Snake indifferently watched Bai Jue walk towards his young self step by step, blending into his young body step by step.

"How do you think he will choose?"

Bai Di chose to remain silent, his fingernails piercing his palm, and blood overflowed.

"Yeah, this kind of question is so boring. We all know how he will choose, because he has only one choice!" Snake patted his thigh and shouted boringly: "It's like watching a TV replay... No matter what you give him No matter how many times you have the opportunity, no matter how many times you repeat it, the result will be the same!"

He pointed to the little boy in the picture: "He will still choose to let himself die after all..."

The words are extremely ironic: "There is no difference between the two choices in essence. For him who survived, all the meaning of his life is frozen in the past moment. The nightmare repeats and the curse is engraved into the soul. He will never be able to meet the more distant future." The future; he who is dead can end everything happily and leave nothing behind."

Snake spread his hands, looked at all the silent people in the coffee shop, and smiled coldly.

"But at least in the end...let me appreciate how beautiful the ending he'd hoped for...would be."

in the screen.

With both hands, Bai Jue pushed away the rushing girl.

Obviously this young body is not that powerful, and obviously the soul power does not have the slightest echo.

He just pushed her away with a little force, maybe it wasn't that difficult from the beginning. fact, making this choice has always been easy...

The next moment, the vehicle roared past, and its heavy force fell on his body.

The kinetic energy enough to crush an adult threw him flying, his bones were shattered, his internal organs were shattered, and his flesh was bloody.

Ferocious blood spilled all over the ground, and dots of scarlet bloomed in the field of vision.

His consciousness became so blurred in a whirl.

An ordinary child does not have the fire of the phoenix of Nirvana, nor the aura of immortality of the savior, only the life that is constantly being lost, the blood that is constantly gushing out, and death that will eventually come.

Sister Han fell to the ground, her knees were scratched by sharp stones on the road, but she didn't care about the pain. She saw this cruel scene in her eyes, and something in the deepest part of her heart was torn apart.

The girl struggled and shuffled her feet, half-walked and half-climbed to the boy's side, held his cheeks, and took out a handkerchief to stop the bleeding from him.

But the handkerchief was dyed red, and the blood continued to flow.

Her eyes were red, her little face was pale, and she kept muttering to herself: "It's okay, it's'll be'll be's just a scratch, you You will get better soon, my sister will take you to the hospital immediately, will you take me to the hospital? Don’t close your eyes, please don’t close your eyes!”

Her voice gradually turned into a crying voice, full of heart-piercing pain.

Su Yuhan never thought that the farewell would come so soon, so fast that she didn't even have time to cherish the beauty.

She still doesn't know what love is, but she is willing to give this dull boy all the best, but it's a pity that this dedication will never wait for the future.

Bai Jue could no longer hear anything, his tinnitus continued, his vision was blood red, and only a little bit of whiteness remained.

It was his favorite color, just like his surname, just like the hair color of that sister in memory.

It never occurred to him that he still had time to say the last word, but what should he say?

Is it to comfort her to live a good life?

Is it to tell her the words of her own peace?

Still don't say anything...

In Bai Jue's eyes that were about to close, revolving memories flashed in his memory...he saw the past, and saw the scenes that he had experienced.

If I die here, then everything I have experienced will be in vain and nothingness... But those people I am familiar with will still live on, no... They will definitely be fine...

Until the very end, Bai Jue had a clear idea. He was too attached to the past, but forgot that he had so many futures.

Although I won't regret it, I feel guilty towards my friends and towards them in my heart, so...

"elder sister……"

Bai Jue thought about the last sentence he wanted to say.

"I'm listening...I'm here..." Sister Han held his hand tightly, tears bursting into tears.

Bai Jue's voice was so soft and hoarse, yet everyone in the coffee shop could hear him.

"Please... protect this world for me..."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Clap clap clap..."

The applause sounded, the snake drummed its hands, and let out a heartfelt exclamation: "Wonderful, really wonderful... The last last sentence left is actually such a sentence, do you think of it?"

However, no one in the coffee shop paid any attention to him.

Everyone looked at the scene reflected in the round mirror, and their expressions gradually froze.

In that scene, Su Yuhan tightly hugged Bai Jue's gradually freezing corpse, crying hoarsely.

"The store manager... Baijue him..." Altair bit her lip and shook her head stubbornly. She would never believe it: "Impossible, it's not real! This is an illusion created by you! What about the store manager? Will die! He will definitely come back..."

"Yeah, Bai Ke... But the savior, even if something happens to him, he will come back here..." The Fireproof Girl also shook her head, unwilling to believe... How many times she has seen the ashes reborn, never Will believe that he will disappear forever.

Snake stared playfully at their desperate yet persistent denial expressions, and the corners of his mouth gradually rose: "Your performance did not disappoint me, it was also very exciting...Indeed, the savior will not die unless he is willing to die." , you don’t need to believe me, but you should believe him..."

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