Not only did he not regret the defeat of First and Heavenly Demon at all, but he became more and more excited, his eyes full of strong anticipation.

The sharp sword pierced into the silver-white mask, and the gap in the mask quickly cracked, and then enlarged, the crack continued to spread, and finally split the mask in two, completely disintegrated, and the broken mask spread out to both sides, revealing the silver mask. true appearance.

Thinking about accelerating time, no matter how fast Bai Jue's sword is, he can still grasp it, and the time acceleration that reaches the limit can even stop time... So he clearly saw the true appearance of the first holy robe under the mask.

In an instant, his heartbeat almost stopped.

The pupils of her eyes shrank to the size of a pinhole, and the sword blade that was about to pierce between her eyebrows was firmly held, not being able to penetrate an inch. Feixue only pierced her superficial skin, and bright red blood flowed from the damaged pure white skin, giving her Embellished with a touch of surprise.

Bai Jue's killing intent and hatred disappeared without a trace in just one breath.

He murmured, "How could it be you..."

At the same time as the whispers sounded, so did the bells.

"The analysis of 'Li' is completed...the seal is released!"

First raised his icy and rational eyes, and was indifferent to Bai Jue's words, and the third chain between the silver and white floating in his palm was also quietly unsealed.

In an instant, the scabbard flew out from the hilt, and the dazzling flames like the scorching sun formed the blade under the hilt, like the smell of meteor smoke, and the layers of golden light formed a faint and huge shape of the blade. It is a sword blade, more like an infinitely erupting flame. The phantom of the flame is built into a blade, and tens of thousands of silver glow particles flow on the blade.

Infinite numbers of spells were compiled and rewritten, and after reconstruction, they finally turned into a sword of analysis that could break the power of Bai Jue's holy soul.

Then she took hold of the hilt.

Silver-white light and shadow enveloped half of the sky, a head of silver-white long hair became more pure white, silver flames attached to the skin, countless spells were expanded, and the silver sword was aimed at Bai Jue's heart.

This is a sword capable of killing a holy soul, a sword capable of crushing matter, and a sword capable of dissipating sword energy, so no force can stop it.

Bai Jue has nowhere to hide, and there is nowhere to escape.

He didn't even have the idea of ​​avoiding it, but stared at the girl who was close at hand, frowning, incomprehensible.

The blade of the sword cut through the sky, and the silver-white light sank into Bai Jue's chest.

The dark red blood spread from his chest, and the icy silver light cut off his vitality, even the fire of Nirvana was killed and could not be rekindled.

"But, why is it you..."

Bai Jue coughed up blood, but his breath was like silk, but he questioned: "Sister Han."


ps1: Don't worry, everything about the plot is still under my control. This is not the end yet, and the foreshadowing of two million words will be revealed in at most one or two chapters.

ps2: There is also blackening as agreed.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Her appearance is almost exactly the same as in the memory, only a little bit grown up, just like the girl in her [-]s, but there is no warmth and humanity in her eyes, only a cold chill remains.

Silver light pierced his chest.

It was very difficult for Bai Jue to even breathe, and this sword almost shattered his soul.

But he didn't kill him with a sword.


The girl in the holy robe looked at her hand, she didn't understand why there was such a slight deviation in the extremely precise calculation, her hand trembled for a moment, and the sword couldn't shatter all his soul, but...why? trembling?

Is it just a trembling caused by exhaustion of strength?But it is clear that my grasp of power has already been slender to the level of a millimeter, and it has been meticulous... Then why, the sword is in the wrong position?

Why are my hands stiff now?

Her cold and rational face is like a chaotic computer desktop piled up with a large number of bugs. Countless pop-up windows exploded. Her complex emotions made her frown, and her pure white eyes were no longer calm... Even The shining silver blade in her hand also became unstable, just like her own mood.

"Sister Han." Bai Jue's weak voice came: "But, why is it you..."

First raised his head, his pure white eyes were full of doubts.

Sister Han?Is this calling me?But I don't have that name at all...

He knows me?No, it's impossible, it's impossible for him to know me, we were born in two different worlds, my real name is... is it... my real name... what is it?

She couldn't recall it for a while, and thousands of years have passed. As the founder of the council, she has long lost the first fragment of memory in the huge time, but only left a pure obsession.

No matter what, keep your homeland and rekindle the fire.

This is her only and pure thought. For this reason, even if she forgets her past self, even if she loses all of her humanity, even if she turns into a cold machine and burns out as a candle to rebuild her homeland, it will still be enough. It's just a small price not worth mentioning.

Her humanity should have been wiped out long ago, but why at this moment, the sound of her heartbeat became clearly audible.

Why did my hands start to tremble, and why was there a strong sense of pain gushing out from the depths of my heart?

"Are you..." The Saint-cloaked Daughter murmured, "Who are you..."

The moment the voice fell, Bai Jue didn't wait for an answer.

A bright red bloomed from her chest, and the black blade pierced her body from the back, leaving a stern and cruel wound. The bloody scene just appeared in Bai Jue's eyes.

Blood overflowed from the corner of First's lips, and her pupils lost all vitality in an instant. This was not death, but truncated vitality, a state of suspended animation like an animal hibernating.

She couldn't hold the silver sword with both hands, and almost dissipated the silver blade of Bai Jue's soul, turning into a flying bookmark flying in the air, which gave the dying Bai Jue a last chance to breathe , The broken soul barely retained the last ray of consciousness and did not dissipate. He gasped heavily, his face was as pale as paper, weak and even worse than a child.

However, Bai Jue didn't feel lucky because of his momentary good luck. He raised his eyes and stared at the shadow behind the holy robe.

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