Now that he has re-signed the contract with Liangyi Jianshi, he has regained the Command Seal.

For him, this may not be of practical use, but for Yingling, this is basically the first marriage certificate.

It cannot be said that every heroic spirit summoned is your wife, but as long as the favorability is maxed out, it is normal to say that it is my wife... Well, including those Merlin, the hero, and Kong Ming who work overtime all day.

Bai Jue should be thankful that the heroic spirits he left behind are all girls... Otherwise, a deep dark fantasy might be staged.

In any case, Da Vinci's complete defeat was announced when the Liangyi sword style appeared majesticly.

The Chaldean heroic spirit has never had the chance to find Bai Jue to perform the ceremony of re-signing the contract. Unexpectedly, he was successfully sneaked away by the Liangyi sword style without making a sound. This is really quite annoying.

"You..." Da Vinci couldn't hold back a complete sentence for a long time.

Liangyi Sword Style just stared at her with a smile, the smile was exquisite and flawless, and the invisible sense of oppression was like knives everywhere.

Among the many heroic spirits, her strength is also top-notch. In a real battle, her treasure can be said to be [-]% instant death. Once it is analyzed by the magic eye of death, that knife can easily smash the spirit of any heroic spirit. Nuclear, one-shot kill.

She raised the blade...and actually swung it down.

There is an indescribable emptiness in a pair of bright and magnificent pupils.

That knife swung out and landed on Da Vinci's body, like a sword swung from the other side of the underworld, cherry blossoms bloomed unconsciously in the atmosphere, and the scattered cherry blossoms fell down. It was a cherry-colored reincarnation made of magic power.

It wasn't until Da Vinci's consciousness, which had been cut off for a moment, was restored when he flicked the Taidao lightly in the Liangyi sword style.

The blade fell, but she was not injured at all.

Because this knife killed the strong emotion brought by the love potion, not herself.

Liangyi Sword Style possesses the highest level of direct death magic eye, and can perfectly control and use it without any side effects, whether it is tangible or intangible, even concepts, as long as it can be seen, everything can be killed.

"Are you awake?" Liangyi sword style retracted the blade.

"Well, a little bit." Da Vinci gently supported his forehead, with a little exclamation in his words: "I didn't expect that even the omnipotent me would be affected, this is worth reference, thank you... and congratulations You, renewed your contract with the Master."

The Liangyi sword-style smile is still perfect, and the corners of her lips are slightly raised, she has an indescribably unique charm, and is also a bit sly and evil.

She naturally stepped forward and took Bai Jue's hand: "Then, the master and I will deal with those heroic spirits who ran away because of the love stay here and sort out the information the master needs."

Da Vinci nodded slightly, and only after the two people left, she let out a soft breath: "You lost your composure."


With the help of the two rituals, it is not difficult to clean up the heroic spirits brainwashed by the love potion.

She went up with a few knives, and even a full-level heroic spirit couldn't defend against her deadly magic eyes.

All the heroic spirits who woke up, except for Qing Ji, the other heroic spirits said goodbye without face, and hid in their rooms one after another, especially Gorgon, who was so ashamed and angry that he hit his head against the wall.

And Qing Ji just regretted that she didn't get more advantage, and at the same time she expressed her strong envy and unwillingness to be the first to re-sign the Heroic Spirit contract with Liangyi Sword Style.

However, this didn't work. Bai Jue didn't even know how to sign the heroic spirit contract. Even if he used Chaldea's equipment to re-sign the contract, it would be broken again because he left this world.

On the contrary, the Liangyi sword pose means that you will stay in Bai Jue's dream or inner world, and you don't have to worry about the contract being cut off.

This sentence sounds fine at first glance.

But if you think about it carefully, the subtext of this sentence is - don't try to get rid of me, I will live in your body.

It's like being possessed by a female ghost lady.

I also want such a cute lady ghost.JPG

After that, Bai Jue returned to the coffee shop after receiving the information given by Da Vinci, but he did not close the passage of the Gate of Myriad Realms, and temporarily maintained the connection between the two worlds. This is also the coffee shop after five upgrades. Only the hall can do it.

Today's Gate of Myriad Realms can connect up to three different worlds in parallel.

So now the cafe can open three different doors in a row.

Bai Jue returned to the coffee shop and began to study how to construct the subspace. It was like returning to the time when he played "Other People's World". The girl didn't read it, and ignored other things, and was busy building the playground with one heart, and one after another sinister idea kept bursting out of inspiration.

"This can be used to entertain big whales."

"This can be used to entertain Bei Gao."

"Lingdao and Leluo must like this, hehehe..."

Such self-talks have strong expectations, which shows that the Savior is an upright and good young man who is hospitable to guests.

Bai Jue, who was obsessed with building games, didn't know that Altair had already visited Chaldea, and he brought together the Valkyries of Bengsan. They seemed to be discussing whether to go to Heianjing.

But these are things for later, and they are not important.

After seeing Bai Jue's preparation time in these three days, let's see how other people's group friends prepare.

First of all, at the headquarters of the Scythe of Judgment, because Mrs. Fasalia caught the anti-heroic spirit, and the international situation began to undergo drastic changes with this summit meeting, which led to the activities of the sword bearer becoming extremely frequent. The witness of the sword-wielder is required for the heroic spirit to leave the region of his own country. At this time of vacancy, his wife said that he would take a week off.

Fasalia often takes vacations when she is on a business trip. Everyone knows this, but she turns a blind eye, so she can bask in the sun by the sea while other sword holders are working hard to perform their tasks. figure.

This time they suddenly asked for a paid vacation, and the other two presiding judges almost couldn't hold back and wanted to turn the table over, but Ms. Fa couldn't help it, because theoretically she fished for fish but it didn't affect her work. The request this time was reasonable, and the other two The boss could only bite the bullet and agree.

Just as Sister Fa humming a ditty went out, Ling Dao walked in.

"Judge, the paid leave application I just submitted yesterday..."

"You roll forward and get out!!!"

Second, some freelancers.

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