"Counterattack Heaven."

"All enemies, kill them! Kill them! Kill them!"

Bai Jue's voice was solemn and dignified, and accompanied by the sound of thunder, the dull voice spread across thousands of miles of snow and fell into the ears of millions of people.

Three murderous "killing" sounds seemed to vent the anger caused by this painful scar.

The red banner seemed to be stained with a layer of red blood, and the clouds and even the sky became faintly dark red.

This is the declaration of war.

After waiting for more than [-] days, the announcement was late but finally arrived.

Bai Jue knew that with this declaration, what would be different from the past, he could feel the revival of countless powerful and tenacious souls, and he could also feel the completely different sights of the heroic spirits behind him. Ling Ran's will has a fighting spirit that soars to the sky.

The blood is boiling, and the fighting spirit is burning.

The savior raised the fiery banner, and the war chess fell, thousands of miles away from the enemy outside the Great Wall.

"Follow me to level the heavens and humans!"

He swept across the sky of Yanjing City with the red flames.

Many heroic spirits followed closely behind, like a meteor chasing the moon, countless rays of light bloomed, and the reason of the heroic spirits drew a colorful grand light, which was the light of human civilization and the pioneer of the guardian.

Li Xiuning looked at the back of Bai Jue's leaving, she turned her head to look at Li Shiming, and paused: "Shiming, don't you want to go?"

"Go, I'll stay here." Li Shiming looked at Bai Jue's back from a distance, with softness and determination in his eyes: "I am the emperor of Shenzhou, the emperor guards the gate of the country, the king dies in the country, tonight... I am not going anywhere go."

Li Xiuning nodded heavily, and said in a low voice, "May Your Majesty have good fortune in martial arts!"

Li Xiuning led the women's army straight to the pass of the Great Wall. In just a few breaths, the front of the Forbidden City was empty.

Li Shiming caressed the Son of Heaven sword hanging from his waist.

Her words spread along with the boundless sword chant.

"Notify the people of Shenzhou that this battle will be fought by all the people."

"Those who are willing to go to the battlefield, please use flesh and blood to guard Yanjing."

"I will fight Liu Dao thirty miles outside Yanjing City."

"Oath to fight!"

She is the emperor, and the emperor cannot retreat. If I die, this is the best place for me to bury my bones. There is no need to worry about it, and there is no need to regret it. So... Follow me, Tianzijian... Follow me... Compatriots them.

Li Shiming walked through the streets of Yanjing City all the way, dressed in black, passing through the bustling crowd like a silent black lotus.

It was the first time for many people to see the emperor so close. She looked so thin and fragile, but she was carrying the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people.

At first, she was alone.

After just ten steps, there were two people, and after a few more steps, it became three people.

The crowd gradually grew... The footsteps became clearer and clearer, some people were even talking and laughing, some people were singing songs, as if the end of the road was a paradise and a pure land, rather than a tragic battlefield.

The snow in the sky was getting heavier, and it couldn't cover up the heavier and heavier footsteps, and couldn't cover up the passionate heart.

The pen in Jixia's student's hand fell, and he paused for a moment, and three thousand white clothes from Jixia Academy went out.

The knight-errant drew his sword out of its sheath, laughed loudly, drank strong wine, and followed the emperor.

The homeless prodigal son swallowed a mouthful of tragic bitterness, turned into a murderous intent, and grasped the only incomplete anger.

Even a common man should have the courage to take three bloody steps, break away from the wailing pull of his mother-in-law, and follow the last step.

This is the soul of China.

This is the human road.

This is the hymn of salvation.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

One will be a million bones.

The more famous a heroic spirit is in history, the more terrifying its fighting power is, and the more its hands are stained with countless blood.

This is a fact that cannot be rewritten or changed. The strength of heroic spirits determines the fact that they are weapons, and a powerful weapon needs to be unsheathed only when it encounters a powerful enemy.

Even if the heroic spirits deny war in their hearts, they cannot deny their instinct to go to the battlefield and their passion for bloody slaughter.

The battlefield is constantly calling them like fate, sublimated in the battle, and fell in the battle.

Bai Jue is not a heroic spirit, so what is his mood?

Carrying the fire banner and leading many heroic spirits to the battlefield, can he enjoy this all-out battle again?

The others couldn't see his face because they were all behind Bai Jue and could only look at his back.

The enemy couldn't see his expression, because all his expressions were covered by the mask, only the golden pupils reflected the whiteness of the snowy night.

When they arrived at the border of the Great Wall, Bai Jue didn't need to say anything, each heroic spirit locked on to their target and headed for each other.

The Knights of the Round Table, the Twelve Warriors, and the Dragon of Echigo, these heroic spirits are not good at group combat. In fact, no heroic spirit can fight in groups. Even if they join forces, there will be no more than three people. The possibility of stepping into the same battlefield If you want to use the full power of the heroic spirit, the tactic of suppressing the face is undoubtedly the most suitable.

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