The werewolf grinned, planning to kill a weak chicken to vent his hatred.

But the next moment, the panic on the porridge-drinking expression receded like a tide. He sneered and punched with a solid horse step. The heavy fist hit the werewolf's lower abdomen, which happened to be the weak point of his body. The strength of the fist pierced through the werewolf's body and remained solid, sweeping away the thick fog ten meters away in one fell swoop, leaving a transparent blank gap.

The werewolf coughed out a mouthful of blood, which contained fragments of internal organs. It wanted to raise its hand, but it couldn't. It could only hold its abdomen, and slowly backed away weakly.


"It's not okay to underestimate the doctor, you see you are so open-minded, would I feel sorry for myself if I don't give you a punch?" Drinking porridge clapped his hands: "You can tell at a glance that you haven't learned history well, do you know about Wu Qinxi? The Wu Qin Xi created by doctors is also one of the origins of martial arts... When it comes to strengthening the body and the best way to practice martial arts, no one knows this better than doctors."

"My punch just now hit the weakest part of your body, disrupting the circulation of your qi and blood, and also cutting off your meridians... Even if you are an anti-heroic spirit, it is not so easy to recover."

The werewolf grinned and roared: "A mere mortal, I'll kill you!"


What responded to him was an epee.

The werewolf rolled back to avoid the attacking heavy sword, but failed to avoid the red sword energy and the shock wave that shattered the ground.

"Don't forget me." Ling Dao held a knight's giant sword as tall as a man in one hand: "Master, come to play with you?"

The anti-heroic spirit lay on the ground panting, it never imagined that it was in this moment of embarrassment.

But it's still grinning.

A heroic spirit is a heroic spirit after all, even in the scythe of judgment, there are no more than two people who really have the actual record of killing a heroic spirit.

The reason is also very clear to you.

——It’s a Noble Phantasm.

The existence of the Noble Phantasm is a gap, which makes the heroic spirit change from a fierce general who has passed five stages to a human-shaped nuclear bomb.

Even anti-Heroic Spirits have Noble Phantasms.

The werewolf's eyes were reddening, as if it was planning to activate the treasure for the final fight.


Change perspective again.

Gao Wen, who left Buckingham Palace, went all the way to the French Embassy.

In order to pursue speed, she did not take transportation and crossed England directly by foot. The distance between Buckingham Palace and the embassy is definitely not close, and it would take nearly ten minutes to get there with the foot strength of a heroic spirit.

At this time, twenty minutes had passed since the fog rose.

When Gao Wen arrived at the French embassy, ​​it was already a mess.

The garden in front of the embassy became messy, the fountain sculpture was completely destroyed, the water gushed out, and the ground was covered with water stains.

The same is true inside the embassy. The gate leans crookedly against the wall, and the magnificent hall is also full of traces of battle. A stern sword mark left a conspicuous scar on the outside of the embassy building.

This scene shocked Gao Wen, but she was still late.

Although France and Britain have never dealt with each other, she didn't have any thoughts of gloating at this time. She walked directly into the door of the French embassy and said loudly, "Is anyone there? Your Highness Mary, Your Excellency Dieng?"

Because of the power outage, the entire hall was pitch black.

Gao Wen walked into the door, greeted by a sword light.

The sharp sword swayed in the wind, and a sharp thrust left a sharp piercing sound in the atmosphere. Gao Wen reacted very quickly, pulled out the knight's holy sword, and blocked the stab with the sword. After taking three steps back, she stabilized her figure, dropped her epee, and counterattacked.

There's no shortage of lightness in the Raiders.

Withdrawing the thrusting long sword and walking away with the giant sword, it is like a noble swordsman fighting a duel, with elegant and leisurely movements.

Such a sword is incompatible with the style of the knight's epee, the former being elegant and deadly, the latter calm and steady.

The swordsmanship that Gao Wen has practiced rigorously is by no means easy, and the exquisite and elegant sword is not enough to break through her sword circle.

The two sides fought with swordsmanship, seemingly dazzled, but in fact they were both brothers, and both seemed to have scruples, they dared not let go of the fight, even the strength of the heroic spirit was not used, it was just pure swordsmanship Competition.

After several fights, Gao Wen finally realized that she had seen this sword before in the duel field.

The Juggernaut of Europa, the mighty swordsman who was once famous in Britain and France... His real name is Dion Bodemon.

After Gao Wen realized that the attacker was Dieng, she withdrew her sword. She took the initiative to withdraw from the distance of the sword confrontation, and stopped: "Your Excellency Dieng, I am Gao Wen, the knight of the round table, please stop!"

"Knights of the Round Table?" Dion sneered, "If you weren't for me, you wouldn't have done it!"

"Calm down!" Gao Wen shouted: "The war between the heroic spirits of the two countries will turn into an international issue!"

"What you are standing on now is French territory!" Dieng replied in a low voice: "What's more, the one who did it first... is you!"

She drew her sword and attacked, and the sword was even fiercer.

Dion was angry for some reason and couldn't listen to any answer at all.

Gao Wen frowned, helpless and puzzled in her heart, she had no choice but to release the principle of the heroic spirit, and several spheres of flames appeared in the air.Suddenly the dark French embassy was illuminated.

But when the embassy was illuminated, Gao Wen was stunned. The hideous pool of blood on the ground made her even forget to draw her sword.

Dion's sword stopped in front of her throat: "Get out, you are not welcome here!"

"Whose blood is that?" Gao Wen asked.

"...You know it very well." Dion hesitated for a moment in the hand holding the sword, and Gao Wen's expression did not seem to be fake.

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