Deja Vu.

Bai Jue couldn't remember, so he moved a little away, and a young girl's face appeared in sight, with pure white skin and long silver-white hair. She smiled quietly, as silent as the first snow.

"Sister Han..."

Bai Jue belatedly recalled that this was her voice and smile.

It used to accompany him through a precious childhood, and was lost in the deepest part of the sea of ​​memory along with the memory. Although he recovered some scattered fragments, they stagnated at the age of seven.

In the subsequent memory, there seems to be no trace of her anymore. This face is exactly the same as her in the memory, but it must be an illusion. It is an illusion created by Thanatos. can pull out.

Bai Jue stared at this phantom, with nostalgia but doubts in his eyes, maybe since he became the savior, he never had any regrets, so Thanatos can only pick up the fragments of the past from the depths of his memory to create something.

He stared at the phantom without saying a word, and the girl's face gradually changed slightly.

She suffers from albinism, her eyes, hair, and skin are all snow-white. This snow-white color makes her beautiful, but it also makes any color look extremely dazzling in this pure white, just like the rich blood color that suddenly dyes her eyes. reddened her face.

The blood stained half of her cheeks red, and also dyed the silvery hair into a magnificent and moving red. Her face was gradually distorted, as if she was suffering from great pain, struggling to bite her teeth, just like the scene before she was about to die scene.

Bai Jue stood where he was, with a little bewildered look in his eyes. He had never seen this scene before, but he suddenly felt a great pain in his heart.

The brilliance in the girl's eyes gradually dissipated, and finally the pupils that were about to slacken stared at Bai Jue. She was originally just a face, but a small hand stained with blood protruded from the darkness, and that hand stretched out towards Bai Jue. She came out, her palm touched Bai Jue's cheek, it seemed to be very hard, leaving a blood-red mark, but it was as light as a cicada's wing, just touching the relative she cared about the most.

The girl's eyes stared at Bai Jue, and instantly became very gentle, full of nostalgia for life.

She opened her mouth, trying to say something.

Bai Jue didn't hear clearly, he was about to lower his head.

Suddenly, a force came, his breathing stagnated, and he saw the blood-stained pale hand strangled his neck vigorously, the nails pierced the skin, and the five fingers refused to let go. His blood was mixed into a ball, and the blood dripped, staining the skirt of his clothes red.

The girl strangled Bai Jue's throat, she asked softly.

"Why not you?"

After the words fell, the slack pupils lost the last gleam of luster.

The voice has become a swan song, leaving only a question full of hatred.

At this moment, Bai Jue's heart felt like it was torn apart.

These scenes are clearly so strange, it can be seen that they are all scenes performed by the god of death, but why does he feel heartbroken, he clearly has no memory, clearly has never seen it... Bai Jue clenched his fists, and he had ten thousand questions in his heart that he wanted to ask out, but his consciousness has already begun to fluctuate.

That face was already dead, but this arm did not let go, it was still strangling his neck, and it was getting harder and harder, unable to break free.

The strong sense of guilt caused Bai Jue to fall into endless self-questioning. The last sentence made him unable to let go of it for a long time. He was surrounded by death, and Thanatos was also hiding in the darkness waiting to harvest his soul. .


In Bai Jue's perception, time may have stopped, but in the eyes of others, time has not stopped. He has stood in place for nearly [-] seconds without any movement.

He stood on the spot, as if he had lost his soul, and slowly let go of the weapon in his hand, and the sword energy whistling around him also dissipated.

Instead, a dark shadow slowly engulfed his body.

Through the mask, no one can see what Bai Jue is doing under the mask, but...he is struggling and in pain, but he can't extricate himself, and no one can help him. People from the outside world can't break through the space at all. barrier.

"I can't wait any longer!" Li Xiuning said angrily, "I'm going to use Niangziguan to smash this damn barrier."

"It's useless!" Xun Qing said in a low voice: "The space is still unbreakable..."

"Junior brother..." Meng Ke bit her lip, full of worry but helpless.

"What happened to him? What is that black shadow?" Himiko asked, but no one could answer her question.

"Xiuxiu." Li Shiming stared at Liu Xiu, and she said, "Tianzijian..."

She only said three words, and she couldn't continue to say anything. Whether she was persuading Liu Xiu to use it or not, it was contradictory. There is no best of both worlds in this world. It's a car, everyone's judgment is different.

Liu Xiu just walked forward silently. She is the emperor of the Shenzhou Empire. She knows too well that for the emperor, even a great favor cannot be exchanged for a Tianzi sword. Not for oneself, but also for the sake of the country and the common people.

She is holding the Son of Heaven Sword. This sword has been passed down by nearly a hundred generations of Chinese emperors. Its existence itself is the history of the Chinese Empire. Now that this sword is about to be broken, Xiuxiu will naturally hesitate, but she is even more unwilling to make herself regret it. .

It is not a pity to become a sinner.

No one understands the past that Bai Jue has experienced better than her. At the beginning, Sanshenghua took her through the savior's mental journey, and saw how he grew from an ordinary person to this stage. She knew very well that Bai Jue His strength and tenacity come from his heart. When he was just an ordinary person, he dared to challenge the strongest. There is nothing in the world that he dare not do.

At the beginning Liu Xiu also asked him positively - you are the savior, you come to save the world, but when you are in crisis, who will save you?

At that time, Bai Jue smiled and replied that there was someone above him.

But where is that person now?

Maybe there is no such person at all, it's just Bai Jue's lies, he always does this, putting on a confident look, but every time he almost escapes death.

This time, can he persist?

Liu Xiu didn't know the answer, but she was no longer willing to stay in the audience and watch the stage play end. She saw a hero with her own eyes, and even if she couldn't become that kind of hero, she still wanted to stand on the stage and stand with him .

Let the whole world know that I stand by your side.

Even if there is only one sword!

Liu Xiu,

Draw your sword!

When the emperor's sword comes out, ten thousand blades can be changed.

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