"Huh?" Bai Jue stared at the palm she refused to let go, and the corners of his eyes twitched: "Is there something wrong with your wording just now?"

"Darling, what's wrong?" Li Shiming paused every single word: "My dearest friend."

"Why use such a misleading sentence!" Just as Bai Jue retorted, Li Shiming clenched his palm tightly, and his face turned pale: "Can you let go?"

"Why? Isn't it normal for friends to hold hands?" Not only did Li Shiming not let go, but she held hands even tighter. She seemed to be smiling vaguely: "Isn't this a proof of intimacy? Or, Li Xiuning can, Can't I?"

"This has nothing to do with Princess Xiuning, Miss Li Shiming, eldest sister, great aunt, great aunt!"

"No, it doesn't matter." Li Shiming tapped his finger on the table lightly: "I just want to prove that if she can do it, I can do it too, and if she can't do it, I can still do it."

Bai Jue stared at Li Shiming with a subtle gaze, then slowly moved his gaze down, and he lamented: "Impossible, her breasts are bigger than yours."

"..." Li Shiming was silent for three seconds, and suddenly, she smiled.

At the same time, exert force with your palms.

The bones made a crisp and mischievous sound, clicking...

"Ah! My unicorn arm!" Bai Jue screamed.

Here Li Shiming took the initiative to launch an offensive, chatting and laughing with Bai Jue.

And Mary nestled on the chair with a melancholy face.

The director's script is wrong... Obviously this should be my round of exertion, right?

How can there be a sudden change of heroine in the middle of the acting?



Dad had a leg injury and was hospitalized and needed care.

So people have to admit defeat when they are old. A week ago, playing basketball broke their tendons and hurt their muscles and bones for a hundred days.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It's not a good thing to make fun of women's physical characteristics." Li Shiming stared at Bai Jue with vacant eyes: "Although the fact that you like big breasts proves that you are still you, I can't be happy about it. "

"Ahahaha, why can't I understand what you said..." Bai Jue said with a dry smile, "What's wrong with men who like big breasts?"

Mary stroked her barren chest and curled her lips.

Li Shiming slowly sat back on the original seat, hesitated for a moment, then let go of her clenched palms, and she suddenly apologized: "I'm sorry."

"What?" Bai Jue rubbed his sore right hand.

"About that slap in the morning."

Although there was faint hesitation in her eyes, she still said frankly: "I couldn't control my emotions, so I'm sorry..."

She is not an unreasonable person, but she is a very reasonable person. She never hurts or gets angry easily, provided that the boundaries she sets are not crossed.

Even when Li Shiming took over the throne of the First Emperor, Wei Zheng slammed her output in front of all civil and military officials in the court, and Li Shiming did not have any prejudice against Wei Zheng, but always reused him. .

She is not an emperor who is jealous of the virtuous and capable, and her bloody and murderous aura is relative, so since she gave up the emperor Zen to Liu Xiu, she has grown flowers and brewed wine in her palace fief, and lived a very happy life Casual, completely missing the imperial spirit of the past.

Perhaps it was only after losing the emperor's laurel that she could admit her mistakes frankly, which is almost impossible for an autocratic person.

She apologized, which surprised Bai Jue even more.

It also touched his heart...

"I, I don't mind, and the slap is quite light." Bai Jue smiled, and didn't intend to go into it: "Thick-skinned people don't really care about these things, just a sorry is enough, in fact, I was stabbed back then. I spent four or five knives, but I didn’t end up with a certain mop essence?”

He joked, trying to change the subject.

But Li Shiming was serious: "I'm apologizing very seriously. Even if you don't mind, I still have a lump in my heart... You don't owe me anything, but I owe you a lot. , this slap... I crossed the line."

She clenched her five fingers: "I will make it up, no matter in what way, if you need it, as long as you ask, I will try my best to satisfy... Even if you want to slap me back, I will not resist or pursue it .”

As she said this, her words were calm, completely open and unreserved.

Bai Jue understood the weight of Li Shiming's promise... He believed that even if he made an excessive request, she would immediately agree to it.

"Can I not mention it?" Bai Jue sighed, "It's not a very important thing..."

"No, this is very important." Li Shiming said softly, her gaze was serious, her expression was serious, and she repeated: "For me, this is very important... I can't feel at ease if you don't punish me accordingly."

Bai Jue felt worried, and he struggled: "Then how about...you go and buy an orange for me?"

"..." Li Shiming still looked at him seriously: "Please don't test my patience."

"You suddenly asked for something, I really couldn't think of it for a while." Bai Jue touched the back of his head: "It's not good to be too light, and it's not good to be too heavy."

"It's okay." Li Shiming leaned back in the chair when Bai Jue accepted it, and didn't force Bai Jue to give an answer right now: "Until you think of it... I will agree to any request, darling."

"Can I ask you to change this misleading title!" Bai Jue raised his finger: "Now, immediately, immediately, change it!"

"Okay, my dear." Li Shiming was kind.

"Chinese is not good either!" Bai Jue knocked on the table.

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