This old knight with vicissitudes of life and undiminished charm played the role of the diligent old jungler very powerfully. He not only wiped out most of the rare monsters on the field, but also faced more than three million monsters. Countless Shura Legion.

This Asura Legion is not a group of Asuras, but hungry ghosts that have been strengthened by drinking the blood of Asura. This caused the three million hungry ghosts to undergo a mutation. This huge Asura Legion is a great pressure on the front line. After Roland lured him away, he carried out an extremely efficient annihilation battle. In the battle to liberate five treasures, after thirty hours, all the Shura legions were wiped out.

At the same time, I also noticed that a few heavenly beings who had left alone were cleaned up like a leak.

On the way, I also had a face-to-face meeting with Martha.

The Iron Fist Saintess fought very frankly this time. She thrust the holy staff given to her by God Yeda into the ground, and then shook her fists, like a blue fist releasing a totem. Tieshan relied on all kinds of skills at his fingertips. With a fancy and violent boxing technique, the scalps of various small monsters, elite monsters, were numb, and a three-headed dragon was forcibly turned into a small pancake by her fists.

She is not alone, she is accompanied by a Kyushu Sword Master to collect experience points.

Sasaki progressed extremely fast in the fierce battle. It can be said that she skipped a level, and her combat power and experience have increased rapidly. If you use a digital method to view it, you can see that the level above her head is continuously increasing by one. In just over a day, she has already The awakening of the job change adds two sleeps.

Even after awakening the Noble Phantasm, she directly made a big move against a celestial general, and the three-headed and six-armed celestial general had his head chopped off by such an unknown young girl. After that, he was beaten into flying ashes by the iron armored dragon.

The battlefield of Heroic Spirits is difficult, but it is not difficult, and the enemy is strong but can still be defeated.

The most important thing is that this is not the land of foreign heroic spirits. They don't have too much psychological pressure, and they can release their strength to their heart's content. Fighting under Bai Jue's command is even more high-spirited.

Compared with the fighting spirit of the heroic spirits, the Seat of God is much calmer.

Charlemagne and the Lion King fought on their own. While cleaning up the heavens and humans, they observed the battlefield of the war, and helped at any time like making up swords. They seemed to be grabbing the head, but in fact they were sharing the pressure on the battlefield, maintaining the stability of the battle situation, and constantly weakening the Six Paths the power of.

At the same time, the two Seats of God aimed at the fragments of Shura Dao and Hungry Ghost Dao, ready to push them steadily. With the strength of the two, as long as they are not too aggressive, it is only a matter of time before they win, no matter how fierce the opponent's resistance is.

As long as the fragments of the other six paths are broken.

No matter how strong the way of heaven is, it is impossible for one to fight ten and one to fight twenty.

Therefore, as long as the implementation is carried out step by step, for at most one day, the scale of victory will be completely tilted.

Yes, if nothing unexpected happens...

In the most central area of ​​the battle, Bai Jue fought fiercely with Tianmo for two days. He had the upper hand in strength, but he couldn't establish a victory. It can be described as mental pollution.

Even though Tianmo was determined, Naihe listened to the trash talk for more than two days in a row, finally he was unable to guard against it and at the same time entered a state of impotent rage, made fatal mistakes one after another, Bai Jue caught a wave of opportunities and approached him directly.

Seeing that Bai Jue was about to say that you handed over your flash to me... But an accident happened, and the situation where he was supposed to do it was blocked by the other party instead.

"You've finally been fooled!"

Hearing Tianmo's words, looking at its treacherous grinning expression.

Bai Jue realizes that the direction of the plot seems to be wrong...


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When the pitch-black sickle rested on his neck, the familiar feeling sent chills down Bai Jue's spine.

He stepped back sideways, and the white tiger released the thunder, stirring up the atmosphere, avoiding the deadly sneak attack that almost took his head by a hair's breadth.

Not far away, there was a figure floating in a silver-white holy robe and a silver mask, stepping on the void, holding a black scythe, with cold eyes without any emotional fluctuations, only pure reason... and killing intent.

First, the head of the Council, claims to be the enemy of the Destroyer.

She also wields soul power and has the same combat power as Bai Jue. Ten years later, the two sides had a confrontation, and Bai Jue lost to her. With the same four holy souls, the other party was even better.

"I should have will definitely make a move." Bai Jue stared at F, and said lightly: "It seems that there must be a parliament behind the scenes to fuel the battle of the Six Paths Demon Survey. You are the minions of the snake, or your target It's the same."

"Since you know the council, you should understand that resistance is futile." F said flatly: "You have nowhere to escape."

"I don't need to run away." Bai Jue raised his eyebrows and sneered disdainfully. He was still very confident: "In my dictionary, there is no retreat! It's just one hit and two, you think I will be hypocritical ? Watch me show it to you!"

What he said was righteous, and he seemed extremely confident. In fact, Bai Jue had no sense in his heart. He was almost certain that he would not be able to beat him, but he had to fight if he couldn't beat him. Suspense is like being in a desperate situation. You can only believe that you can fight back. It is also a dead end. It is better to kill a bloody road.

There is no absolute life and death in battle, everything is decided at the moment of battle, if the gap between strength and weakness is not too obvious, the strength level is too disparate, and you die on the spot if the opponent is level a, then there is the possibility of counter-killing... …

That's what I said...but after all, it's just a nice word, and the truth is far more cruel.

The Heavenly Demon has already decided to use its ultimate move, it wasted too much time, and it doesn't care about the enmity between Bai Jue and F, even when the two sides are talking, it doesn't mind carrying a headshot of killing Lao Yinbi and attacking Lao Yinbi.

Tianmo raised his finger, the seemingly inadvertent movement gathered unprecedented solid strength, just flicked his fingers, the movement seemed to be like flicking the air, but it hit an explosive force above the speed of sound.

With a series of vigor, one finger fell, directly hitting the vital point of Baige's throat.

And the bronze giant fell from the sky, calculating the attack trajectory in advance and deploying... Sparks burst out from the thick bronze armor, and a finger pressed the tough bronze iron armor, and the surface of the armor seemed to become elastic, sinking slightly , and then quickly bounced back, resisting the rebounding force with a substantial force and continuing to press down, passed to the void, and finally fell into the already thin high-altitude atmosphere again, shaking out more than ten circular air waves.

In the end it all came out in the form of sound.

Even in the thin space that lacks air, you can still hear such a clear heavy roar, like a sky thunder exploding under your feet, as if you can hear the heavy pressure of a volcanic eruption.

This is just one finger, and it exhausted nearly [-]% of its power.

And the ultimate move was still going on, First stepped on the fully bloomed Bianhua, wandering in the void, like a deadly assassin, quietly waiting for the harvest, and the pitch-black sickle did hit Bai Jue's body.

Under the heavy pressure of Tianmo Yizhi, Bai Jue has no time and power to resist the lore from behind.

The knife cut into his body, warm blood oozed out from Bai Jue's chest, he could clearly smell the bloody smell, and a long and thin crack appeared on the white long coat on his chest , the crack was a smooth and sharp wound, from his left shoulder to his heart, scarlet blood seeped out from the wound, staining a large area of ​​his clothes red, his heart was also split in two just a little bit away.

It's just that the black sickle failed to cut off, but was held in the palm of Bai Jue's hand.

But even so, he was severely injured to the point of dying in an instant.

In the thin and cold upper atmosphere, the blood condenses into blood beads, falling down one by one, any blood is bright red, without exception, even the blood left by the savior does not look more precious at all.

Every person who fought hard on the earth was bleeding, and the heroic spirits were also bleeding, and he would also be bleeding.

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