"Eastern Europe, Asia..." Roland said in a low voice.

"On the way from Europe to Asia, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and India... These were originally war-torn areas with a declining population and weak defenses. Even if a heroic spirit is born, it will be quickly defeated by the opponent. Strangling is a means to resist the six realms." Charlemagne sighed: "The gates of hell are opened in the Middle East... and there are as many as ten realms, how long can the remnant soldiers resist? So far, the flames of war are still burning in Pakistan. On the face, it won’t be long before more than half of India will be eaten away.”

"India..." The corners of Roland's lips twitched a bit: "The centipede is dead but not stiff, so it shouldn't be defeated so easily."

Charlemagne shook his head and said, "No, India can already declare the country destroyed."

"What?" Roland was quite shocked. India is not a small country, and there are six heroic spirits. It was the most powerful period in hundreds of years.

"We got the news by accident when we cleared the beast realm in Switzerland. Although it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity, I think it is very likely to be true... According to the intelligence, the six Indian kings who protect the country are dispatched collectively, trying to take advantage of the Shenzhou Empire to fight against the six realms. When it is weak, it invades the territory of the Chinese Empire and snatches the Tibet Autonomous Region."

"Despicable." Roland said in a low voice: "So they were killed by the heroic spirits of the Divine Empire?"

"It's not." Charlemagne said lightly: "The six Great Protectors of the Kingdom were wiped out by the Dao of Heaven and Humanity in the Himalayas. The bones of the six heroic spirits did not exist... I now deduce that the Dao of Heaven and Humanity is in the Tibet Autonomous Region. Stabbing the Shenzhou Empire from the back, but sending himself into the tiger's mouth, can be said to be self-defeating, and he deserves it."

"So now all the six heroic spirits in India have died in battle, and there is no need to expect it to resist the hell. Once Pakistan is breached, the whole country of India will be destroyed within a week. There is no chance... At this time, it is impossible for the Chinese Empire to send troops to help. It's completely isolated."

"Your Excellency also knows the news?" Roland asked, "What did he say?"

"He..." Charlemagne smiled: "He said——it's really satisfying."



After the annual meeting, I’m still wandering, I’m still out of town, I haven’t returned home yet, I’ve run out of manuscripts, and I can only do it for a day. If I say I’m going to do it, I’m not asking for leave, so I don’t need to pay back if I don’t owe updates!

I drank a lot of wine, but there was no fragment. I heard that a big guy who didn't want to be named was drunk and vomited twice. It was quite tragic... Drinking is too harmful to the body. How can I persist for two days and be crazy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Vatican, the full name of the Vatican City State.

Located on the highlands in the northwest corner of Rome, Italy, it is the only inland city-state in the world. It can be called a country within a country. It is the smallest and most populous country in the world. Its land is only 0.44 square kilometers. It is the center of Catholicism in the world. A faith center for one-sixth of the population.

The relationship between Rome and Jesus is beyond doubt.

There is no need to go into too much history here. Unlike the Vatican in a certain real world, the Vatican in this world has a decisive influence. Although it is within the borders of Italy, it has far surpassed Italy and is enough to compete with France and China. A terrifying combat power comparable to that of the empire.

Just because a generation of popes abused the gift of civilization, and the church almost lost its seat of God while destroying its own holy soul. No matter how much he dared to abuse secular power, he barely clings to the cornerstone of the throne of God left by Jesus... It can be said that this is the most convenient method in the world.

Even if it is just a mortal, as long as he accepts the coronation dignifiedly and becomes the pope, he can exercise the power of the throne of God in this country within the country, and the church in the Vatican also calls it the power of acting God.

In order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, the selection of popes of each generation is extremely strict. Each generation of popes has to spend [-] years to prove their pious beliefs. They need to go through many severe tests and may even die because of it. After fifty.

It’s just that the cornerstone of the Seat of God cannot prolong the lifespan of human beings. Although the successive popes are free from disease and disaster, they are still mortals with a lifespan of a hundred years. The longest reigning pope is only [-] years old. The Seat of God is comparable.

The Pope of this generation is considered young. He was crowned for about [-] years. He was crowned at the age of forty-five. This year, he is seventy-five years old. In the Vatican, he is an extremely devout believer.

It's just because he never goes out and walks around, and rarely shows up on various occasions. He obviously has huge influence, but he is not involved in politics. The presence of the Vatican during his tenure as Pope is very low, but it also makes many Heroic spirits and the country spoke highly of this Pope.

It's a pity that the gods are not good. During his tenure, this tragic war still took place, and he could only be forced to retreat in the Vatican City, because as long as he stepped out of the Vatican, his oath was broken. Do not send apostles and saints and sons to help in the battle.

As a result, the arrival of Saint Martha gave France a lot of help. Without her help, it would take a lot of time to solve the Shura Dao and Hungry Ghost Dao simply and neatly, but the other apostles blocked it. The rampant spread of the Hungry Ghost Road in the center of Switzerland also saved Bai Jue's time in pursuit. It can be said that the Vatican played a decisive role in this war to pacify Western Europe.

Because Bai Jue has no ill feeling towards the church, although when talking about believers, some people will always subconsciously think of the magic stick... and often in film and television works, novels and comics, the church side plays an important role, reminding of the former urbanites. Supernatural novels always have to be dragged out of the Vatican to fight again before they feel complete... Indeed, in the past history, the church has indeed had too many disgraceful sides known to ordinary people.

The Crusades can be said to be the biggest and thickest black spot.

But Bai Jue was not in the mood and did not intend to dig up old accounts. He decided to go to the Vatican, not for the purpose of greeting, but mainly because he wanted to borrow some combat power. After all, this war was not just fought in Western Europe. Going to Egypt, including the Middle East, is a high-risk place with frequent wars. If you borrow one or two powerful heroic spirits, it may save him a lot of effort.

What's more, if there are people from the church to help attract firepower, he can also generously give up the favor to other people.

For example, this time half of the prestige of purging the hungry ghosts was lost to the church. Bai Jue didn't need to take on any important role. In the adoring gaze, he turned and left chicly, and the angry Iron Fist Saintess yelled, 'You're plotting against me again'.

To be honest, as a thug, he is capable of defeating thousands of troops. As a teammate, he will never betray. As a girl, he has a good-looking appearance. As a companion, he can endure hardships and stand hard work. As a saint, he can help carry the heavy burden of being an idol... Is this simply a god-like teammate?

Bai Jue suddenly felt that he needed such a good girl, and he would not be tempted to take advantage of the rest time to get him. She is a saint, so she must be a widow!At that time, he went to the Vatican with a slap on his thigh, and was going to trick Martha into a thief's bed.

So the question is, is it that easy?

Before Bai Jue entered the Vatican, he saw a lady saint standing at the gate from a long distance away.

She clasped her arms in front of her chest, she didn't look like a lady at all, instead she shook her legs violently, the holy staff was leaning against the other city wall, did she glance at the closed gate, as if she was planning to beat on the gate of her own home He punched to vent his displeasure.

"What's the matter, Your Excellency, you are..." Bai Jue approached and asked cautiously, "Have you been kicked out of the house?"

"It's really ugly, you!" Martha said irritably, "It's not all your fault!"

"Me? You can't shake this pot around." Bai Jue said seriously: "I didn't touch you. If you lost something precious, it must be caused by excessive exercise on weekdays, which caused the tear injury... Please don't hold it Fist, please don't put on the posture of horse-step punching, please don't get me wrong, you must be thinking crookedly, I'm talking about hair!"

"I always feel that you are so obscene that you make fun of my old lady..." Martha snorted coldly: "What did the Pope say? If you don't invite you back, I won't let me enter the Vatican to be boring. Is the current Pope going too far! That one The adults didn't shut me out!"

"You told him about me?" Bai Jue asked warily.

"No... who knows how he knew?" Martha shook her head, "Probably someone from the thirteen apostles reported the battle situation... If you are afraid of trouble, just don't go in."

"Then how do you go back?" Bai Jue asked: "Your tone is already like a bad girl, do you really plan to stay out at night, put on a white cloak, buy a motorcycle, and plug in the 'night dew death pain'?" 'Rome Rampage' flag, spreading noise all over the world?"

"A ghost! I'm a lady! Don't you think it's impolite to talk to my old lady like that! I don't believe that I punched..." Martha was just about to speak, when there was a grunting sound from her abdomen, and her cheeks fluttered. Blushing: "Um..."

"You're so upright." Bai Jue sighed: "Come on, silly girl, let's go, I'll take you to the city for dinner, the Pope said he wouldn't let you go to the city, he didn't say he wouldn't let you order takeaway..."

"I didn't bring any money, I didn't bring my mobile phone, because why do I need those things when I go out to fight?" Maerda put her hands on her chest, carefully looked at her clothes, it was clean without even a pocket.

"Okay..." Bai Jue was taken aback after finishing speaking: "Wait, it seems that I don't have any money." He opened the payment interface of his phone and asked, "Can Juxin and Alipay be used in the Vatican?"

A gust of cold wind blew through the wind, and the two who stared awkwardly at each other were a little silent.

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