Of course, this group of proud monarchs who have just become kings are unwilling to admit it. From the beginning, they have fallen into Bai Jue's scheme. From the beginning, they have stepped into this trap step by step. From the beginning, they all thought that they Is the final winner... Unfortunately, this is just a scam, just a trick.

This is a plot that lasted for three years. It started when Bai Jue left the Qin Palace and Zhang Yi stepped out of the Qin Kingdom.

"There has never been Su Qin in the world." Bai Jue said lightly: "Only me."

"No, it's impossible!" King Qi trembled, "When Su Qin was here, you were clearly still in Jixia!"

"It's not me...it's by your side."

Bai Jue let go of the hilt, and Feixue sword was spinning in the air. It drew a circle mischievously, and then landed on the ground. In an instant, it transformed into a person exactly like Bai Jue, with the same dress, the same clothes, and even the breath. Exactly the same.

Feixue gave birth to spiritual wisdom, and received Bai Jue's spiritual power. It can transform into a sword spirit clone, but because it is a newborn sword spirit, it is impossible to hide it, so it needs Bai Jue's own spiritual power to remotely control it. It is a two-wire operation.

Because of this, Bai Jue became more and more lethargic, not because he realized the Tao in his dream, but because the burden of controlling two bodies at the same time was too severe, so he could only let the main body fall asleep, and let the sword spirit avatar act as Su Qin.

With this hand, he deceived the kings of the five countries.

I thought that would be enough.

However... Zhang Yi is still dead.

Why did you die?

Sacrifice yourself.


That day, in the kitchen of Lu Guo Academy.

"If the assassins come to assassinate me tonight, don't save me. It's better to let them go back with my head, so that Su Qin can take over all my preparations." Zhang Yi said: "On the surface, I came back here to survive. But it's also to tell you... don't let the plan be revealed."

"...I don't agree." Bai Jue said flatly, stirring the iron pan.

"If you don't agree, you have to agree. You are the biggest mistake in the plan. If you don't leave Qin, the kings of the five countries will not have the courage to go to Qin, because it will be death for them! You must leave Qin, and you also need a A reasonable reason, at least a reason for everyone in the world to believe!" Zhang Yi said in a deep voice, "Only after I die, they will believe that you have betrayed Qin Jun! If I don't die, how are you going to deceive the people in the world?"

"There are plenty of methods. At worst, let Su Qin fight with me, and I pretend to be inferior..."

"Not enough time." Zhang Yi smiled wryly, "Whether it's your time or mine..."

"Enough time."

"It's not enough, I'm old, boy Bai..." Zhang Yi sat down slowly, leaning against the wall: "I'm old, I can't live for a few years, so I can't walk anymore... Over the past two years , I have traveled all over the world, and I have fulfilled the reputation of the Strategist and my own wish, and proved that Zhang Yi is not an incompetent person! If this life can be exchanged for the funeral of the gods of the five countries, wouldn't it be worth it?"

"It's not worth it." Bai Jue looked at him like this: "The life of a god is not worth your life... Don't you want to see for yourself the day when the vertical and horizontal technique works? Don't want to see the half a million troops in front of Hangu Pass The day when the ashes are wiped out and the nations are united?"

"Think about it." Zhang Yichang said with a smile, "So... you can watch it for me!"


"If I leave, your future will not be easy, and no one can help you, you can only rely on yourself...Bai boy, you are talented, I believe you can do it, the old man put all the things you have learned in your life I have taught you all the knowledge... Although it is not such a precious knowledge to you, it has fulfilled one of my wishes, at least there are still descendants of my strategist family, at least I can meet the master under Jiuquan."

"At least, I, Zhang Yi, can add a pen and ink to the disputes among the nations, so that..."

"Even if you die, you will have no regrets!"

Zhang Yi supported her old body and got up and cupped her hands.

Bowed ninety degrees and saluted, not giving Bai Jue the slightest chance to refuse.

When he raised his head, he was full of vigor, just like the unrestrained young man in the Qin King's Palace back then, who was unparalleled in the world.

"Next to Zhang Yi."

"Death to live."

"May Lord Bai be fulfilled!"

Bai Jue's hands trembled.

He gritted his teeth and couldn't answer until the end.

When he saw Zhang Yi's body, his heart was actually very peaceful. He walked very peacefully, didn't make a sound, and didn't suffer too much pain.

Bai Jue whispered something no one heard.

"from now on……"

"Your name will be passed down through the ages..."

"This glass of wine, see you in the next life, I will respect you again."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Offended, the five kings..." Bai Jue raised his sword: "Your lives, stay here."

"Su Qin, how dare you!" King Wei said angrily, "I am King Wei, how dare you kill me!"

"Of course I dare." Bai Jue said lightly, "Why don't I call it a machine tyrant?"

"Mr. Bai, I respect you as a great talent. If you are used by my country of Yan, I will give you anything you want except for the position of king!" King Yan pretended to be calm.

"I want your head." Bai Jue went one step further.

"If you kill us, do you know the consequences? If the kings of the five kingdoms die at Hangu Pass, endless revenge will be brought upon them, and the entire kingdom will be washed with blood!" King Zhao said coldly, "The gods will be angry!"

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