Bai Di began to explain in a low voice: "The existence of clipped items is not recognized by the world itself. As part of the waste, it cannot replace the correct history... Therefore, the correct history still exists and develops according to the normal time sequence. .”

"We are now within the clipping event, and we cannot observe the outside of the clipping event... But I am sure that outside of this event, there is another world that develops according to the correct historical track. These two worlds exist simultaneously. like two paths split from a point."

Wanxiang said: "But there is no record of this kind of thing before."

"The universe of the fifth heaven is very grand, it can support the synchronization of two kinds of things, not to mention that the fixed things have no future, they are just scraps." Bai Di shook his head and said: "It's actually easy to distinguish, two routes, one It is the matter that Bai Jue is still alive, and the other is the matter that he has already taken the initiative to die... and the latter stems from the former."

"It is impossible for the snake not to know this. Even if he kills Bai Jue in the fixed matter in this cannot change that there is another Bai Jue in the correct history. He will never be able to shake the correct matter, but he I hate Bai Jue so much, it is impossible to let him be so carefree, so what else can he do? The only way he can choose is to tie the two things together again..."

Bai Di scooped up a handful of yellow sand and twisted it into two ropes, one white and one black.

"The white ones are seal compilation matters, and the black ones are editing matters."

"First of all, they have the same point of divergence."

He intertwined white and black together and tied a knot.

"This knot is the point of divergence, that is, the car accident that Bai Jue and Su Yuhan encountered."

Then he intertwined white and black in the second half, and tied a knot again.

"This second knot is the end of the battle of the Six Paths Demon Survey, a multiple-choice question on the other side of cause and effect."

"These two knots are actually the same for Bai Jue, but the timeline is different. He switched from the second knot to the first knot, and jumped from the white line to the black line... But the white rope and the black rope still exist simultaneously.”

"The question is how he tied the second knot, and what method he used to send Bai Jue to the other side of cause and effect."

"I don't understand this point, and I struggled with it for a long time, but now I want to understand..." Bai Di twisted the two ropes in the middle of the knot into a spiral: "This is what he does..."

Wanxiang stared at the two alternately entangled ropes, and she was shocked: "You mean, the snake is between these two knots... between these two points of time, the matters of seal writing and cutting are connected?"

"There is no other possibility. He opened up these two matters, allowing the editing and seal editing matters to influence each other, expanding the contradiction between cause and effect, and setting the sixth singularity in the past ten years ago, also in order to attract Bai Jue into the game , because the person he was ten years ago both existed and didn’t exist... so he can only jump into the fixed matter through the other side of cause and effect, which is a dead end for him.”

Bai Di pinched the two knots: "Thinking about it this way, everything makes sense."

"Why is the purpose of the parliament the principle of civilization in another world, why the parliament does not exist in the plane of the main world, why there are anti-heroic spirits, and why Su Yuhan, who died long ago, reappeared in such a form."

"In fact, they are no different from the residents of the main world. Both are residents of the same world, but different choices lead to different things... and the macroscopic nature of the fifth heavenly universe also acquiesces and allows two mutual cannibalism of events."

"The snake opened the passage between the matters, and also deliberately guided the parliament in the cut-out matter to seize the civilized principle of the seal-compilation matter, and reshape the glorious future. He single-handedly guided the mutual engulfment of the two matters, and also pushed Su Yuhan to Bai In front of Jue Jue's eyes, he used righteous schemes to force the two to kill each other."

"Of course Bai Jue doesn't know that the first person he regards as an enemy is his sister Han, whom he sacrificed his life for, and he doesn't even know that the council comes from a fixed matter, and the fixed matter was created by himself."

"As for Su Yuhan, although I don't know what kind of great changes she has experienced, she created the parliament and tried to reshape civilization. She may not remember or know who Bai Jue is...but she is indeed fulfilling Bai Jue her last words."

"The two of them are both equally obsessed with protecting their respective worlds. The starting point is that they lost their cherished people in their respective affairs. They were bound by a last word in their entire lives. It was because of the loss of each other that they made up their minds not to be together anymore. What is lost... But the irony is that while they keep their promises, they have been hurting each other and killing each other."

Bai Di's words gradually lost their emotion, they were so cold that even he was surprised, he was not even angry anymore, just sentimental.

"This, it's so sad..." Wanxiang squatted down slowly, and she gritted her teeth: "This is so sad..."

"It's very sad." Bai Di looked at the black and white rope in his hand, and said in a low voice: "But we can't do anything, now we are no longer within the two knots, but are excluded from the knot, and we have no power to interfere... Soon I will be re-accounted for, and I will continue to wander on the other side of karma. Bai Jue will continue to repeat the cycle between the two things, and it is over..."


ps1: I have explained it in the simplest possible way. This is the final result that I laid out with two million words. It is calculation from the beginning to the end, and it is a part of reincarnation from the beginning to the end.

This may be the most ambitious plot layout I have written so far. Two million words tell a core trick, and mystery novels dare not write like this.Some people always say that I collapsed at the end of writing, but in fact I didn’t collapse at all. Everything is under my control. Off track but not serious!

Of course, there are also bugs. No one knows whether the operation of the timeline is like that. The time paradox is not important. The logic is rounded and OJBK is used. The setting of the month is really easy to use.

The sense of fate of the two characters Su Yuhan and Bai Jue is also created. As I wrote above, it is too tragic. They value each other but cannot coexist, cherish each other but must separate, keep their promises but face each other with swords.

Back then, I didn't deal with Bai Di so harshly, but I did too much damage to Bai Jue, oh, what a's a tragedy.

But I'm cool, no... I'm cool!

Assuming that the core of this book is a tragedy, if I type the words "End of the Book" here, it will be the consummation of merit...

It's a pity that I still lack a unique point and didn't write it. The agreed Baidi's wedding will still be held as scheduled, and the two parts are about to enter the final finishing stage. It is a promise to my old readers who follow me more Bar.

Samsara is's time to break it.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Bai Jue originally thought that if he closed his eyes, he would die completely.

When the body is destroyed, the will will also die completely.

He felt as if he had sunk into the deepest ocean, felt the rhythm of the water flow, and felt the cold silence. Everything seemed to be turning into nothingness, quietly welcoming the moment of extinction.

However, this feeling only lasted for a few seconds...

Soon, he seemed to be drawn by some kind of force, and he was pulled out from the icy sea of ​​death. His body was dragged by a heavy force, and he was pulled out of the heart lake ocean.

Immediately a heavy force pressed on his chest, Bai Jue coughed, he opened his eyes with difficulty, and said in a hoarse voice: "Will you even let me die completely...Who will lift my coffin board?" gone?"

When he opened his eyes, there was no other person in his field of vision, but a pair of golden pupils.

Bai Hu stared at Bai Jue and said, "I think you're getting cold."

"White tiger... and Phoenix and Fenrir..." Bai Jue looked at the holy souls around him, raised his head, and saw a huge Candle Dragon slowly wandering in the sky, like a giant snake in the courtyard.

He was very strange, the holy soul was one of his powers, if his own soul had dissipated, why could he still see the holy soul?Here, as my heart lake, is the spiritual world. If the soul is dead, how can the holy soul pull him into this space?I have returned to the past time through the other side of cause and effect. In theory, I no longer have any special power, and I should have completely disappeared long ago.

"I think you haven't woken up yet." Fenghuang stroked his bird's feathers: "Isn't he dead enough to count B?"

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