That is Jian Guang.

A full house of flowers drunk three thousand guests, a sword of frost and cold fourteen states.

This poem is realistic!

The moment the sword light rises and falls, the vision of all those watching the battle is filled with the terrifying sword light, followed by an indescribable trembling, fear and shock.

Not only the Jixia Academy, but half of the capital of the Qin Kingdom can also be seen, and it is even more clear at a glance in the Qin Palace.

The sword aura that spans thousands of miles is naturally an exaggeration. Even though Bai Jue has nearly a thousand years of sword aura in his body, he can only wield a sword aura that is as long as one or two kilometers at most, and there is no practical significance in increasing the length. It's not a god-killing gun that blooms freely.

Tens of thousands of miles across, refers to the distance it flies out. The nearly kilometer-long sword energy pierces the sky like a white line, roaring and panicking in the clouds, skimming the land of Qin State, speeding across mountains, rivers, rivers, The land and the canyon are like a dragon soaring in the sky. Once it goes there, it will be invincible. Wherever it passes along the way, countless people can hear the roaring thunder and look up.

People in the prairie dare not graze horses, soldiers can't hold weapons, businessmen cover their ears one after another, and countless people lament their insignificance... They are more inclined to see dragons.

That sword went east, cutting all the sky, and the purple energy came east, like a white rainbow piercing the sky, as if it wanted to cut the sun and the moon.

The so-called white rainbow runs through the sun, but that's all.

In the end, the sword may have landed on the coast of the East China Sea, or it may have landed on some mountain or in that capital city halfway.

After all, Bai Jue is not Sun Lang. The intercontinental missile sword qi he used is not purely pure, and lacks accurate positioning. Naturally, he cannot carry out an accurate dimensionality reduction strike, but Bai Jue is not good at the point of this sword. He was very concerned about where it landed, as long as it didn't fall within the territory of Qin State, it would be fine. He was afraid that the sword would fly to the palace of Zhao State and directly kill Duke Ling Wu of Zhao.

The sword energy is gone forever, but the person wielding the sword is still there.

Bai Jue stood with his sword in his hand, looking at Lu Buwei who was ten steps away.

His hair crown had been chopped off by the sword energy, but only a few hairs were missing from his whole body.

This scene is like the scene of Kurosaki Ichigo beheading Beng Yulanran, one is calm and calm, and the other is tearing his eyes.

It is true that the ultimate battle between Kurosaki Ichigo and Aizen has the meaning of bluffing people with fashion value, relying on the high-value Wu Yue to beat the low-value Beng Lan, but as the saying goes, appearance is justice, Bai Jue His appearance is naturally higher than that of Lu Buwei.

This invisibly formed a double sling.

"Admit defeat?"

Bai Jue raised Feixue sword and asked.

"Admit...Admit defeat."

Lu Buwei was almost scared out of his wits, and he finished speaking tremblingly.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was no water in his bladder, he might have been so frightened that moving liquid would flow out.

The demeanor of the refined gentleman was completely lost just now, and the high-spirited scholar was beaten into a turtle bastard, but Lu Buwei was just glad that he was still alive, and had no time to care about the sight of others.

No one understands the horror of that sword better than him. It's like being wiped by the scythe of the god of death. Even after the rest of his life, he still feels that his name has been written in the book of life and death, and a red mark will be drawn at any time. The fork... Presumably this sword will become a psychological shadow for his life.

His dignity was lost, and most of his literary name was ruined.

Lu Buwei wanted to get up and step down, but his feet were so weak that he couldn't move, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up and pretend.

Fear cannot force his potential, he can only tremble.

When Bai Jue heard that he had conceded, he put away the trembling Feixue long sword.

He knelt down and said to Lu Buwei, "Let me tell you a story."

"So, story?" Lu Buwei's gums were trembling.

"Yes, don't worry, this is a very healing little story." Bai Jue said with a smile, "It's just shrimp and pig's heart."

"Boss, boss, you, you said..."

"Once upon a time, there was a girl who was alone, alone, with no friends or relatives. She could only stay in school alone. She was very lonely and pitiful. Later, in order to relieve her loneliness, she came to an abandoned parallel bars."

"Parallel bars?" Lu Buwei didn't understand.

"It's okay if you don't understand, just pretend to understand." Bai Jue said, "Do you understand?"

"Understood, understood..."

"Then I will continue... This girl regards the parallel bars as a good friend. She feels that the parallel bars are lonely just like her. Next to it, he said to himself, and later, due to various reasons that he was too lazy to make up, the school removed the pair of parallel bars, and now the girl’s last friend is gone, and she is very sad and pitiful.”

"At this time, another boy suddenly appeared beside her. He was very kind to her and knew everything. The two seemed to be a match made in heaven. They met each other and hated each other. They soon became best friends... One day, the girl realized what she wanted, and she said to the boy that she hoped that the two of them would last forever, but the boy refused, and the girl was very sad and asked the reason."

"The boy had no choice but to tell the truth. He was made by those parallel bars. He rejected the girl because he didn't want to hurt her."

"But the girl was reluctant, took the boy's hand and said - don't go, please, stay with me, take me to your mother, let's be together."

"The boy refused, and it was sad, but he refused."

Bai Jue patted Lu Buwei on the shoulder and said, "Do you know why?"

Lu Buwei shook his head, he was so scared that he had no time to think.

"Because, a gangster is not worthy of having a mother." Bai Jue patted Lu Buwei on the shoulder: "Student Lu, I hope you don't become a gangster, otherwise I will have to fulfill this promise, or you will lose you." Mother, or there is no such thing as you."

"No! No! I will never become a barbarian!"

Although Lu Buwei didn't know what a barbarian was, he didn't have the guts to refuse at all, and he almost cried in fright.

"Very good, I believe you."

Bai Jue patted Lu Buwei on the shoulder: "Then, I will take good care of you. I hope you can reform yourself and start a new life. This is an opportunity given to you by the party and the people. I hope you don't miss it. You must seize this opportunity. This is the greatest kindness the world can bestow on you.”

"Yes, yes, I will definitely reform..." Lu Buwei's heart was already full of tears and on the verge of collapse. I don't understand what you are saying, can you let me go quickly?

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