It said: "In the void, there is nothing but coldness and darkness. How can this world be sweet? It is vast and fresh, and the rhythm of organic life makes us unbearable... You also have a strong spiritual will, I can Feel, and your body and your will are combined with each other to have a body, and we exist in the form of spirit consciousness in the void, without a body at all... That's why we want to need what we don't have."

"What are those sacrificial rituals?"

"It is a bridge of communication. From the concept of this world, it is a kind of transaction. After we learn and evolve, and understand the rules of this world, each void family is creating its own body... Only when you lose your body can you fully adapt to the rules of this world, and you can completely break away from the cold void world and breathe this land." Yearning and enjoyment came from its spiritual power wavelength.

"Even you are no exception." Bai Jue said abruptly.

"That's, that's..." It made a weird sound.

"You are not humble at all, and you don't say anything nice."

"The Void Family pays attention to fairness. If we promise, we will not go back on it. This is the most basic integrity of the transaction. It is also because of integrity that they can continuously obtain sacrifices and shape their bodies."

"After you have a body, you will come to this world." Bai Jue asked: "Do you want to be the rulers of this world? Will you destroy human beings?"

"The Void Familiars are creatures that conform to their instincts. If they obtain a body, then the first step will be achieved, and the next step is to devour the world... This is also a fair deal between the snake and our Void Familiars. Sent here, we obtain the physical body, don't assimilate this place into a part of the void, and it will provide us with the next destination..."

It has just delivered this piece of information.

Bai Jue raised his eyes, and the boundless sword energy split the sea of ​​clouds.

"Don't, don't do it!!! I'm telling the truth, all the truth!" The other party yelled in pain to avoid it.

"Yeah, what you're telling is the truth. You're an honest person. If you don't hit me, who will you hit?" Bai Jue casually cut it into one-sixth, and then said indifferently: "I want to assimilate this world into a part of the void." , without substance, without concept, that is an act of destroying the world itself, it seems that you were really sent here to die deliberately by someone."

Void Familia has no concept of political power, culture, country, nation, etc. It is like a greedy locust that will eat all the food and grass that can be devoured. If the world is a sweet fruit, then they will eat the world until only the fruit is left. nuclear.

This is already a war with you without me, and with me without you. There is no possibility of mutual domination or compromise.

"Half less again! Don't do anything, if you cut me again, I will..."


"If you dare to chop, I will dare to die for you!"

"This threat is okay." Bai Jue no longer regards the other party as an intelligent life, but treats this group of Void Familia as uneducated beasts. Even if they can talk, don't try to think that they can understand their own thinking mode , that is absolutely impossible.

He asked again: "How many worlds have you invaded?"

"This is the first one." It said: "Otherwise we would have had a body long ago, and we wouldn't need to go through such complicated rituals in this material world."

"How many spirit creatures like you are there in the void?" Bai Jue asked.

"... can't be counted, but maybe... tens of thousands, hundreds of millions." It explained intermittently: "...the Void Familia originally had a will to connect with each other, but after coming to the material world, this link is Cut off by the physical body, now that I am out of the void, I can't feel the past of the void... I can't go back, and I can't leave."

"So, are there only six and one-sixth of your Void Families in this world?" Bai Jue pondered for a while and asked, "The one called the Snake...will bring another group of Familiars to this world?"

"Probably not, if the Void Familiars cannot destroy the world, the deal with him cannot be concluded the first time, and there may not be a second time... Its arrival is very sudden, the Void does not have the passage of time, and we do not know what it is How long will it take to come and go." The family said: "But at least there will be no second time in a short period of time, and it took a lot of strength to send us here."

"short time?"

"I said it casually, don't take it seriously."

Bai Jue was silent for a while, and silently raised his sword.

"Don't, don't, don't!" The family screamed, "Forgive me, I've said everything, you still have to do it!"

"Twenty-five boys didn't end well, don't you know?" Bai Jue said coldly, "You are a Void Familiars? You are so resolutely imitative, you can even tell such witty words, I'm afraid you are not a fake Void family."

"I... I'm bored. I've had nothing to do for so many years. I've been floating here for more than a hundred years. I finally managed to accumulate a little strength to confuse Qin Jun, but you caught me... What can I do? I also Very hopeless."

"Oh? Then do you have a little understanding of human culture?" Bai Jue suddenly felt that he could talk about it: "If you have this idea, I can spare your life."

The Void Familia expressed disgusted mental power fluctuations: "I can, but I'm not interested in it. If I have a chance, I will definitely destroy the world. With this hobby, I can't help but slip."

Bai Jue was silent for a while, his eyelids twitched, and he raised his sword silently: "You are a werewolf, so honest in front of me, I will cut you up as turtle jelly, do you want to be carved into a T-shaped shape or a silky shape?" ?”

After going back and forth, the other party didn't struggle anymore, probably realized that begging for mercy was useless, and didn't even transmit the wavelength of mental power, just froze there, like a salted fish lying down to die, if it had hands, it would probably give it to itself Sprinkle a layer of salt evenly.

Bai Jue suddenly laughed angrily, and put down the sword he raised.

"Are you looking for your own death?"

The other party didn't move for a moment: "If you want to kill or kill, it's up to you, don't play with me anymore."

"Why don't you beg for mercy?" Bai Jue asked tentatively.

"No need, anyway, begging for mercy, you still have to cut me into dicks."

"You're struggling a bit, so I don't feel a sense of accomplishment?"

It paused for a while, and asked hopefully: "...I'm struggling to beg for mercy, will you let me go?"

"It doesn't exist. You begged for mercy, but I became more excited. Maybe I went crazy." Bai Jue smiled kindly.

There was a burst of mental power fluctuations from the void family.


"Kids, don't swear." Bai Jue raised his eyebrows: "Forget it, delaying for a while will inevitably cause side effects, so I'll send you on your way."

"Don't, boss, I don't want to die!"

Cowardly, this Void Familia is so tall, but it turned out to be from his heart.

Thinking about it, the Void Families exist in the void, and the soul and will last forever. When they come to the material world, they are naturally stronger than weak humans. The physical body and the strong spiritual power can be squandered wantonly, and the terrifying strength beyond the heroic spirit can be obtained in an instant.

The Void Familia was born with a huge advantage. It finally escaped from the Void and came to the material plane. It is naturally not worth dying like this.

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