"Don't go!" Meng Ke grabbed the corner of his clothes: "Don't go, I haven't promised to let go yet!"

"...you will have to let go sooner or later, you won't be able to hold onto it forever." Bai Jue said.

"Then I want to hold on to it for the rest of my life! One day, ten days, one month, one year, ten years, one hundred years, I won't let go!" She shouted stubbornly, crying, not strong at all,

"Even if you hang on to it for the rest of your life, it's useless." Bai Jue said, "It's meaningless. After all, there will be no destiny in this life."

"Then next life! Next life!"

"...Okay." Bai Jue turned around, and he said, "If you still remember that I can still find me in the next life, you are still a senior sister, and I am also your junior brother. I will not reject you because of fate."

Although he said so, he didn't hold out much hope in his heart.

Bai Jue never knew that Meng Sheng was one of the Three Sages of Jixia, and he didn't think that future generations would see Meng Ke again.

He talked about the next life only out of a kind of comfort, just like Liang Shanbo Zhu Yingtai's psychological comfort after his death... No matter what the ending is, this life will not be consummated.

"next life……"

Meng Ke pursed her lips, her pale expression recovered slightly, and her dull pupils became more focused, but she didn't know that after death, there might not be a next life, and there were no heroic spirits before BC, and there was no theory of reincarnation , how did she know, how did she know that there was a possibility of meeting again after two thousand years, maybe... this was also a miracle brought about by her persistence.

It's just that no matter what, the current Meng Ke doesn't know, so she can only comfort herself like this.

Bai Jue sent Meng Ke back to the dormitory, and his mood was quite complicated.

He had never been overwhelmed by these things before. It may be because the thinking of modern people is not too extreme, not as good as in the Warring States Period. Meng Ke thought she was only Bai Jue, and Xun Qing was also angry because of Lu Buwei's insult to Bai. Angrily launching a literary fight, it is precisely because they have too little, so they cherish the hard-won precious wealth they have, so they tend to go to extremes.

The second reason is that Bai Jue has never been too urgent before, even if his power is sealed, it is only temporary, but now, he is more like a mortal, an ordinary scholar, so his weaknesses are more obvious. The oppressive atmosphere of the Warring States Period also affected him.

Closed the door.

Bai Jue walked in the empty corridor, humming a song softly.

——Just because the blood soaked inscribed the sorrow, exhausted his life to smash the killing to pieces.

——I don’t know whether we will still remember who I am when we meet each other in the next life...

The sad song "Ruo Dang Afterlife", when sung, actually makes people sigh appropriately.

In the quiet late-night corridor, Bai Jue walked through the corner full of thoughts, and when he looked up, he couldn't help but stare blankly at the door of his dormitory.

Xun Qing sat on the railing of the cloister, leaning against the load-bearing pillars and fell asleep.

She works, maintaining a delicate balance.

His breathing was light, and his sleeping face was different from his usual desolation, a little subtly cute.

This silly girl must be waiting for Bai Jue to come back, she didn't know where to find him, so she could only stay at the door, and fell asleep because she was too tired.

A wave of waves has risen again.

Bai Jue looked at Xun Qing who was asleep, and he couldn't help feeling worried... What should I do?


Click a song to wake her up?

Bai Jue felt good about himself, he had sung most of the night's songs, and it would be good to sing another song, just to dilute his gloomy mood and expression.

So, what is good to sing?

He thought about it and quickly came to a conclusion.

Taking a deep breath, he moved his qi to his dantian, stepped back to the corner, and sang an angry song.

"A new storm has emerged!"

"How can you stand still!"


ps1: I always feel that there is a problem with the emotional change in this chapter, and there is a lack of description, but... I am too lazy to modify it, because I am too tired, and it is almost six o'clock when I finish writing... I encountered something last night, it is really messed up My scalp was numb, and I didn't write the savior until [-]:[-].


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Bai Jue sang the reappearance of the storm, and Xun Qing was also awakened by the singing.

She wiped her hazy sleeping face, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Bai Jue turning the corner of the corridor, and she hurriedly tidied up her appearance.

"good evening."

"Well, okay, why are you here, are you waiting for me? Is there any legalist theory you want to ask? But it's so late, it's better for everyone to go back to their rooms and rest. You see lonely men and widows together in the middle of the night It is inevitable that others will gossip, even if you don’t gossip, it will still have some impact on your reputation, and naturally it will also have a bad influence on me. Besides, learning is such a thing that you can’t be in a hurry. This thing is accumulated over time. Frozen three feet is not a day's cold, this kind of truth must be understood, what I told Lu Buwei is naturally a lie, don't believe it, hahahahahaha."

Bai Jue talked non-stop, blah blah and blah blah, and didn't give Xun Qing a chance to speak.

He also quietly touched the door of the room, then pushed open the door, walked in by himself, and said with a smile on his face.

Before Xun Qing could answer, he suddenly stopped talking.

"Good night, sleep."

Bai Jue planned to go back to the room with the thought of slipping away.


There was only a clang, and a sword was nailed to the door frame.

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