Afterwards, Bai Jue searched for all Mr. Jixia in just one month, and in the end, all the students and gentlemen got to know this wonderful Confucian scholar surnamed Bai.

Mr. Mingming Jixia didn't want to give lectures anymore when he saw him, but Bai Jue still said - don't drive me away, I'm just here to find a fault, just keep talking, I promise I'll be safe until you are buried.

A group of gentlemen from Jixia were almost so angry that the grave was smoking, and finally the trouble went to Mozi.

Mo Di took the initiative to mediate the conflict, of course Bai Jue wanted to give him face.

Then he created a class himself.

At first, no one else came to listen to Bai Jue's course, only Meng Ke and Xun Qing.

But as time went by, he taught a class every day and said something different in each class, gradually attracting many students.

When two weeks passed, every time Bai Jue started a class, the students were already full, and many students even skipped other Mr. Jixia's classes to attend his class.

Some people may think this is not very scientific.

Actually, this is normal for three reasons.

The first reason - Bai Jue looks good.

This has attracted a lot of female students. Every time a class starts, the front row is always full of female students, and this group of female students also attracts many male students. This is an effect of attracting bees and butterflies. More than half of the people are here.

(Bai Jue's appearance is indeed not low, and Bai Hu's descending state is even more handsome, but in terms of appearance under normal circumstances, so far the appearance of everyone in the old Bai family is probably like this: Bai Di > Bai Xuan > Bai Ge > Baijue...infinity>apple)

The second reason - his lectures are very interesting.

This has made many students like his courses. Bai Jue likes to give examples and play tricks. Many popular jokes and words will be woven into articles in his mouth. They are catchy to say, and he knows too many idioms that are not available in this era. , the language is concise, not complicated or awkward, and the students are not forced to recite the article, as long as they remember what was said.

The third reason - his course coverage is very broad.

The courses offered by Bai Jue are very complicated, with a lot of content and many classifications. He himself does not intend to summarize these things into more detailed things, so as not to overly affect history. People point the way.

The content of his lectures is not limited to one or two theories, but to take the essence and discard the dross. He summarizes and accepts a hundred schools of thought, and talks about the evolution and degeneration of ideas in combination with the history of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States.

At the same time, he would occasionally talk about the Mohist Scriptures and the knowledge of astronomy and geography, such as inducing students to think about 'why do apples fall to the ground', 'why does the sun rise in the east', 'what kind of land do we live in', etc. Even if some students asked him if he knew, Bai Jue just said, "I know, but I won't tell you, if you don't accept it, come and hit me, slightly slightly" attitude.

Of course, these contents are not important, at least temporarily.

After two weeks of laying the groundwork for Bai Jue, it was all laying the groundwork for the legalist theory he proposed next.

He didn't intend to wait for Han Feizi to be born. Anyway, the times are already chaotic. It's better to let Xun Qing be the first person of the Legalists. The idea of ​​equal emphasis on etiquette and law that she founded is very similar to the Legalists.

Legalists' theories influenced the two thousand years after the Warring States Period. If there were no Legalists, there would be no Great Qin to rule the world.

Bai Jue has been using the name of 'discussion' to trigger Xun Qing's re-understanding of etiquette and law for two weeks.

It may be that Xun Qing's fate trajectory has changed because of the singularity. She no longer values ​​Confucian benevolence, and her understanding of ritual and music gradually collapsed in the process of fleeing, and she began to enshrine the legal system.

The rule of law is power. If there are laws to follow, the world will not be in endless wars.

So on the second day, after Bai Jue made the opening remarks, he asked Xun Qing to go to the podium and began to talk about the way of the law.

"The law is more obvious than the obvious, but the art is not easy to see."

"Things are in the four directions, but they must be in the center. The sage holds the key, and the four directions follow."

"Things are many but wisdom is few, and the few can't defeat the many. Wisdom is not enough to know all things, so use things to rule things!"

"Human nature is inherently evil, loves leisure and hates work, restrain the people with the law, and punish the people, so that adultery can be prohibited!"

What she said were all the original texts in "Han Feizi", which were the conclusions reached by the two of them after discussion.

Because Bai Jue has never memorized Han Feizi's book, he can only rely on his own understanding to summarize Legalism. With Xun Qing's little helper, he stumbled and completed the basic establishment of Fajie's theory. A prototype.

Standing by the desk, Bai Jue looked at the stunned eyes of the students, and he knew that the effect of this class had been achieved.

After two weeks of laying the groundwork, he gradually instilled various thoughts of a hundred schools of thought into this group of students, and secretly labeled these thoughts as 'unqualified'. All the students must be thinking about how to make use of them. Guoanmin.

Which theory can solve the situation of contention among a hundred schools of thought and end these hundreds of years of disputes.

The result was legalism.

"Using things to rule things... This statement is wonderful, wonderful! It expresses the cage of man's rule! In the world, there are no unchanging people, only unchanging things! Wisdom will eventually be exhausted from generation to generation, and only things can be ruled." Objects can be endlessly alive from generation to generation!"

"The sage insists on the important, and the four directions follow... The power of the country should be controlled by one person, it is extreme! It is extreme! The world is governed. In a word, this statement is the truth."

"Human nature is inherently evil... Human nature is inherently evil! If the king is not greedy, how can there be unjust wars? There are endless wars in the world, precisely because human nature is evil! It should be restrained by criminal law. Only in this way can animal nature be restrained. These words go deep into my heart!"

"The dilemma of a hundred schools of thought can be solved today!"

Some were shocked, some were ashamed.

"I didn't expect Xunqing to have such a great talent... She has such profound insights. I am also a student of Jixia. I feel deeply guilty. This is the way to help the world and the people. Alas, it is ridiculous. I thought it was a waste of time for her not to be a teacher. Nianhua, now it seems ridiculous to me."

"She has an arrogant personality, so she naturally doesn't like common theories. It must be Mr. Bai... who can make her express her views. Maybe it was they who created the legalist theory together."

There were whispers in the entire classroom, most of them were murmurs, and they were also shocked.

After hearing the words of the Legalists, the students were completely convinced. They seemed to have seen the voyagers of the New World. On the road of hard search, they saw a ray of dawn at the end, and their hearts were like the rising sun.

Some students even wanted to learn Legalism from a teacher.

Bai Jue reassured them, saying that the theory of Legalism has not yet been completed, and they will give lectures in Jixia, once a week, and they can come and listen if they want to, and it doesn't matter if they don't want to.

"Mr. Bai's words are serious, and those who know are teachers. We still have too many shortcomings to learn from!"

"If there are the words of the Legalists, the great rule of the world will be just around the corner!"

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