At this time, Mary also realized that even if she and Bai Jue became a couple, it didn't mean that there would be no resistance between them. On the contrary, people all over the world wanted to pull them apart... Rather, once Bai Jue accepted her Confession, the suffering has just begun.

Thinking of this, Mary restrained her anger and became extremely calm: "Miss, isn't your sentence a little too much? Whether it is worthy or not, firstly, it has nothing to do with you, and secondly, it is up to us to judge , It shouldn’t be someone else’s comment, Bai won’t like your comment.”

"Well, of course he wouldn't like it..."

"But it's the truth!"

Altair said indifferently: "It is true that I will not dictate any choices made by the store manager, and I do not have the qualifications. Instead, I will only disgust him for no reason, but I am different from the fireproof girl, she would rather accept it, and I only say that I am What I want to say..."

"You are not worthy, not because you are not perfect, but because you are too weak."

"Heroic Spirit, your vision is too narrow, and your growth has a limit."

"You are not Zhao Zheng'er, without her potential, she has spanned a thousand years and is still getting stronger."

"Yes, you are his girlfriend. You will stay with the store manager, occupy the position that everyone else covets, and enjoy the happiness that you deserve, but you can't give him any help."

Having said that, Jun Ji laughed at herself.

"You may confess because you don't know anything, but if you know everything, you may not have the courage... just like us."

"Whether it's me or her, we're actually waiting, waiting for the day when the store manager will restore all the singularities, and wait for him to take off the burden from his shoulders."

"I don't want to be a drag on myself, so I keep working hard, hoping to help a little."

"But now I suddenly realize that the store manager may not be as dull as I imagined. He actually knows it all, but we all keep a distance, maybe a little braver..." She bit her lip: "But now, he is your Yes, I'm a little bit dissatisfied."

Mary listened to her bitter words and whispered, "Sorry...but..."

"Don't apologize, I haven't lost yet."

Altair interrupted: "We have no intention of giving up. Even if you want to drive us away, we will not leave. As I said before, you can't bear it. Even Princess Pingyang may not be able to bear it..."

"What does that mean?" Mary wondered, "What can't I bear?"

"I can't tell." Altair said, "You can expect him to tell you in person. If he doesn't tell you, it's because of the store manager's gentleness. If he tells you everything, I hope you can still be the same as you are now." I can laugh."

"Wait!" Mary stepped forward and grabbed Jun Ji's wrist: "Tell me what it is!"

Jun Ji didn't look back, she just took a deep look at Mary, and said shallowly: "Renrou Township is a tomb of heroes, what he needs is not just a mask, but a sharp sword that can overcome thorns, and a sword that can cover A shield against the wind and rain."

Mary paused: "You are his sword?"

"If I were, how good would it be?" Altair's figure gradually disappeared, and his sighing voice was full of resentment and heartache: "He doesn't even need a sword, and his body and mind are covered with bruises all the way, and now he is even worse for everyone." Don't believe it, only believe in himself..."

Jun Ji's words sounded a little nonsensical, but they pointed to the core of the contradiction.

Because Mary is pure and innocent, because she knows nothing, because she is brave and bold, Bai Jue is conquered by her charm.

But does that mean it must be appropriate?

It may not be appropriate, at least today, it may not be appropriate.

Bai Jue didn't need to estimate the impact on the real world at all, he could take Mary back to the coffee shop and go to any world he wanted.

But the problem is that he doesn't have that freedom and leisure at all.

He still has responsibilities to carry, and heavy, breathless responsibilities on his shoulders.

The clerk Bai Di was liquidated by cause and effect, and went to the unknown shore, which made Bai Jue's shoulders even heavier. It also made him no longer want to rely on anyone's strength, because he felt that if he relied more, others would be in danger. Just a little heavier.

Even in the face of a werewolf attack, he stood in front of Lan'er, as he himself said - he didn't want anyone to stand in front of him.

His stubbornness had initially burned Altair and Fireproof Girl, but they didn't mind, and tolerated his stubbornness with the greatest tolerance, and they could sit quietly on the chairs in the coffee shop, waiting for him to return.

Even... what might be waiting is a mutilated and cold corpse.

The torment of pins and needles makes it difficult to calm down. Only after the actual experience can one know how excruciating the pain is.

So Altair said, Mary had better not know all this.

Because the more she likes Bai Jue, the more she loves Bai Jue, the more she can't sit back and watch Bai Jue take on this heavy responsibility alone, but once she starts to interfere with Bai Jue's insistence on repairing the singularity, it will definitely offend his stubborn self-esteem.

Even if he is a lover, Bai Jue will not compromise because of this, which forms an irreversible endless loop.

The more proud a woman is, the more unable she is to bear this pressure.

Li Shiming, Li Xiuning, and Zhao Zheng'er were all like this, so the stronger they were, the less likely they were to convince him.

Speaking of which, some people may think that making a fuss out of a molehill makes a simple conflict of ideas so complicated.

In fact, it is not, because this contradiction is a precursor to change.

Bai Jue is changing silently. He is no longer the self he used to be. He is constantly changing with the passage of time. Although it is not particularly obvious, the former Bai Jue will never accept Mary's confession, no matter how he feels in his heart Even if he is moved, he will also refuse, because he knows that he cannot accept it now.

But the fact that he accepted, even Mary thought it was a miracle.

This is not a superficial change, but a deep-seated essence that has begun to deteriorate.

Is it from white to black, or from black to colorless?

Everything changes subtly and quietly.

In the end, it may be ushering in new life, or it may be awakening destruction.


In a bar on a bustling street in England.

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