Bai Jue gritted his teeth. He was not confused, but felt that this was not like himself. Such an obvious mistake should have been noticed long ago, but he didn't feel panic until it happened in front of his eyes...

Ask yourself why hundreds of times, but you can't get an answer in the end.

In the end, even the pain in his heart dissipated slowly, only turning into a sigh of distress and... cold numbness.

"They are here." The mental power fluctuations of one-sixth of the Void Familia came from the soul spar.

"I saw."

Bai Jue calmed down and blocked all sighs and numbness.

He raised his eyes, and saw the figures of the Void Familia who were tens of meters high. They were descending into reality, but instead of turning into a beam of light, they tore apart the surface of the space and squeezed out from the broken gap. .

Then came the stalwart giants. For spirit bodies, appearance is not important. What they need is a body capable of bearing strength, so they created a flesh body with a human body. This seems to be a human being, but it is far away. Far more optimized than humans.

This summoning ceremony is like calling to an ancient god.

The deep and dark atmosphere is far from the scene full of gods and Buddhas.

The moment they descended, the [-] people on the entire battlefield turned into grains of sand, as if Thanos snapped his fingers lightly, and the [-] troops who were fighting were wiped out in an instant.

Everyone felt the fear of suffocation spreading.

What Bai Jue felt was five heavy mountain-like mental powers, each of which was slightly weaker than himself, but the sum of the five had far surpassed Bai Jue, and the overflowing spiritual power was enough to control it out of thin air The forces of nature even created the legions under his command out of thin air.

Faced with a challenge, there is no chance of winning.

Fortunately, you don't need to challenge yourself head-on either.

The fight between the five family members began the moment their feet landed on the ground.

Just swinging his fist, a huge storm was rolled up. The strong wind flattened the mountain, and the heavy force was enough to smash the tsunami with a height of [-] meters head-on. Its mandible was broken, and this heavy injury was repaired in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, the counterattack and melee began.

"It's stronger than I imagined, but..." Bai Jue retreated a little: "They are not proficient in grasping power, they are just swaying their strength indiscriminately."

"They will all evolve." The Void Familia said cautiously: "The more you kill, the more you evolve."

"But their power is limited." Bai Jue said.

"They can fight for a hundred days without stopping to catch their breath."

"But they don't have the patience. This battle won't last long... There are also subtle strength differences in battles of the same level. It is often only a moment that decides the outcome. The physical strength is not enough to destroy the physical body, but the spiritual strength is enough. Destroy the spirit."

"Are you going to wait forever?"

"No." Bai Jue said lightly: "Once they use their soul and spiritual power, they will start to deplete their own origin. Their body and spirit are separated independently, so once the original spiritual power is consumed, it is difficult to recover easily... as long as They consume one-fifth of their strength, and it's my turn."

"You are terrible, everything is calculated."

"...If I have enough strength, I don't need to calculate at all." Bai Jue half closed his eyes, and laughed at himself: "Once upon a time, someone forced me to choose between [-] million and [-] million, and I chose both...but now , no one forced me to choose, but I voluntarily gave up...the more I live, the more I go back."

"It's so bitter..." The soul spar trembled a few times.

"Bitter?" Bai Jue narrowed his eyes: "How bitter?"

"How sad your mind is, how bitter it is here." It sent disgusting mental power fluctuations: "There are sour, bitter and spicy tastes here, how much emotion have you put into it... so much mental power can't be digested, but What a waste, you might as well block your feelings, it might make you feel better."

"If I block my feelings, I'm no longer a human being." Bai Jue shook his head: "That's least I still look like a human being like this. Even if I look like a scumbag, it's better than being a machine."

Bai Jue sat on the top of the mountain and watched the battle of the gods.

The mountains and rivers were destroyed, but he did not stop them, and some people died in the aftermath, but he did not save them.

Forbearance, waiting for the final attack, and this forbearance turned into pure numbness in the end.

Just as Bai Jue expected, on this road, one mistake after another...

The war lasted for three days, and everyone was fleeing. One-third of the city of Wei State was destroyed, and there were countless casualties. Now their battlefield has moved to Qin State, and they have already approached the capital of Qin State.

The people in the capital evacuated early... leaving only an empty city.

The Jixia Academy was already empty.

The school palace was like a candle in the wind, crumbling between the struggles of the five giants.

Looking at the place where he has stayed for two full years, Bai Jue's eyes showed a little nostalgia, but it will be destroyed soon, and Bai Jue will not save such a building, it will disappear in history sooner or later, even if it is destroyed, It is also fate.


Bai Jue was about to look away.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a familiar figure in white clothes and a familiar figure on the corridor of the school, and someone was leaning on the railing to watch.

Bai Jue's pupils shrank to the size of a pinhole.

At the same time, a family member of the Void released a storm of destruction, and the Jixia Academy and the capital of the Qin Kingdom will be completely destroyed. Even if it is a body that has been tempered and tempered, there will be only one or two bones left at most, let alone, that Just a fragile woman.

"Hey, it's not like you can't say you can't shoot... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Terrifying mental fluctuations emanated from the soul spar.

The moment the storm blew, the light of the sword flashed like a startling bird, and the sound of sword chant resounded for thousands of miles.

It's like a wake up call...

Jian Guang slashed down before the gate of Jixia Academy, blowing away the dust from the eaves.

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