At the same time as the voice fell, her heroic spirit sounded.

The bright red heroic spirit appeared on her body. Her heroic spirit was quite similar to Li Xiuning's. They were both red, but one was closer to flames, and the other was more like blood.

At the same time, when the Heroic Spirit was played, there was the sound of gold and iron horses, which proved that she was also from the army in her previous life, but if she was a heroic spirit of a general in her previous life, the attributes of the Heroic Spirit had a higher degree of repetition.

Li Xiuning accepted her as his apprentice, probably because he valued the closeness and similarity of the spirits of both sides, and cultivated her as his successor.

Lan'er appeared in Shenhai City as early as the second volume of this book, but her real identity has never been disclosed, and it's not a secret, but she has no chance or time to explain it. In fact, she can probably guess from her name come out.

In her previous life, she was named Hua Mulan, and she was a legendary figure in her life. The Song of Mulan is very popular. It is worth mentioning that Hua Mulan is most likely not her real name, which is very difficult to find out.

In terms of historical popularity, she is even higher than Li Xiuning. At the same time, she was also a victim of the disaster ten years ago. Her heroic spirit was awakened in the disaster ten years ago, and then she was discovered by Li Xiuning and accepted as an apprentice and a younger sister. keep.

The reason why the personality is three no, may be because of the great change.

Lan'er's heroic spirit is called "Who says women are not as good as men".

Speaking of the naming of the heroic spirit... there is no fixed title, but equivalent to titles, most of which are popular, some are taken by oneself, some are given by others, such as Liu Xiu's destiny, Li Xiuning's women's scarf, Li Shiming's Son of Heaven is overbearing, which is a title given by others, and they have not mentioned it themselves.

And such as Gao Wen's Number of Saints, Uesugi Kenshin's Army God's Formation, Himiko's Nether Demon Way, Mary's Theory of Purity, etc., are all the titles of the Heroic Spirits that they themselves recognize, and their credibility is even higher. building.

It can be seen from the taboo of the name of Heroic Spirit that Lan'er's Heroic Spirit is very violent.

Of course, she also knows martial arts, and is good at swordsmanship, equestrianism, bow and arrow, riding and archery, spearmanship and other skills. She has perfectly inherited the combat talent from her previous life, but her final weapon of choice is the epee.

This proved her absolute confidence in her power.

Therefore, her Heroic Spirit's power is an increase, purely amplified, in the process of opening the Heroic Spirit's power, the power will continue to rise, and it's not just strength, speed, agility, reflexes, etc., it's a fairly comprehensive improvement, just other things The improvement in aspect is not as high as the increase in strength.

Even the pinnacle of the fourth-order heroic spirit, it is impossible to crush Lan'er head-on. Relying on her terrifying strength, agility, and epee swordsmanship, she can stand firm in any battlefield.

That's why Li Xiuning felt at ease.

However, this time she faced an opponent who was also good at suppressing both strength and speed.

Zombie Face saw that the girl had used all her strength, so he stopped hiding and grinned.

Under the moonlight, he liberated his heroic spirit.

His body began to swell, his bones began to deform, a large amount of hair grew from his pores, his body became taller and taller, his height increased from two meters to more than four meters, and his face changed into that of a beast.

Bathed in the moonlight, it raised its head and let out a high-pitched roar.


"Wolf...human?" Drinking porridge was shocked: "This kind of creature can't exist! It's just a medieval legend..."

"That's not a legend, it's a fact... My previous generations of Robin have recorded it. Be it werewolves or vampires, the legendary dark creatures do exist, but they come from the outside of the world. They merged into this world over time, and eventually...they disappeared.” Le Luo explained: “Originally, these creatures were also qualified to be recorded in the principles of civilization, but human history chose to abandon them and fabricate them into false stories, resulting in No one in the world today remembers their existence..."

"Anti-heroic spirits?" He asked dryly after drinking porridge.

"Probably so." Le Luo said uncertainly.

"I know a lot."

The werewolf stretched its bones, it grinned, and even its voice became deep and terrifying, and the vocal organs changed.

"It's still more comfortable in this form. This feeling of self-liberation is really refreshing... What's more, today is the full moon, and my strength is constantly emerging..."

The transformation of a werewolf on a full moon is already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the principles of civilization have also endowed it with this power, but it has turned its back on the principles of civilization and taken this power as its own.

As long as it is under the moonlight, its strength can be greatly increased. How many times this increase is impossible to calculate, but it must be stronger than Lan'er.

Dozens of sparks exploded in the air.

Heroic spirits and anti-heroic spirits fought against the heroic spirits who stepped into the lightning speed, and couldn't see clearly at all.

Even Le Luo, who is good at speed, can barely see the trajectory of the afterimage, but he can't see clearly when he is drinking porridge, and he just barely follows the spreading aftermath to divert his sight.

Within seconds, a contest begins and ends at the speed of light.

Laner lost.

A stern scratch appeared on her shoulder, and the heavy sword also fell to the ground beside her.

Under the double suppression of strength and speed, she can't gain any advantage, and the epee is not suitable for performing dexterous swordsmanship. She can't use her strength to defeat her skill, and it will be a matter of time before she loses.

"Take him away..." Lan'er said to Le Luo and Drinking Porridge: "I'll buy time..." She paused: "I'm going to release the treasure."

"I can't escape." The werewolf sneered, "No matter how fast they are, they can't be faster than me."

"It's okay... I just need to be faster than you."

Lan'er's eyes were fixed. Her treasure was extremely special and could not be freed at will. This is Yinglun. Liberating the treasure from the heroic spirit would inevitably cause a lot of trouble, but considering the importance of Bai Jue, she couldn't control it too much.

Right at this critical moment.

A hand patted her shoulder, and a mouthful of alcoholic words came from beside her.

"What are you afraid of, what do you want to cut off? It doesn't exist... hiccup..."

Bai Jue hiccupped, took a step forward, passed Lan'er, blocked her in a natural way, raised his thumb and tapped his heart.

"Are you going to catch me? Then come... see if you have the ability."

Bai Jue was still drunk.

It is precisely because he is drunk that there is no need to hide anything.

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