She still has no appetite, but this is the request of her savior, she can be willful and doesn't want to mess around.

The girl opened her lips slightly and took a small mouthful of rice porridge into her mouth.

"...has no smell," she said, "like water."

"Porridge tastes like this." Bai Jue said calmly: "Only water and rice, pure white rice porridge, without any blood or animal fat, pure white color, very clean."


Elizabeth nodded slightly.

But the next moment, a sword flashed in Bai Jue's hand, the blade cut open his skin, blood gushed out, blood stains dripped from his palm, the blood stained the porridge a little red, and a layer of bright red floated on the white porridge , dyed white jade into red agate.

Seeing this ray of bright red, Elizabeth's face changed drastically, she immediately covered her lips, and made a retching sound.

"Are you afraid of blood?" Bai Jue saw her reaction, but he was not surprised. Instead, he said calmly, "Open your mouth."

"No... no!" Elizabeth shook her head crazily: "I don't want to eat the blood of living people, I don't want to become a monster like them!"

"It's not about becoming a monster, it's about living... If you can't drink this bowl of porridge, you won't be able to eat anything after that, and the heroic spirit won't be able to hold it!" The blood, it's my own blood... Do you know what that means?"

Elizabeth hugged her knees tightly, her body trembling slightly, she shook her head: "I don't know."

"This is a reason for me to live." Bai Jue looked at her: "Blood is the currency of the soul, the currency of life... You don't want to drink blood to prove that you are not a beast, then drink it to prove that you still have blood." The courage to live."

"No, I can't do it!" Elizabeth buried her head.

"You can do it." Bai Jue said seriously: "Either leave the past behind, or stay in the past! Elizabeth, you are not so fragile! This is the blood I voluntarily gave you. If you accept it, my life will be divided between you Half! Half of your life belongs to me too!" He paused for a while, then said, "I will also bear half of those sins for you... I will also be there in future nightmares."

Elizabeth opened her eyes, and after hearing these words, the strength of her struggle gradually became smaller.

Perhaps it would be difficult for her to cross this hurdle alone.

But if someone is with her, she will be strong enough to overcome the nightmare after all.

It's just that Bai Jue doesn't have that much time, he can only use the most direct way to solve her inner demons.

Elizabeth carefully raised her face: "Really?"

"Really." Bai Jue said seriously: "My blood is flowing in your body, half of your life is mine, so no matter how many times, I will save you, even in the deepest part of hell, even in a nightmare among."

Maybe it's because Elizabeth is just a child now, so Bai Jue's words are just a way to lull the child to sleep in his opinion. He knows that saying this can reassure her. An immature mind needs a strong backing as a support, of course These words were not lies. He did save Elizabeth and England ten years later.

Elizabeth stopped crying.

She looked at Bai Jue seriously, quietly waiting for the feeding.

She ate the light red porridge in small mouthfuls. One or two drops of blood could not change its taste at all, it was still as thin as water, and these two drops of blood would be quickly digested when it flowed into the stomach, and it would not be integrated into the blood at all. middle.

But the real situation is not important at all. The warm current spreads in her body, and the spiritual hints are also in place. Bai Jue gently stroked her forehead and watched her fall asleep peacefully. This time...he didn't do it again. nightmare.

"Sleep, little princess."

The wound on Bai Jue's palm has healed. He glanced at Elizabeth. In fact, he didn't want to use this method, but he really couldn't think of a better way. But now, thinking about why Elizabeth is so persistent in the savior ten years later, she even tried to do it at all Protecting his safety, even imprisoning his freedom of life, may be because she desires to become a protector from a protected person, or it may be a kind of self-proof.

Cause and effect, accidental and inevitable.

"Words are like splashed water." Bai Jue tapped his head: "Sin, sin...why can't I control my deadly mouth?"

He wished he could slap him twice, but that was the end of the matter.

"Forget it, be careful in the future, maintain a cold attitude and save the world, it's time to go to France!"


ps1: The Britannia chapter is over, and the overall feeling is okay. As the opening chapter of the sixth singularity, the design of this plot can be regarded as filling in some pitfalls, such as how the favorability comes from... After writing Britannia, there are still many more Chapters need to be written, don’t worry, take your time one by one~

Next, France!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

France, the full name of the French Republic.

France is the third largest country in Europe and the largest country in Western Europe. It borders Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy to the east, and Spain, Andorra, and Monaco to the south. , facing water on three sides, facing the Mediterranean Sea in the south, the Atlantic Ocean in the west, and facing the United Kingdom across the English Channel in the northwest, Corsica is the largest island in France and the birthplace of the famous historical figure Napoleon.

France is located between Spain and Germany.

The history of Europe is very complicated and long. Because of the frequent wars and conflicts in the past, many countries often have very similar cultural origins, but there are also problems such as conflicts of belief and territory.

Europeans like to put some righteous names on their heads when fighting wars, including the famous Crusades, which were launched by the church under the guise of God's will... In fact, in the history of this world, the Crusades were indeed successful. Because of the participation of the heroic spirits and apostles sent by the church, the war was almost unilaterally crushed.

It’s just that the Pope of the later generation was liquidated by the principles of civilization because he launched an unjust war and betrayed his oath. The crusaders ranks, and no longer go to war, and the gate of the Holy See has been sealed for a hundred years... The historical problems of Jerusalem are still unresolved.

It can be said that many problems in Europe are very complicated.

Because of issues related to the heroic spirit, the status of Charlemagne was mentioned in the previous article a long time ago. He was a figure in the eighth and ninth centuries of the park. He single-handedly established the huge Charlemagne Empire, covering most of Western Europe. He established the Roman Empire, was crowned emperor of the Romans by the Pope, and was revered by Europeans as the father of Europe.

When it comes to Charlemagne, everyone who belongs to Xingyue knows best the Twelve Paladins under his command.

Astolfo is also one of his knights.

As the reincarnation of Heroic Spirits, he came to the world at the end of the eighteenth century and participated in the first world-level Heroic Spirits War, because he personally participated in and ended the great achievements of the first Heroic Spirits War. When he was crowned King of France, He also climbed to the top of the throne of God. Compared with the Lion King, his promotion path is much more rugged.

After the war, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland and other countries all intended to embrace Charlemagne as emperor and establish a Western European Republic led by Charlemagne.

Because in history, after Charlemagne's death, his descendants became kings, which led to the division of the empire, which eventually evolved into France, Germany, Italy and surrounding countries, so Charlemagne has the qualifications to unify Western Europe.In fact, because of the results of the first Heroic Spirit War, the losses of the European countries were very serious, and they were in a state of ruin, and they also needed a strong leader.

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