Bai Jue's mission has also been accomplished.

He can already leave.

When this moment really came, he was more or less reluctant. After leaving this time, Bai Jue would not come back next time. If he was willing to stay here for ten or eight years, no one could stop him.

But Bai Jue has lost the reason to stay here, if he can't stay, he should leave naturally.

But it would be too ruthless to leave quietly, it is better to say goodbye.

Saying goodbye to someone is a painful thing.

First, he went back to the State of Lu to meet Confucius and his brothers. After thinking for a long time, he finally told them all the plans he had secretly planned for the past three years, and said that he was leaving and would not come back again.

The brothers were very reluctant and didn't blame him for anything, they just sighed that this was too cruel to Bai Jue to the world, but perhaps they were also grateful, grateful that Bai Jue expelled the gods and returned the world to the Son.

Before leaving, Confucius saw him off in person, and said that you are my student no matter what, and the door here will always be open for you no matter what.

When he said that, Bai Jue also nodded.

Even if you don't come back, even if you can't see you again, it will remain in your memory forever.

Afterwards, Bai Jue came to Hangu Pass, where the place was clean and the blood was scattered in the wind and sand.

Bai Qi is still the defender, but he also knows that he is about to move his sword eastward, and the time to sweep the world is not far away.

He was very grateful to Bai Jue, and he didn't have any other opinions on Bai Jue because he buried half a million people. Perhaps in the eyes of military generals, this is not a rare thing.

The two toasted again, this time drinking wine.

Then, Bai Jue went to Qin State, said goodbye to Qin Jun Yingji, and witnessed Zhang Yi's burial together.

Not much was said between them.

Ying Ji wanted to keep him, but Bai Jue said that he had completed the mission that he should have completed, and whether Qin could rule the world would depend on whether he himself was qualified to become a hero of the generation.

After witnessing Zhang Yili's tomb, Bai Jue went to Jixia Academy.

The first person I met was Mo Zhai, who had obviously aged a lot.

The two chatted a lot, one old and one young recounted the past three years ago, Mozi just said with emotion that you really did it, but shook his head and sighed, it's a pity that Bai Jue finally chose neither Mohism nor Confucianism.

Bai Jue hurt Mozi's heart by using violence to control violence and burying half a million people, but he didn't say anything serious, maybe this kind old man didn't want to say harsh words, because the facts are solid, he just sighed , and accepted Bai Jue's farewell.

Finally, Bai Jue should say goodbye to Meng Ke and Xun Qing.

After saying goodbye several times, his mind was as calm as water, and he didn't have the slightest stage fright when he saw them, nor did he flinch in the slightest.

The gentleman is magnanimous, he has done what he promised, what is there to shrink back now?

The first thing he saw was Xun Qing.

She was sitting in her room, reading a book quietly.

Bai Jue knocked on the door, even though the door was not closed.

She raised her eyes, and the moment she saw Bai Jue, her eyes lit up, but she didn't lose her composure because of this, but put down the bamboo slip in her hand.

"You..." She opened her mouth, her cherry-colored lips slightly pursed: "You're back..." Immediately her expression changed: "Your hands and eyes..."

"Not long after I came back, I left my hands and eyes outside. It's just a minor injury." Bai Jue said with a word that conveyed the tragic fight, but said with a relieved attitude: "You are still studying, you are working hard, you are very good... "

"Reading the books of sages can calm people's hearts." Xun Qing stroked his heart gently: "But I am also very disturbed inside. Seeing that you are well... I feel relieved."

"Don't worry about my safety."

"Yeah." Xun Qing also smiled comfortably, maybe she was thinking in her heart that she could finally usher in a peaceful day.

At this moment, suddenly, suddenly, without any preparation... Bai Jue said.

"I'm leaving."

Xun Qing's smile froze for a moment, she subconsciously clenched the bamboo slips, and then slowly relaxed a little, she pretended to be calm and asked: "Go, where? Do you want to go to other countries, it may be true that the disputes among nations really need you..."

"It's not the nations." Bai Jue shook his head: "I won't come back again."

"Is it far away?" Xun Qing forced a smile: "I, I can go with you, and I won't disturb you."

"You can't go." Bai Jue said calmly: "You belong to this era, you can only stay here...and it's time for me to leave."

"I, I don't understand what you're talking about." Xun Qing stood up: "Are you disliking me for getting in the way? Or is it that I can't help you? Or..."

"No, not at all." Bai Jue said, "It's just that you should stay here and I should leave, that's all..."

"It's have completed the task, right?" Xun Qing suddenly remembered the conversation with Bai Jue on the Qixi Festival.

"Yeah." Bai Jue said with a smile: "It's good that you understand... Originally, I chose to go into the world for my own peace. The order of China is determined by people, and I no longer need to continue to dictate... I will teach you The legalist theory has left enough things for future generations, and now, I should go."

He still thinks that Xun Qing is his fellow man.

She is very similar to himself and agrees with his ideas, so they are friends and can talk about everything, and he doesn't need to hide it deliberately, even if it is goodbye, she will accept it.

Surprisingly, Xun Qing was hit hard, which in Bai Jue's view, he understood as her uneasiness and reluctance.

"Stay in Jixia, can't you?" She asked, "Isn't it worth staying here?"

"It's worth it." Bai Jue nodded, Xun Qing's eyes lit up, but the next moment he said: "But there are other places that are more worthy of my return."

"..." Xun Qing silently bit her lips.

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