-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Bai Jue returned to the coffee shop with the fifth bookmark, it happened to be midnight.

He pushed open the familiar Gate of Myriad Realms, and the azure blue runes lit up, and at the same time, there was a familiar bell echoing. All this made Bai Jue feel at ease and peaceful. His movements to open the door were slow and laborious.

The door was pushed open, the lights in the cafe were on, and the clock went to [-]:[-] in the morning.

There is no one in the living room, and they may have gone to rest.

Bai Jue was not surprised, he clearly maintained a strong mental strength before he came back, but the moment he got home, his whole body instantly relaxed, and he felt heavy tiredness and exhaustion.

Only then did Bai Jue realize that he hadn't had a good night's sleep in the past three years.

Even though he seems to be in a deep sleep, his mental power is being consumed all the time. He didn't realize how heavy the burden was brought to him by operating the two identities of Bai Jue and Su Qin at the same time. After finally fighting with the gods, He didn't stop for a moment.

No matter how strong the spirit is, it will be exhausted, and no matter how invincible the strong man will be, he will be exhausted.

He only took three steps before he felt like he was about to fall down.

Fei Xuejian was spinning in the air, shaking the tip of the sword anxiously.

"I didn't expect that I would be exhausted one more day." Bai Jue smiled wryly. He supported the table and moved forward a little bit. Holding the bookmark in his hand, he watched it rise into the sky and embed into the wall of the coffee shop. Only then did I feel relieved.

Bai Jue's body fell forward, when he also heard a burst of hurried footsteps.

But he couldn't even see who it was with his blurred vision, and his consciousness was about to be interrupted the moment before he hit the ground, but he finally failed to grab the ground with his head, but felt a warm and soft embrace, hugging him with both hands.

It's the fire girl.

Altair and Abigail didn't have such soft hearts for him to rely on.

Bai Jue didn't have the slightest struggle or embarrassment, he was too tired, and he didn't even have the same rash thoughts as before.

He closed his heavy eyelids: "I... sleep for a while..."

"Good night."

The fireproof girl relaxed her arms, and gently hugged the bruised boy.

She knelt quietly on the ground, motionless, but her slightly raised silver eyes revealed pain and regret.

His fingers lightly slid across an empty sleeve, his body covered in bruises, and finally stopped on the face that had been destroyed by a third.

Bai Jue's left eye was destroyed.

To be destroyed, not blinded.

His eyeballs and the left third of his face were completely destroyed.

This is an attack from a spiritual body. The Holy Soul Phoenix blocked the last move for Bai Jue. As a price, the Phoenix was beaten into a bird egg and has not yet recovered. Cannot respawn on its own.

This kind of injury is so serious that even Phoenix's self-healing power can't regenerate eyeballs and severed limbs, and even the power of the coffee shop can't immediately restore Bai Jue. The injury is indeed recovering, but it's like using an old desktop computer to run the latest 3A is as slow as a masterpiece, and needs to endure the torture of long disk reading time.

Fortunately, Bai Jue has lost consciousness, and when he wakes up, all the pain will leave him.

But she was visible in the coffee shop.

This face has been almost destroyed, and disfigurement is an unimaginable pain to anyone.

The Fireproof Girl didn't know how long Bai Jue had been in the singularity, but it must have been a very long time for him to pay such a high price, long enough to hurt him to the point where he was bruised and exhausted physically and mentally.

She pursed her lips, trying her best to contain the power of the flames flooding her chest.

There were footsteps on the stairs again.

Altair shook her long hair lightly. She spent a lot of time coaxing Abigail to sleep. As soon as she got downstairs, she saw the fire prevention woman kneeling in the hall, with a familiar figure in her arms.

Bai Jue's departure only took one day in the coffee shop, which was not considered a long and painful time.

But for a cat that cannot find its owner, a day is an unbearably long time.

"The store manager..." Jun Ji's expression showed joy. The store manager came back later than other times. He was supposed to come back at twelve o'clock, but he delayed for two hours, which made her very uneasy.

Seeing Bai Jue came back, she happily walked down the attic, but just after turning the corner, she lowered her head...she subconsciously stopped, her pupils constricted violently, her whole body stagnated suddenly, burst out in an instant, like thousands of Gunshots rang out.

Bai Jue has suffered many injuries, but he has never been so miserable.

Yes, miserable.

From Jun Ji's point of view, the current store manager Bai is very miserable. Even Bai Jue, who was pierced through his chest by his own blade, has never been so miserable. Courage, that is weakness, not misery.

She didn't know what made her dear store manager look like this, but she knew that she wanted to kill those things so that the blood would flow into rivers.

"Control yourself." The fire prevention woman said, "Don't disturb him to rest."

"... I lost my composure." Jun Ji looked away, she slowly restrained her boiling energy, and it took a lot of effort to calm down.

"Is it hard to take?" she asked.

"Yeah." Altair nodded.

"That's because you misunderstood him too much." The fire-proof woman lowered her head and stared at Bai Jue's disfigured face without hesitation: "I have seen it many times, and it looks even more miserable than now... how many times?" How many times have you been on the brink of death, how many times you have been reborn in flames... He is not strong at all, not at all... It is only because he has an inescapable responsibility in his heart that he forced himself into this state... Do you feel heartache when you look at it? ?”

Jun Ji looked down at Bai Jue's cheek, the pain was dazzling, and the pain was stinging in the heart.

Altair regards Bai Jue as the savior, and it has always been like this. She also persuaded Bai Jue with this in Kyushu Island, proving that his path is not wrong. At that time, Bai Jue was as energetic as waking up from a dream. Such Bai Jue admired and moved his heart .

Therefore, more or less, whether she or he, gradually ignored a fact.

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