But Bai Jue is not in a hurry. Patience is a good virtue. He doesn't believe how long King Qin Zhaoxiang can wait. Sooner or later, he will know that there is no other way to go except to ask himself. It is only a matter of time before he can't afford to wait. That's all.

It was actually quite a comfortable life.

On weekdays, seriously discuss Legalism with Xun Qing (Tiao Liaomei); chat with Meng Ke, eat something, look at the scenery, go out for a walk (Tiao Liaomei); The student shared his philosophy (to flirt with a girl, to flirt with a man), and he lived happily ever after. In the academy, he didn’t have to worry about food and lodging. The academy was responsible for all these expenses. On the contrary, he got used to and even enjoyed such a daily life.

However, the happy time is always short, and accidents and troubles will always meet unexpectedly.

One morning, when Bai Jue was still sleeping, he suddenly felt that the bed was a little bumpy. He frowned slightly, turned over, and then he still felt the bumpy non-stop, and his eyes were still open. He wondered if it was an earthquake up?

After a while, Bai Jue felt that something was wrong even though his eyes were still closed. Why were the earthquakes so frequent? It was shaking non-stop like adding a dozen bouncing bombs, and shaking from side to side. I was experiencing bouncing. bed?

Even so, Bai Jue still wrapped in the quilt without opening his eyes, turned over and continued to sleep.

After a while, the bumps finally disappeared, but he suddenly felt that the bed was lifted up by someone, not only that, but also went up at a slant, feeling like sitting on a human chair up the mountain, wobbly Akira is like taking a boat.

"Emmm...don't worry about it, just keep sleeping."

Bai Jue lay down flat, eyes closed and still ignored.

The wobbly feeling lasted for a while, and finally he and the bed were placed on the flat ground, there was no bumps, no footsteps, only the quiet air and bursts of incense.

And a lot of awkward sightings.

What kind of situation is at this moment needs to be outlined from the perspective of others.

Qin Palace, Baichen early court.

There is a Qin general wearing armor and a civil official's hat on the top. The military general is on the left and the civil official is on the right.

There are nearly a hundred officials in the court hall, and all of them are courtiers of the Qin Kingdom. They all stand on both sides of the main hall. Even the spacious hall is slightly congested. Qin Jun sits on the throne, and the bead curtain hangs down, covering the entire hall. From his face, only the outline of the figure could be seen clearly. He supported the throne with one hand while staring at the scene in the hall through the curtain.

And in the middle of the aisle, there is a bed, and a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy is lying on the bed.

The ministers all stared at the boy on the bed with different expressions, and there was a faint embarrassment in the air.

This scene can be said to be absurd.

Bai Jue fell asleep with his eyes closed, but he didn't care about the embarrassing atmosphere at all. Of course he wasn't stupid, and he didn't know where he was. He continued to pretend to be asleep, but at worst, he would sleep until the sun was shining and the sun was setting. Anyway, he was lying on the bed, and he didn't stand like others.

After about half a cup of tea, someone finally couldn't help but said: "It's the first time I've seen someone sleeping so peacefully in the Qin Palace. Where did this little baby come from? How dare he do this in front of the king?" Sorry."

It was a military commander who spoke, and he reprimanded him as soon as he opened his mouth, full of gunpowder.

"It's unbearable, whose dog barks again?"

Bai Jue muttered in a voice that everyone could hear.

"You, how dare you insult me!" the general said angrily.

"I can't help insulting you, I still want to scold you." Bai Jue sat up slowly, he yawned, and opened his eyes: "You guys moved me to the hall with my bed and me, and you said I didn't Knowing the etiquette, I would like to ask, is this the etiquette of you Qin people? No posting, no lobbyists, and a porter is sent to carry people over as soon as an order is given. Dare I ask if I am a courier?"

"Hurry up, express delivery?" The general was stunned for a second, then shook his head and said: "Nonsense, it is your honor to invite you to the Qin Palace to meet the king, but you have repeatedly missed appointments, you can read a copy of the invitation card!"

"Didn't look, I threw it in the trash can." Bai Jue squinted: "I said, I want to see me, come to Jixia by myself, I won't run away, and you carried me to the hall like this, is this revenge? "

"Hmph, you've been rude before, and we don't have to worry about the face of any scholar, don't say we insult the gentleman." A civil official said indifferently: "At this time, it has nothing to do with the king, it is all our proposals, and we must give it without being rude." Some lessons for the arrogant yellow-mouthed children."

Bai Jue said disapprovingly: "Oh, then you are so awesome, you are so sad, did your mother know?"

"Ah?" The civil servant looked confused: "What nonsense is this yellow-mouthed kid talking about? What does he mean? What does my old mother have to do with the present?"

"Then let me tell you something you can understand." Bai Jue squinted and said, "Your Excellency, why don't you ride the wind and soar up to [-] miles. You are so powerful, why don't you go to the sky?"

The civil servant blushed immediately, and he said angrily, "Insult to Sven! Insult to Sven!"

"You've already called me a yellow-mouthed child, how can I save face for you, handsome man, dressed like a beast."

"Foul language, shut up!!!"

"Okay, then I won't talk about it." Bai Jue lay down on the bed and pulled up the quilt: "Then you continue to talk about yours, I will sleep with mine, don't disturb my rest...you can continue to insult me, it is best to use What an expensive jade to insult me, remember to find someone to carry me back to bed after the insult is enough, otherwise I will sleep here tonight."

The civil servant's face turned blue.

Why is this person so brazen, he doesn't take it seriously when he gets under the covers?

This is simply not the temper that a fifteen-year-old boy should have. Shouldn't he just jump up and be speechless by himself?Why didn't such a script develop normally, and why did he speak so sharply, scolding people one after another.

The general on the side raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "Qin Jun, if you are so rude, I will make you have no bed to sleep in!"

"You can try it." Bai Jue said lightly, "If you can lift my quilt, you win."

"You asked for it!"

The general stepped forward.

He is a military commander, he goes to battle to kill the enemy with a strong murderous aura, and he is also a martial arts master. Although he does not have the style of a master, nor does he know how to cultivate qi, but he has a solid foundation in fighting on the battlefield.

He raised his hand and slashed, and his condensed strength turned into a crescent blade, as if intending to split the entire bed in two.

This air blade cannot be defended even by heavy armor, let alone a thin layer of silk.

Everyone was waiting to see that the bed was torn apart, and the arrogant boy threw all kinds of meat and vegetables, but at the same time as the air blade slashed down, a force suddenly rebounded, and the general who made the move was forced back four or five meters away. Hit several figures behind.

His right hand was trembling unceasingly, dripping with blood, the palm was covered with hideous wounds, the energy from the explosion hurt his own lungs, and he couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood from spurting out.

"Cough cough..."

The military commander's expression was horrified, and he couldn't believe it himself. He felt as if his palm had slashed on the oncoming waves. When all the strength was instantly disintegrated, the opponent injured him with several times the strength.

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