As he breathed, the surrounding clouds continued to rise and fall. His huge soul power was already enough to spread out from his body, and this spiritual power had already progressed very slowly a long time ago.

As time goes by, the mental power will continue to increase, but just like playing a game to upgrade, a lot of experience is required to advance to the next level.

And no matter how Bai Jue improves his spiritual power, he can't detect the slightest sign of the fifth holy soul's awakening...

Until not long ago, it had a little movement.

When Bai Jue opened the box at Asama Shrine on Mt. The accumulation of huge soul power is a change of will in the spirit.

Even if only a small part of the soul power is used, it is enough to keep the holy soul moving. Therefore, it is not a lack of strength, but a lack of emotion and desire. Therefore, the fifth holy soul has not awakened for a long time, like a plant without nourishment, of course it cannot break through the ground grow.

He doesn't have to worry about other things for the next time. If he can catch the corner of the fifth holy soul in this short period of time, the possibility of Bai Jue defeating Tianren Dao will be even greater. He doesn't mind breaking through , the original trace of blood skin suddenly upgraded back to full blood blue, giving the other party a profound lesson.


Time passed by minute by minute.

The palaces in the Tibet Autonomous Region are still well preserved.

Perhaps because of the pious wishes of the believers, the Tao of Heaven and Humanity did not destroy this place, but used it as a stronghold for descending.

The gloomy night sky is full of thick clouds and fog, and the increasingly cold weather has completely entered the coldest season of winter.

The heavenly people did not know the cold, and gathered around the palace like sculptures.

Although they each have individual wills, they are uniformly subject to the overall will of the Tao of Heaven and Man. The will of the golden Buddha statue is too strong, which led to the unilateral domination of the Six Thousand Heavens, and everyone became a pawn in his hand.

But now this golden body is sitting in the temple, trying to replace the gods and absorb the huge vows accumulated over the years, but it is a pity that it can't do it now, unless it can really replace all myths and become the only god Only.

In front of the golden Buddha statue, a black aura stood up from the floor, like a drop of ink spreading on the paper, expanding from a tiny point to the size of a human in an instant.

The young man wearing a round felt hat let out a deep sigh of emotion, and poured bitter water on the golden body of the heavenly man: "Oh, it's really not easy to find it again. I was almost killed by accident. If it wasn't for my void If I remember the way of the gate, I will probably be killed, even if I am not dead now, I have suffered a lot of injuries and paid a high price."

"What do you want to do?" The golden body didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly and decisively.

"Shouldn't you be very clear about what I want to do? Why do you think I have provided you with so much information?" Snake pulled the brim of his hat, raised his eyes and squinted at the golden body: "He is my main dish, how can you tell me?" Don't try to snatch the food, maybe you are going to die at all... You just need to deal with your own affairs, and I will keep the whole world handed over, and I will never interfere in the slightest."

"Reasonable transaction." The golden body made a benevolent smiling face.

"Strictly speaking, I lost money." Snake licked his lips: "But for him, we think it's worth paying a little more, but it's just chips. I have different chips."

His expression seemed to have been secretly calculated.

The Kyushu round was just the beginning, and the real calculations were still to come.

His trump card has not yet been revealed.

The game that has been laid out for a long time is about to reveal the tip of the iceberg.

Snake is very patient. He knows that as long as Tianrendao and the Shenzhou Empire fight to the death, Bai Jue will naturally participate in it. Said that for Liu Dao, this battle is indeed the final battle in the literal sense.

The snake licked his lips: "I WANNE P LAY A GAME..."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A piece of night is like washing, with a little bit of moonlight shining down.

Wisps of fluttering white snowflakes fell on his shoulders, and at some point they had already accumulated several centimeters in thickness.


A boy about ten years old was squatting on the steps in front of the holy courtyard. A goose-feather-like flake of snow fell on his nose, melted into water droplets, and slid down his cheeks. He looked up at the dark night sky, seeing everything No, my hands and feet are already cold.

Today's Yanjing City is already congested, because too many people have been gathered, and it is overcrowded. Even if the underground ancient city and air-raid shelters have been opened for people to rest, it is still not enough. Many people can only stay in the streets and cannot find a place to rest. The law and order in the place is even more chaotic.

Quarreling, cursing, fighting and even crying can be seen and heard everywhere.

The boy squatted silently on the steps. These days, he has seen so many such things that he has become numb in his heart. The children of the Shenzhou Empire start their spirituality very early. He is more mature than he looks and understands A lot of things that others don't understand.

The reason why he stays here is because this area is used to accommodate separated children and minors. There are many children in the warm room, but it is very noisy. He doesn't like noise, so he came outside .

At this time, a person walked in front of the boy, dressed in white clothes like snow dyed, unable to blend into the night, wearing a strange mask, behind him followed three or two girls in ragged clothes, the older fifteen Six years old, the younger one is twelve or thirteen years old.

"I will send you here, and I will take care of you after entering." The man said to the two girls: "Live well, it is not easy to persist here."

"Thank you, thank you..." the two girls said incoherently, tears wet their pale cheeks.

"Go, rest early." Bai Jue said, watching them walk into the courtyard with each other's support.

Seeing this strange person, the boy's cold expression changed slightly, and he couldn't help asking: "What happened to them?"

Looking at the boy, Bai Jue suddenly felt familiar, so he asked with a funny smile, "How do you know what happened to them?"

"Bruises, walking posture... Have you ever been raped?" The boy asked sharply.

"You little brat knows a lot." Bai Jue knew that he saw it and didn't hide it: "They came to Yanjing from the south after their parents died. A relative sold it to a local ruffian. This local ruffian was not very courageous before, and he was just waiting to die, but this time he made a lot of money by taking advantage of the chaos. There are too many people in Beijing, and the supervision is not in place. He took advantage of the loopholes, and some people turned a blind eye... This pair of sisters was kept by his side because they were good-looking. but……"

Bai Jue smiled sarcastically, and didn't want to say something too explicit.

"And then?" the boy looked at him.

"Then?" Bai Jue lit up the sword in his hand: "Then I killed him, and those who had participated in human trafficking and committed serious crimes were also killed. Let's go, the red blood dragged all over the white snow, very happy."

Bai Jue also came over and sat on the other side of the stairs, "Actually, it's not my turn to do these things. After the war is over, they will be liquidated sooner or later. I didn't plan to care about it, but this sister can't bear it, so I don't want to drag her down." I wanted to commit suicide by jumping into the river, but I couldn’t hold back and drew my sword, it’s too much to kill people in the street, it’s not good to scare the people in Chaoyang District.”

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