"Su Qin has already lobbied the Three Kingdoms, Mr. Mengchang, could it be that he cannot be trusted?" Su Qin, who was wearing a mask, said lightly.

"Absolutely not, it's just curiosity." Lord Mengchang said neither humble nor overbearing: "If Mr. Su doesn't want to say it, I won't force it. It's just that the matter of Xiangwang is really dangerous, and I'm afraid it's hard to agree, including the position of Xiangguo promised to Mr. Su ..."

"Then your country will lose the opportunity to expand the soil and strengthen the country." Su Qin said lightly: "If you don't believe it, then I will resign."

"Wait a minute, Mr. Su!" Qi Guojun rubbed his hands: "Tian Wen didn't intend to press the question, but I just wanted to ask clearly. Please rest assured that the position of a mere prime minister is worth nothing because of his great talent? Anyway, it has been vacant for decades. It doesn’t matter if you let your husband master the Prime Minister of our country, but I want to know what Qin Guo wants to do..."

Su Qin paused for a while, and then said: "The name is King Xiang, but it is actually an assassination."

Tian Wen frowned and said, "Assassin King?"

"Nowadays, the kings of the five kingdoms in the world are all in their prime of life. If the king dies in a foreign country, there will inevitably be a struggle for succession among the countries, and the only Chu country that does not need to participate in the prime minister will definitely not sit still and will attack wildly. At that time , the stable situation that has been maintained for a hundred years will be broken... Qin Guo firmly guards the Hangu Pass and waits for the six countries to fight with each other. It's not really a big deal, but... it works."

"It is indeed possible." Tian Wen said: "But, the kings of the five countries all have gods to favor them, and each has a life-protecting card... How can ordinary people be assassinated?"

"Naturally, they are not ordinary people." Su Qin said: "Now the state of Qin sits in the Jixia Academy, and scholars from all over the world gather in Jixia. .”

"The number one swordsman in the world..." Qi Guojun swallowed a mouthful of foam.

"I have indeed heard that scholars seldom move around among the nations these days, but even so, I have also heard merchants mention that there is a swordsman who has a sword that spans thousands of miles and goes straight to bullfighting... not only swordsmanship He is unique in the world, and his theory of governing the country is comprehensive, and he is a rare talent in the world."

Meng Changjun said in a deep voice: "I have always believed that Qin has the Jixia Academy, which is full of talents from all over the world, but the six countries do not know how to recruit talents, the scholar-bureaucrat class is corrupt, and countless people in official positions are vegetarians. Qin has already had an absolute advantage. If it weren't for the gods Favor, Ruoqin already has the spirit to annex the world..."

"Tian Wen, be careful with your words." Qi Guojun scolded: "The gods protect my Qi country, but you can't let your nonsense talk, so as not to hate the gods."

"I was rude." Meng Changjun frowned, obviously still worried.

"I made Mr. Su laugh, just now Mr. Su mentioned the number one swordsman in the world..."

"It's true, it's not empty words. I once saw with my own eyes the terrifying scene of his sword qi flying across thousands of miles and falling on the coast of the East China Sea." Su Qin looked at the blue sky and said, "If he has the heart, he can kill him with a single sword from Jixia." To King Qi's Palace."

"Then my head will not be guaranteed!" Qi Guojun was shocked.

"Don't be afraid, even if the sword is flying fast, it may not be able to kill the Chinese monarch." Su Qin shook his head, but his words were full of deep fear: "But if he is within a thousand steps, if he draws his sword, thousands of troops and horses in the world will be defeated." Nothing can stop him from taking the head of the monarch."

"You asked me to agree to Xiang Wang's policy, so you asked me to die?" Qi Guojun said angrily.

"Does the monarch think that Su Qin is that kind of person without schemes? If the monarch is dead, I, Su Qin, will also be hunted down as a traitor of the Five Kingdoms. What good does this do for me? Not only can I not let Su Qin's name last forever, but I will be infamous forever. "Su Qin was neither humble nor arrogant, neither angry nor afraid: "Since I know the number one swordsman in the world, I naturally have a way to deal with him."

"Oh? What way?" Qi Guojun asked carefully.

"He works for the king of Qin, and if Qin doesn't let him enter Hangu Pass, he will naturally have nothing to do." Su Qin said forcefully: "If Qin expelled him from the country, he will definitely be regarded as Shame, I will never enter Qin again."

The pupils of Meng Changjun's eyes constricted, which was a terrible trick.

It is to make the other party's monarch and ministers renounced, and it is an eternal enmity.

He couldn't help asking: "Mr. Su, how do you plan to get Qin to expel this person? The number one swordsman in the world, and even the number one capable man in the world...Even if Jun Qin is blind, he will never let him go." leave."

"Yes, yes." Qi Guojun followed up and said: "If I were Qin Guojun, I would never drive him away."

Su Qin sneered, and he asked in a very ironic tone: "What if he...killed Zhang Yi?"

"This..." Meng Changjun shouted in astonishment: "No, Zhang Yi can't die!"

"That's right, if Zhang Yi dies, wouldn't King Xiang become a promise that cannot be fulfilled?" Qi Guojun also shook his head and said: "He can't die yet, and Zhao Guo hasn't run away!"

"Of course not to die now." Su Qin glanced at Tian Wen, he said: "After he goes to Zhao State and persuades Zhao Yong, he can die."

Tian Wen's eyes were full of thoughts, he suddenly understood, and slapped his thigh: "Sir, are you planning to succeed Zhang Yi as an envoy to Qin?"

"Naturally, when I return from Zhao State, I will go to Qin State with the Prime Minister of the Five Kingdoms in my hand. Even if Zhang Yi is dead, Qin Jun will definitely not refuse the prime minister. Everything can be witnessed by Zhang Yi's own document. .” Su Qin said.

"But, how does Mr. Su plan to kill Zhang Yi?" Tian Wen asked, "Do you have a method? Could it be that you plan to use divine power?"

"Of course not. Although the blessing of the gods is good, it is easy to be noticed and mistakes are made. The gods are too obvious... If you want to kill Zhang Yi, you must borrow a knife to kill." Su Qin sneered: "Borrowing a knife to kill, planting blame... Waiting for the number one in the world... It was too late for the swordsman to realize that he would not be able to get rid of the crime of killing Zhang Yi in his life. If he spread the news to all the countries, he would have no face to return to Qin and Jixia. Even if he did, he would definitely be feared by Qin Jun .”

Meng Changjun asked: "Afraid?"

"Naturally, people will be jealous. They will be jealous of people who are more talented than themselves, even if they are brothers. Even if the king of Qin knows that he did not kill Zhang Yi, he still can't help but wonder if it was him. I will kill myself... because this sword is too sharp and too terrifying, it will be fine if I don’t drink blood, but if I drink blood the first time I get out of the scabbard, and even drink the blood of my colleagues, the king definitely dare not let it go.”

When Su Qin was talking, he also glanced at Meng Changjun Tian Wen meaningfully. In history, Tian Wen was because King Qi Min suspected Tian Wen, which led Tian Wen to destroy Qi State himself.

When Meng Changjun heard this sentence, he subconsciously looked away.

Su Qin didn't say much anymore, and the expression on the mask remained unchanged.

Qi Guojun Tian Di then asked: "How do you plan to kill Zhang Yi and blame that person? He is far away in Jixia...and if Zhang Yi wants to go to Zhao Guo, Zhang Yi died in a foreign country, and he can't kill someone with a flying sword, right?" , for no reason."

"Naturally, so he will definitely leave Jixia." Su Qin said lightly: "In a few months, it will be Confucius' birthday."

"Birthday... Will he go to the State of Lu to celebrate his birthday?" Tian Wen asked.

"He is a disciple of Kong Zhongni and a member of Confucianism. Although his style is not like a sour Confucian who only talks but doesn't do anything, he naturally respects Kong Zhongni as a teacher, and his birthday will definitely come from Jixia." Su Qin said clearly: "At that time, Zhang Yi may also visit the world-famous Confucius...he who created the way of enlightenment is a saint worthy of respect in the eyes of any scholar, so it is not surprising to visit him."

"Hiss, this scheme is really ruthless." Meng Changjun was silent.

"But I like it." Qi Guojun laughed and said: "Mr. is worthy of being a strategist. He can not only see through the pattern of other countries, but also see through Qin's wolf ambitions. Even this kind of conspiracy and tricks can be done easily. You are Xiangguo, but you can't justify it."

Su Qin cupped his hands and said: "If the king of Qi cannot trust Su Qin, it won't be too late to seal him after Su Qin returns from his envoy to Zhao, kills Zhang Yi, and succeeds in framing him."

"Well, I really believe in Mr. Su. To take a step back, this Prime Minister's seal has been idle for decades. If you like it, you can take it away." The prime minister who had already prepared was handed over to Su Qin, and he grabbed the other party's wrist and entrusted him: "Tomorrow the hall will summon Zhang Yi again, and this time I will naturally agree to his request for prime minister. If you can destroy Qin and become king this time, you will He is a great hero of our country of Qi!"

"Then it's better to be respectful than obey your orders." Su Qin cupped his hands again: "Su Qin accepts this Xiangguoxiangyin."

He tied up the seals and hung them on his belt, that is, four seals for one person.

Looking at it, Meng Changjun was also sincerely envious and said with emotion: "One person is the prime minister of the four kingdoms, and he is the first person in the ages... The five kingdoms use Su and Qin to know the rise and fall of the world, and Mr. is the world's number one wise strategist."

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