Even if Bai Jue wasn't too pushy, he was ready to fight back with full force, but it would be a reckless move to meet the gun head-on.

This is calculation.

I don't know if you have ever remembered that Bai Di and Bai Jue have two completely different styles when it comes to the choice of battle.

Bai Jue would choose to change his battle strategy, arrange it clearly in advance, or deploy and calculate the strength of the enemy. In terms of the battle itself, he is more straightforward and doesn't know much about changes. He just relies on Strength, how to fight how to fight.

But Baidi is more inclined to use hands and feet in the process of fighting. He extremely likes to set thinking traps for his opponents. Even if his own strength is stronger than the opponents, he still likes to play tricks and use his psychological shortcomings to attack... A positive and passionate approach It is relatively rare in him, even rare, to deceive and deceive opponents, and to win in one fell swoop is his best fighting style.

In short, it is the old Yinbi.

Just like the current spear, which seems to be the starting move of the Death Thorn Spear, it is true that Baidi will also use this move; but in fact, this is a move that is enough to be included in the profound meaning of spear skills in Xianwu. The focus is fundamentally different.

Therefore, Bai Di successfully arranged for Bai Jue.

In this split-second fight, Bai Di undoubtedly had the upper hand. If it was a normal battle, Bai Di had already won.

So, is this the end of the fight between the clerk and the savior?Please listen to the breakdown next time.


Chapter five hundred and sixty-two one hundred thousand banners beheading Yama

If it were an ordinary opponent, perhaps Bai Di's shady move would be enough to secure the victory.

But his opponent is also a cheater. A fight between two men who have the halo of the protagonist will inevitably make the battle situation into a state of anxiety, and it is unrealistic and unrealistic to want to end it cleanly.

This move, which was read as the magic gun and written immortal martial arts, landed firmly on Bai Jue's body, but it deviated from the vital position. Even though the magic gun has the curse of killing, as long as it can't penetrate the heart, it can't be sealed Bai Jue's Phoenix Holy Soul.

"It's only one centimeter away..." Bai Jue raised his left eye, and the dragon's eyes were shining with golden light: "You probably don't know what holy soul I have awakened recently... And I have long been used to this level of pain. Already!"

He raised his hand to hold the magic spear on his chest, and instead of retreating, he took a step forward. Enduring the severe pain of the magic gun tearing flesh, he swung his sword and slashed at Bai Di's shoulder. .

A few bloodstains appeared on Bai Di's clothes, and he looked at Bai Jue in silence.

If Bai Jue was normal before, then after the injury he became even crazier.

The extreme mental state stimulated him to become more and more insane, just like a raging beast stimulated the bestial instinct.

Under the seemingly rational appearance, there is no rational thinking soul at all. His soul wavelength is very irritable, like the ocean under a storm, and there will be stormy waves at any time.

These changes even extended to the holy soul.

The thunder wrapped around his body has turned into a dark red blood thunder, and the phoenix's fire of nirvana has also turned into a dim fire, burning more and more vigorously, the snowflakes falling from the sky are also black, and the ice-colored breath is so dark .

The accumulation of huge negative emotions explodes directly with the moment of injury.

If it was just an incomplete blackened state before, it is undoubtedly a further mature body now.

Blackening is a mental state that is reversed after reaching the limit. Even if the character's personality essence has not changed, the way of thinking and various views on the past are completely different.

After Bai Jue's spiritual reversal, he completely let go of the shackles of all kinds of thoughts in the past. He no longer cares about what will happen to the whole world. Become more aggressive, swordsmanship is no longer purely for the purpose of defeating the enemy, but for the purpose of killing,

Just like the sword just now, if Baidi didn't retreat, his throat would be sealed with blood.

The changes gradually deepened, and the darkness soaked into the soul. This did not happen overnight, but gradually deteriorated over time.

And it is undeniable that when Bai Jue let go of his restraint and bottom line, even if his strength no longer improves, after he indulges his desire to kill and is dominated by his fighting instinct, his aggressiveness and danger will increase by more than one level, just as The fact that a superman who can kill is even more terrifying, and the blackened hero who is no longer limited to saving is just a brutal executioner, and the most terrifying executioner in the world.

"It's such a terrifying murderous aura... I'm actually a little more serious." Bai Di looked at Bai Jue, who was three times stronger in blackness, and felt a little lost in his heart, because in terms of aura, before the blackness of Bai Jue was even stronger, he had a kind of desperate effort Saburo's killing momentum.

However, what the clerk said was just a joke. He had crossed so many battlefields, and Bai Jue's murderous aura was not enough to make him feel the pressure.

What makes him feel the pressure is that Bai Jue's blackened state is more profound. If it completely causes a change in personality, even he can't change it. Along with the soul, he also has problems that he can't handle...Because Bai Jue is completely voluntary, he He took the initiative to swallow the soul spar, chose to accept all the darkness inside, and reshaped himself, in order to leave all his troubles behind.

In short, he gave up thinking and chose to let another self execute his personal will.

A shameless choice... but effective.

This made Bai Di unable to talk to him, verbal persuasion could not be effective, and he could only choose physical persuasion, that is, he took out a casserole-sized right fist and slammed his face fiercely, obliterating his illusions, making him its awake.

Of course, in the early stage... he was able to beat it.

Bai Di raised his left hand, and while pulling out the magic spear, he stepped sideways, dodging the sneak attack of an ice wolf, and the sneaky tricks of a tiger stealing a chicken. He sighed: "Naughty, what kind of dirty tricks are you playing?"

He hooked his fingers and made a pose: "I want to do it, hit it head-on."

When the gust of wind picked up, Bai Jueta shattered the traces of frost under his feet. He sneered: "What are you worthy of? Are you despicable? Lao Yinbi!"

The dark frost spread suddenly, but failed to cross Baidi's three-foot gun circle.

There was a crimson circle of fire burning under his feet, completely different from the dark nirvana fire on Bai Jue's wound, it was a different kind of soul power, it was also burning, but it was burning more thoroughly.


Bai Di was also the strongest soul weapon in the beginning, second only to Bai Yan, but Bai Yan's use was too expensive. In comparison, his anger and heart fire have now been perfectly controlled by him, and he will not use himself as before. Burn to ashes.

The circle of fire neither expands nor shrinks, maintaining the three-foot gun circle unbreakable.

Even if Bai Jue spread the frost field, the outside was freezing cold, and the frost wolf roared loudly, it still couldn't freeze a single hair of him.

"Ice is not as good as fire, your ability to play with fire is much worse than mine." Bai Di commented: "The young man fought well, but it's a pity that you can't break through my defense, and you can't cross the boundary drawn by this internal fire. "

Playing well is as much a taunting method as showing a dog card.

This time, Bai Jue didn't reply, he chose to attack by force, Bai Di could continue to delay until he was exhausted, but he couldn't, since he couldn't choose to defend, he would attack with all his strength.

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