But when the first Rakshasa collided with the city wall, the siege began, and more and more monsters appeared, including monsters, ghosts, monsters, Shura Yashas, ​​all kinds of monsters, the Great Wall still stands, and the bloody keep spreading.

Li Xiuning stood guard on the city tower and fought hard, but she watched the endless tide, dozens of huge swallowing ghosts shook the earth, desperate enough, the rocks collapsed, and even the Yanmen Pass poured by the dragon veins of the earth trembled violently. While staggering and falling down the tower, countless weapons stabbed at her, blood was dripping instantly, she swept across with her spear, beheading countless evil spirits and monsters, blooming like flowers in the blood.

The expression is cold, but the heart is cold.

She realizes that she still made a huge mistake...she can wait, but the other party won't.

Liu Dao is going to step down the Yanmen Pass tonight, and there must be heaven and humanity above the clouds in the sky!

And not only will she die here tonight, but she will not be able to persist until dawn!

Today Li Xiuning is completely isolated and helpless.

She gritted her teeth, even knowing all this, she still refused to retreat.

She couldn't see hope, and she didn't even know that in the direction of Yanmen Pass, amidst the dark tide, there was a white light piercing through Yong Ye and going upstream.

She wanted to fight to the death here, but she didn't expect that someone wanted her to live.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

General Shura looked at the heroic spirits surrounded by the army.

Yes, she is very nice.

How could a single person stand alone for such a long time? Standing in front of the pass alone, he guarded the Yanmen Pass for three hours without eating or drinking, without even a moment's rest.

It's hard to imagine that it is a woman, but it is more like Asura than Asura, it is clearly a ghost in the battlefield.

However, her blood will eventually run dry.

Three hours was probably the limit. Her strength continued to drop, and even the defense circle was reduced to less than three feet. The battle gun in her hand couldn't even kill her with a single blow. After all, she was made of flesh and blood.

After she dies, I can get a precious bone of a heroic spirit. The body of a heroic spirit after death is an excellent material. If it is used well, it can even cultivate a powerful individual comparable to a third-order heroic spirit. Even if it is driven by a puppet. It has a very powerful effect, and the most important thing is that it is enough to cause a strong spiritual shock to human beings. After all, even the patron saint is killed in battle, who can defend the country.

As the group of ghosts attacked and killed, Li Xiuning's footsteps quickly shifted to the left, and the war gun flashed a cold trajectory in the air, slit the throats of several hungry ghosts and cleared a blank space for her to settle temporarily.

The indefatigable hungry ghosts pounced on them once again. These inhuman creatures don't need to breathe or stop at all, and they don't need strength. As long as the flesh and blood are connected, as long as the body is not destroyed, they can continue to fight. Any soldier is more perfect, more crazy, almost as tireless as a killing machine.

This time, Li Xiuning, whose hair was messed up, only had the strength to resist. Her black hair was messed up in the wind and cut off by the blade. Every ray of malice in the battlefield made her mentally tense, as if she was walking on a spider's silk thread , the abyss of death is under your feet, and if you miss a step, you will be on the verge of chaos.

What frightened her the most was the heavens and humans in the sky. They never left. The golden light and shadow seemed sacred but entrenched in the night sky like a shadow. There was a powerful curse in the sight just hanging down. That curse It's not powerful, but it's exacerbating Li Xiuning's heroism.

So far, countless heroic spirits have died in battle. Tianrendao and Shuradao have conducted research on the corpses of the dead heroic spirits, and have developed unique tactics and methods of dealing with them.

At this moment in Li Xiuning, more than half of the spirit of the heroic spirit has been continuously taken away by this seemingly weak curse. With the continuous accumulation of mental and physical exhaustion, it is constantly worn out in the attack like a torrential rain. until...


A sharp sound came from her war gun, and the power in her hand suddenly slammed into the air. The war gun split her already opened tiger's mouth, and she let go of her hand, stained with gurgling blood, and fell on the ground three meters away.

General Shura finally charged forward. It spotted Li Xiuning's weakest moment. The unstoppable bone saber knocked down her weapon and cut a half-meter-long wound on her arm. The blood was not only Instead of flowing out, it spewed out, and the gushing blood fell on the blue bricks in front of Yanmen Pass.

In front of the Great Wall of Flesh and Flesh, the gasping Princess Pingyang still raised her head stubbornly. The surrounding monsters did not rush up, but cleared out an open space, as if deliberately leaving General Shura a chance to kill her alone.

She saw the humanized banter in General Shura's eyes.

"Tsk... What are a group of beasts and livestock drinking blood?" Even though she seemed extremely weak under the approaching army, her will was still not defeated. Her body was about to dry up, but her soul was still burning with endless energy. fighting spirit.

"I know what you're thinking."

"You use heroic spirits as materials, and I am also a rare ingredient in your eyes."

"But if you want my body, that's just your delusion. When I die, I guarantee that you won't even find a single completed bone... And before I die, I will kill you first!"

She pulled out the dagger at her waist, and the few remaining spirits of the heroic spirit once again lit up the brilliance in her life.

At this time, her face was covered with blood and dust, but she was smiling, her smile was so bright, like a shooting star, like fireworks, that smile was a beautiful color that could not be buried by cruel life and death, or animal madness, like ice-cold water Burning, that is the sign before self-destruction.

Li Xiuning squeezed the last strength out of her body, she no longer considered the method of attack, she turned into a violent wind and rushed into the enemy's formation, her graceful back was killing, she picked up the fallen weapon, dancing like a dance Turning and stepping, spinning and jumping with eyes closed, as the blade danced, layers of blood mist were set off, harvesting life.

The guarding generals slaughtered wantonly in the encirclement of the army, even if the body was continuously injured, they did not consider any defense, even if the blood was bloody, they did not want to stop, the new wounds overlapped the old wounds, it was as painful as if from the blood. blooming flowers.

The cruel flower of life is in full bloom, stained red with blood.

It is a magnificence that even the dark tide cannot drown.

Fighting, she gradually lost her body consciousness in the killing. Instead, she couldn't help recalling many past events. From the deepest part of her memory, there were little ripples. In the memory of a long life, countless fragments were connected in series, making her Reminiscing about the precious moments once again.

She thought of the love of her parents when she was a child, the joy and excitement when she had a younger sister for the first time, when she was a child, she walked through the streets and alleys of Chang'an holding the hand of her relatives, and the crime when she killed the enemy for the first time in the battlefield Thinking of the refreshment of drinking strong wine when returning from a great victory, thinking of her inner depression when her sisters gradually alienated, thinking of her own fragility when her parents died, thinking of the inner peace and all kinds of reluctance when she was getting old, thinking of her actions. After the heroic spirit was reincarnated, he saw the joy and astonishment of his sister, and remembered all the precious things he lost in this battle...

Scenes of memories flow in the eyes, like photos that have become mottled with time.

In the end, what she didn't expect was that the scene that should have been blurred in her memory became clear, the back of the boy sitting under the moon, and the sense of peace and tranquility he gave her...

In front of him, all the halos on her body seemed to have receded, leaving only a woman named Li Xiuning there... who could be patted on the head and praised like a good girl...

Li Xiuning suddenly felt that she might really be a very stupid person.

After living two lifetimes, it is only now that I realize what I want. Maybe it is not a love that is so hard to remember, but a kind of comfort that simply feels that it is good and reassuring to have him around.

She once felt it in a perfect home, and then she looked for the person who could accept her all, and finally searched thousands of times in her dream, looking back, she had already encountered it inadvertently, and she had already missed it.

"I'm such a fool...pretending to be strong, it's really a bit...difficult?"

The low murmur was drowned out by the shouts of killing, her knees sank slowly, the arrow pierced through her leg bone, and the last ray of strength was exhausted.

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