But what he did touched its bottom line.

So this is... I can't bear it anymore, don't I need to bear it anymore?

It's so realistic.

"So is there a way to go back?"

Ito Yu asked again.

"Yes." Oshino Shinobu nodded.

This made Ito Yu's heart a lot easier.

After all, even though he was a bit of a scumbag, he wouldn't just ignore those girls who he counterattacked.

Like Qiong, what would she do if she really went to marry someone without him?

As an older brother, this is absolutely not allowed.

And like Ying, if he doesn't go back, will his sudden disappearance make her feel that she made a mistake.

Then feel guilty.

These all need to be considered.

So after Oshino Shinobu nodded, his heart finally relaxed a little.

"This time, Cha Yiji is a god, so if you want to enter again, then it is equivalent to confronting her."

"In other words, your opponent is a god."


Yuu Ito knew two of them.

Or more similar beings.

Like the Guli I met, although she is Cupid, her father is a god.

And the Rider I met was a god before she became a heroic spirit.

Then, there are all kinds of angels that don't look like angels, demons that don't look like demons, etc. These are existences comparable to gods.

and so.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that it is really not difficult.

"Four hundred years ago, there was a god here in Fuyuki." Shinobu was speaking in a serious tone, which made Ito Yuu sit and listen to her narration. "Why do you say four hundred years ago? Because four hundred years ago, the legendary vampire who lived in the North Pole, Kissutta Yassai Lauraleon Heart Under the Blade, visited here.

At that time, there was a huge lake in the center of Fuyuki, but because of her fall, the water accumulated in this area was splashed everywhere by her steps. "

It's like listening to a fairy tale. Although I really want to complain about why Oshino Shinobu is telling the story of his past, Ito Yu still listens seriously.

Anyway, Shinobu won't harm him, will he?

"Then the shrine that was by the lake at that time also became dilapidated."

"But that lake is not an ordinary lake, but a holy place that gathers all the beliefs in that area, because her stampede caused the lake to overflow, and the dry land around it was absorbed and saved, so even It was a scene of embarrassment, but it brought blessings to the surroundings. As a result, the strange Western vampire Kissutta Yasserola Leon Bladeheart took the local faith.

This can be said to kick the god away, and then usurp the position of the god. "

"And the land that has lost its gods and ground must find a new god. So the people built a new shrine by the lake. And the gods were acquiesced.

And now, that shrine is still there, but the god has never been there, so. "

Xiao Ren suddenly stopped here.

"So you are the successor of that god?"

"So it's all right if I ask you?"

Ito Yu helped her say what she wanted to say.

Author's message:

ps: [-] words are in the next chapter.

Chapter 003 Placement!

"It stands to reason so."

"Once the shrine exists and is recognized, it will naturally gather the power of nature, and with that power, it is not difficult to reach the place where you have just been to Okusen."

Oshino Shinobu responded softly, the smug look on his face couldn't be hidden at all.

I just want to say, come and praise me.

Really a kid.

This is her cup.

As the body shrinks, so does the heart.

Therefore, almost all of them are children, and they are completely from the heart.

"Then..." Ito Yu didn't hesitate, and wanted to go back immediately.

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