"Prepare for the ceremony." Bai Jue covered his face with the mask, turned to stare at Himiko, and said, "While there is still time."

"Ritual?" Himi paused: "Is it a human sacrifice? I understand..." She came back to her senses, thinking that she was still doomed, and if there were no heroic sacrifices, An would not be able to deal with this restless land.

"Please give me some time, I need to hand over some work." Himiko said with the mood of preparing for the funeral: "It won't take long, tomorrow afternoon..."

"I don't have that much time." Bai Jue said coldly, "Prepare for the ceremony now, and we'll talk about it after handing over some work."

"After?" Himiko was taken aback, he was a sacrifice, so there was no future.

"You seem to have misunderstood something... just follow the normal sealing ceremony." Bai Jue said lightly, "I will be responsible for suppressing its will, and it will never wake up again within ten years of keeping it."

Although the timeline has become disordered, Bai Jue still hopes to keep pace with ten years later as much as possible. With his majestic soul power now, it is not very difficult to suppress a natural disaster beast, even killing it head-on. It's not impossible. At the beginning, he only awakened one holy soul, but now there are four, which is not the same. But if he is killed, the incident on Kyushu Island will not happen again in ten years. Effect, if there is no cause, where is the effect?

Himiko was slightly startled, but in an instant she suppressed all doubts.

She can choose to doubt, hesitate, and question Bai Jue's identity, but she is more aware that every second of her hesitation is a waste of her time and life.

The matter has come to this point, it seems that everything is beyond her expectation and control, and if he wants to kill himself, he can do it directly, if it is not good for Kyushu Island, he can also choose a more direct way, there is no need to put on this elusive picture uncertain attitude.

The most important thing is that Himiko heard the conversation between the snake and him, calling him the savior, and she did see the momentary power that ordinary people can't feel. The confluence of many factors made her choose the most direct trust.

Bai Jue nodded slightly: "Don't make me wait too long, I'm still in a hurry."

Himiko bowed respectfully, then turned around and walked into the main hall. Her spirit should have been exhausted, but now hope rose again, like a source of flowing water, which made her even a little happy.

On the other side, Uesugi Kenshin finally released the shackles of the cold and returned to Asama Shrine.

"Do you still want to do it?" Bai Jue asked, "I suggest you give up this unreliable idea."

"Your Excellency... what do you want to do?" Uesugi Kenshin asked uncertainly, she couldn't tell whether this person was an enemy or a friend.

"What do I want to do?" Bai Jue said calmly: "There are many things I want to do. I want to sleep until I wake up naturally every day. I want to stay up late without losing my hair. I want to spend money without spending money. I want to get rid of the bill. Miracle, I want a five equal girlfriend, and I also want to bring back my senior who disappeared at the end of the most beautiful cloud in the sky, more like killing that bastard named snake..."

"Are you telling me a bad joke?" Uesugi Kenshin was puzzled.

"No, I'm trying to reason with you." Bai Jue said flatly: "There are too many things I want to do, some are difficult to achieve, some are beyond my power, and now I have to let go of what I want the most. What to do, and choose something that I can do... such as saving your homeland, such as defending this world..."

He raised his eyes: "This is not what I want to do, but it is something I can do... It's like I can do nothing to save you, but I still stay... Don't worry, I love you all." harmless."

"Your Excellency, why..." She struggled, but still asked.

"Do you need a reason?" Bai Jue asked back: "If you think I'm troublesome, you don't need to carefully insinuate me. After finishing this matter, I will leave immediately and never stay. Do you need me to write you a letter? "

Uesugi Kenshin opened his mouth, unable to utter the word absurd, but a heavy weight weighed on her heart. At this moment, Himiko walked out of the main hall, and she said, "Your Excellency, the ceremony is ready."

Bai Jue nodded, and stepped into the temple first. A layer of flames burned on his body surface. The flames burned away the blood stains on his body, and restored his clean appearance. The shrine is a clean place after all, and his body covered in blood stains cannot be tolerated. It is also a respect for others to act wildly.

"Himiko, is he really, trustworthy?" Uesugi Kenshin asked.

"It's worth it." Himiko said without hesitation: "I'm not a person who likes to gamble, but he deserves our trust once."

"But, but..." Kenshin Uesugi frowned and asked, "He came here with murderous intent at first, but now he doesn't ask for anything."

"So you are doubting this." Himi said clearly.

"I have to suspect that after seeing Tokugawa's true nature, I found that in today's troubled times, I can't trust anything, but the selfish bastards live the happiest." She said bitterly: "I'm really worried that this will happen again It's a huge storm that will drag us into it."

"Himshin, not everyone repays favors." Himiko said softly: "After you have seen the bustling scene, you saw the field scenery, but you began to wonder if it was a mirror image?"

"I'm just worried." In Uesugi Kenshin's words, there was a sense of fear that she couldn't even detect, a faint fear after being defeated head-on with all her self-confidence, just because she had once faced the unparalleled sharpness that was unparalleled in the world.

"Anyway, he saved me." Himiko smiled and said, "So, I trust him."

"That's all?"

"That's all." Himiko nodded: "If salvation doesn't need a reason, why does trust need a reason? If you need a high-sounding reason for any choice you make, don't you feel that living is tiring?"

Maybe it was wandering in the gate of hell, or maybe it was because of the thousands of changes in human nature, but the moment she saw Bai Jue, she felt relieved, and even felt a touch of redemption, because there is not only selfishness in this world. There are wicked people who don't expect profit, and good deeds that don't count on rewards.

"I'm holding a ceremony." Himiko turned around and stepped into the main hall. The wooden door of the main hall was closed, and the enchantment was unfolded. The Shinto technique enveloped the surrounding area of ​​Mount Fuji, and the dragon spirit in the dragon veins of the earth began to surge again.

Uesugi Kenshin was forced to step back, she stared quietly at the main hall, feeling all the movements inside, if there was any movement, she would definitely break in.

But after all, she is neither a witch nor a priest, and she can't read or see whether the ceremony is going smoothly.

But she vaguely noticed that the radiance was getting brighter and the pulsation of the earth became weaker. The slight tremor of the earth that could be detected for a few hours had disappeared, and the malice that lingered around all the time had also become Fades and fades until it's undetectable.

She doesn't know what is going on in the main hall, but everything is getting better, if she continues to maintain a skeptical attitude, then she is a real fool.

However, Kenshin Uesugi was even more confused. If he was really the one who came to save Kyushu Island, why did he mock himself as if he was an uninvited guest? This kind of self-deprecation made her unable to understand.

Confused, because she couldn't see more and more clearly what kind of mood the person under the mask had.

About several hours passed, the wooden door in the main hall creaked, Bai Jue pushed the door out, the enchantment was still maintained, and the light gradually dissipated.

"The ceremony was a success. Himiko fell asleep when the ceremony was completed. She was exhausted, but her life was safe, and there were other maidens to take care of her." Bai Jue said to the nervous Uesugi Ken: "It hasn't fully awakened yet, and was taken care of by other maidens." After killing one-fifth of my soul, I was seriously injured and fell asleep again. I don’t know how long it will take to recover, maybe ten years, maybe twenty years, but when the time comes... Anyway, someone will come to solve it.”

That's right, it's just down, and it's down again.

"Is it...?" Kenshin Uesugi quickly restrained his astonishment and confusion. Facts trumped all excuses. All her doubts were unfounded. Even drawing a sword to face each other was disrespectful to her benefactor. It used to be a sin of seppuku.

She gritted her teeth slightly, the white kimono skirt touched the ground, and she knelt towards the ground: "Your Excellency, even kneeling now is not enough to express my gratitude and respect to you...but at least, please let me apologize for my previous rudeness ..."

Kneeling etiquette in Kyushu Island is the most important level of apology ceremony. Although it is not as important as the Shenzhou Empire, it is not easy to kneel, especially for heroic spirits. As a peak heroic spirit, self-esteem is so important. Uesugi Kenshin has never knelt down to anyone. This kneeling damaged her dignity, but she knelt so decisively because she knew she was guilty.

But she still couldn't kneel down, Bai Jue's two fingers supported her head, so that her weight was supported before her knees touched the bottom, and then with a little force, she nodded her head and pushed her to a standing position.

"Does your excellency not accept my apology?" Uesugi Kenshin's expression was even more sad, and the beautiful woman put on a look that I was about to cry, very pitiful.

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