility that someone will come to cause trouble."

Bei Gao thought for a while, then looked at the sky speechlessly: "I hope you are a mouthful of poisonous milk."

"I hope so too." Bai Jue stretched his waist: "Taking a step back, I'm not afraid if someone makes trouble in the Shenzhou Empire, but if the other party intends to steal the Emperor Sword, that's another matter. "

He smiled kindly: "I will let the other party know what regret is."

"Emperor Sword is very important to you?"

"Its former owner is very important to me." Bai Jue looked far away: "Since she chose to pass on this sword, it can only be held in the hands of each generation of emperors, which is the reason."

"...the former master?" Li Qinglian immediately thought of the first emperor of the Shenzhou Empire.

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