"Junior brother, I'm coming in. I just saw that you were sleepy. Considering that you didn't eat breakfast, you might miss lunch because of your rest. I made some porridge for you. Do you want to drink some while you are resting..."

Meng Ke entered the room with the rice porridge, only then did he notice that there was someone else in the room, a strange old man: "Ah, did I interrupt your conversation? I'm sorry, I'll immediately..."

"No, put the porridge here. I happen to be a little hungry. You don't have to worry about interrupting our conversation. In fact, this is an uninvited guest. I want to drive him away." It's too bad.

It's not that Zhang Yi is not angry, but he just finds it interesting. If he was [-] or [-] years younger, he would definitely not be able to bear to slam the door and leave, but now that he is old and older, naturally it is not because of the offense of these young people.

On the contrary, the more sharp-tongued Bai Jue is, the more he misses himself in the past, and the more pleasing to the eye. It is a pity that he is a disciple of Confucius, otherwise he would have to be admitted to my Zongheng sect even if he was coaxed and deceived.

"Junior brother, don't offend this old man." Meng Ke blamed, and she said, "I'm extremely sorry, my junior brother was rude. I'm her senior sister, and I interrupted your conversation..."

"No, no, but this little guy is enviable. When I was young, I didn't have such a confidante to accompany me. With such a good wife, it's no wonder that you have achieved such achievements when you were young." Zhang Yi stroked his beard and smiled.

Meng Ke's cheeks were slightly red: "You are too famous."

She did not deny the good wife and confidante.

Bai Jue rolled his eyes, and was about to clarify, when he heard Zhang Yi say: "This is the colleague who studied law you mentioned just now, Xun Qing? She is indeed a talented woman. So also..."

Meng Ke's face suddenly changed a few times. She looked at Bai Jue, wondering what kind of topic could talk about Xun Qing, why didn't she?

Bai Jue's expression was innocent, and he thought that Zhang Yi was too capable of causing trouble, and his mistakes were a bit outrageous.

Seeing the change in Meng Ke's expression, Zhang Yi guessed that she had made a mistake, so she hurriedly shut up, trying to correct her.

Then the door was pushed open again.

Xun Qing pushed the door and entered, holding several bamboo tubes in her arms, walked in without knocking on the door.

"I seem to hear someone calling me?"

She tilted her head and looked at the three people in the room.

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Yi said in a hurry: "I just noticed the girl outside the door, and I said this to this girl."

Meng Ke also looked back at Xun Qing, with a little displeasure in his eyes.

"Huh?" Xun Qing tilted her head, she put the bamboo slips on the table, squeezed the bowl of porridge to the corner, and then she asked: "I was going to talk to you about the legalist theory, Make some preparations for the public class in a week, now it seems that it is a bit disturbing to you?"

Xun Qing sat on Bai Jue's left side, leaning closer than Meng Ke, and took out two pears from her bosom: "I see you haven't eaten breakfast, I'm afraid you will be hungry, so use pears as a cushion first." Pad your stomach."

Meng Ke raised her eyebrows, and she said unhappily, "Xun Qing, isn't it rude for you to break into the junior's dormitory like this!"

Xun Qing said lightly, "He doesn't mind."

"Even if you don't mind, you will be unhappy! Junior brother won't say it out loud, but you have to know how to keep a distance! Otherwise, it will cause unnecessary trouble to junior brother." Meng Ke frowned: "Junior brother was preparing for today's class last night. It wasn't until the third watch that I didn't fall asleep, and I didn't have a good rest in the morning, and you still drag him to talk, regardless of whether his body can handle it!"

"I've considered it, so I brought pears here. This kind of fruit is rare in the market, and eating it can cheer you up."

"Fruit can't be eaten, he needs rest, and a normal diet." Meng Ke tried to maintain a calm tone: "Xun Qing, my junior is the most important person to me, and I have lived with him for many years Yes, it was the first time I saw him when he was lost outside. I am his senior sister and his relatives. I have the right and the obligation to take care of his body. mess."

"I heard the Tao in the morning, and I can die in the evening..." Xun Qing snorted: "This sentence is what he said. If he can say this, will he be greedy for rest? The completion of the legalist theory is more important than everything else. Ke, you are indeed taking care of his body, but you don't understand the desire of a scholar for the new legalist way."

Meng Ke and Xun Qing started arguing.

They had quarreled not once or twice. Meng Ke always felt that more than half of her junior brother was taken away by others, and the other party wanted to occupy Bai Jue every moment. Of course, this made her unhappy. Even Bai Jue was cooking. The number of words has obviously decreased too much, she can only be an audience in class, and Xun Qing will interrupt every time she talks to her junior.

And Xun Qing felt that Meng Ke could not help Bai Jue by staying with her. She was deeply influenced by Confucianism and could not accept the strict legalism of the rule of law. It's better to stay away, Legalism has made her see the dawn, of course she can't wait to dedicate herself to it, for this she also needs Bai Jue's help.

The conflict between them has always been difficult to reconcile.

Zhang Yi on the side was completely ignored, but he was inexplicably afraid to make a sound to show his presence.

I always feel that this situation is a bit wrong...

What's wrong?It's not easy to describe, but it's not good anyway... I've lived for so many years, even if I'm sandwiched between the two countries, I don't feel more dizzy than this moment.

He glanced at Bai Jue, isn't this kid nervous at all?Why didn't he respond at all?

Bai Jue glanced back at Zhang Yi with a disdainful expression.

What a fuss.

As a savior, do you think that there are very few Shura fields I have crossed?This kind of situation, even in the coffee shop, I have encountered it several times a day, and I have long been familiar with it.

Just two girls from the Warring States Period just wanted to put pressure on me, it's impossible, it doesn't exist, it's just a fantasy!

"Okay." Bai Jue said: "If you want to quarrel, I still have guests here. You are a Confucian scholar, a Jixia student. How can you make such an argument? I don't want to lose face?" Zhang Yi showed just the right shame: "Sorry for showing you a joke."

Zhang Yi's heart skipped a beat, and she yelled, "Fuck, this kid is using me as a shield."

He opened his mouth, "I don't mind, but it's fun to watch the show." He couldn't say it, so he could only hold back his breath: "No, it's okay, young people, I can understand."

He smiled politely but awkwardly.

"Feel sorry."

"excuse me."

Meng Ke and Xun Qing saluted.

Seeing that they all calmed down, Bai Jue's serious expression eased a little.

"Senior sister, pear is the family of all kinds of fruits. It has the functions of promoting body fluid, nourishing lungs, reducing phlegm, relieving cough, clearing heat, reducing fire, clearing heart, detoxifying sores and alcohol poisoning. Pears can be boiled with rice to make porridge, which can play a role Cough and phlegm effect."

Bai Jue brought Xun Qing's pears, and brought the bowl of porridge to Xun Qing's hand: "Peel and cut the pears into slices, cook them with the porridge, and cook a cup of tea on low heat." It can be out of the pot at a certain time, although this is not a dish, it is also beneficial to the body."

"En." Meng Ke nodded lightly, and then left.

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