Now that the mask is gone, it is better to take off the mask and stand in the center of the stage.

Rather than backing down, accept it and be the master of the stage.

Instead of being used as a doll by the five major powers, it is better to take the initiative by yourself.

This is what Mary said to Bai Jue.

She was really thinking about Bai Jue, at least at this moment, she didn't try to win him from France's point of view.

"...I'm not used to it." Bai Jue shook his head lightly. He knew Mary's kindness, but he was still used to staying in the coffee shop, quietly being a cook, and living a leisurely life of opening a shop.

"I'm still used to wearing a mask to save the world, so that others can't see my face. When they see that mask, it doesn't matter who is under the mask in the future. This was my initial thought."

"You don't like this brightly lit scene."

Mary lowered her eyes: "Don't you like the uniqueness that everyone is looking at?"

"I like it, but I'm not used to it." Bai Jue said, "It's impossible for anyone to stand under the spotlight for a lifetime. When my responsibilities are fulfilled, I don't need to wear that mask anymore. This is my original idea to hide my face. .”

"Ordinary people yearn to become heroic spirits, but heroic spirits don't live so freely. Everyone is asking for things they can't get... Although some of them look beautiful, it's enough to look at them once in a while. Standing in the center of the stage, I'm afraid I'll be involuntarily..."

Bai Jue touched his cheek: "That mask blocked all the spotlights for me. When necessary, I took off the mask, threw it into the crowd, turned around and left, which is also a kind of chic."

"Unfortunately, the mask is lost." Bai Jue sighed softly: "It was taken away by Elizabeth, but I have to come back sooner or later."

Mary listened quietly.

She smiled quietly.

The girl raised her eyes, and there was no dimness of rejection in those azure blue pupils, instead they were filled with joy and agitation.

"As expected, you are still the same you in the past, without any change..."

"Obviously as long as you speak, the heroic spirits will crown you with the glory of this world."

"It is more difficult to put it down than to pick it up, and you chose to let go of all the glory without the slightest hesitation."

Her eyes shone with an intoxicating luster.


"I'm really fascinated!"

"I'm different from them, I don't know you ten years ago, I only know who you are now!"

"What I like is not the hero who saved the world ten years ago, but that foolish boy who is willing to obey the willful wishes of a little girl!"

"I would like to complement you."

"If you want to be the center of the world, then I would rather take on the responsibility, obligation and identity of the princess of the French royal family, and welcome your rebirth with all my dignity."

"If you are willing to let go of the past glory you hold, then I have nothing to hesitate... Tonight, I am no longer a princess of France, or even a heroic spirit, but myself..."

Without any hesitation, Mary took off the small crown on her head and threw it on the red carpet.

She messed up the complicated hairstyle that the maids had spent half an hour braiding, and put aside the necklace and earrings around her neck.

She tore off the gorgeous and noble dress, and scattered the white and blue cloth, leaving only the pure white dress.

The incomparably exquisite makeup was wiped off by her indiscriminately, and the white cloth was stained with colorful makeup, leaving only a clean little face.

It only took her ten seconds to completely subvert and destroy the solemn and noble princess image before.

Pure eyes, flawless beauty, nothing added, leaving only the purest version of herself.

Only one pure girl remained.

This sudden scene not only stunned all the maids, but also stunned Dion.

She also didn't expect that Mary didn't think from the perspective of France at all, but as a French, they didn't have the slightest disgust for this kind of behavior that left the national interests behind, but they couldn't help but feel a little bit of disgust in their hearts. the flame of anticipation.

Mary bit her lower lip lightly.

"Now, there's nothing left."

"Only myself……"

"Only the girl Marie Antoinette..."

She mustered up her courage, her chest heaved and fluctuated, and a pair of blue eyes showed timidity and anticipation like a small animal.

"I am like this..."

"Would you like to take it with you?"

ps1: Oh shit... After writing this chapter, I almost brainwashed myself into Mary's chef, it's impeccable!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Mary had been prepared for this from the start.

She has no intention of taking Bai Jue for herself, but hopes that she can be taken away by him.

She may be one of the very few girls among all heroic spirits who can let go of everything. She has similar status and responsibilities to Li Xiuning, but she has different choices. Li Xiuning may have wanted to resign early in the morning, but she couldn't ignore the Shenzhou Empire , Liu Xiu cannot be left on the cold throne.

And Mary didn't care about the country of France, nor did she care about the eyes of the world.

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