She knows better than anyone else that no one can give you the fairness you want.

Fairness... how can it be fair at all, my old lady met her in her previous life. Rob... is this fair?

"Okay, okay, I knew that the talks would collapse, but I didn't expect it to be so early..." Uesugi Kenshin smiled wryly and acted as a peacemaker: "Where are the skills of being a diplomat on weekdays? It's a little euphemism. Some won't?"

"I like to be straightforward." Li Xiuning said flatly: "As a diplomat, what I have done over the years is to slam the table and speak harshly. You all know that this is how my Chinese Empire's diplomacy is. If you are strong, you will be done."

"Isn't that national defense?"

"What's the difference? The national defense says 'fucking hell', and the diplomacy says 'fucking your mother'. They actually mean the same thing... Okay, let's not talk about these unpleasant things, and we will soon go to the embassy , are you going to take a break or go directly to the Forbidden City?"

Li Xiuning stretched her waist and arched her waist. The tight women's workplace clothes set off her full bust, and she simply let herself go and didn't plan to follow the schedule.

She won't beat up foreign envoys because of personal emotional problems. Of course, I dare not neglect you. If you bully you until you return to China, and you pull a reporter to come out for a while, then the international reputation of this palace connected to the Shenzhou Empire will be great. It's just that the wind review was killed, but since you have stated that you are here to snatch my wife's future husband who has not yet written a word, then don't blame me for making a little trip in the dark.

——Don't expect me to smile at you, Yun Xiaosan, who misses my husband.

Li Xiuning had these words written all over her face. While she was silently angry, she also had an indescribable...cuteness.

There was also a little contempt and a little satisfaction in her eyes secretly.

Look at this group of people, their breasts are not as big as mine.

Uesugi Kenshin, the mere B-level combat power is not enough to fear.

Himiko, on weekdays I ask you to wear an Amaterasu mirror and hang it on your chest, it is really as flat as a mirror.

Sasaki... didn't say a word, and was wearing a swordsman costume, probably with a flat chest.

I really laughed to death, I have already won.

The only thing that Shi Ming can't compare to me in this life is this.

Sure enough, Luoli can't satisfy Bai Jue, and only a warm-hearted big sister can tolerate everything.

"Then let's go to the embassy first."

Himiko pressed her chest, and she let out a breath, her chest tight.

Not psychologically boring, but literally boring.

In order to wear Tianzhao mirror on weekdays, she chose to wrap her chest belt, just like Li Xiuning who wrapped her chest for war, but where there is oppression, there will be resistance. In recent years, she has gradually been unable to control the increase in bust size.

Considering the international influence, she still bound her chest as usual, but this time it was a little tighter.

"I heard...he's a lolicon."

Himiko pressed his chest, worrying about what to do...



Bai Jue sneezed: "Who, someone must be speaking ill of me in secret! Could it be Big Whale and Ling Dao, these two bitches!"

"Store manager, don't stop, Zha Zhahui just installed it today, hurry up and max it out with me!" Jun Ji tapped the keyboard and mouse, tossed her hair, and hit Bai Jue's shoulder with her ponytail.

"Why do you get more proficient the more you use this trick..." Bai Jue could only continue to swipe wildly with his head down.

It doesn't really matter how the two suddenly started playing games.

What's important is that Bai Jue has already appeased the cat that was about to blow up... Playing games with her all afternoon as a reward.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing."

Bai Jue shot wildly at the gorgeous dragon with a ballista, while walking freely and freely, and was taken away by a cat.

He patted Abigail's head, and said to the fire-proof woman who was quietly knitting a scarf not far away.

"In three days, many of my friends will come to the store for dinner."

"It's all friends in the group, it's the largest offline gathering."

"...Do you want to consider avoiding it? Let them have the illusion that I am a man living alone?"


Congratulations to the IG World Champion

IG does not need to work overtime!

You can also see the news feed after the meeting!

In the last row of the LPL, they finally swept their opponents [-]-[-] with zero seals!

This championship has been waiting for seven years.

I boasted that RNG was great for a year, but in fact I have to admit that I am actually a champion fan. There is nothing shameful about it. Whoever can win this championship, I will blow it up for a year.

Congratulations to IG, and congratulations to this group of guys who are not optimistic about it.

Now even in the LOL circle, one can say that CN e-sports is awesome.

This championship has filled the gap in the LPL for eight years, and it is really needed.

Go over this mountain and let them hear your story!

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