She has such insight.

", it's up to you to finalize the details, and I'll be in charge of persuading Sister Shiyu."

"Then I'll be in charge of Michiru, so she doesn't have to worry about the band." After Ito Yu chose to divide the work, Eirari also gave a high efficiency.

"Then..." But Yuu Ito didn't hang up the phone immediately, "I love you, Eriri."


However, the only response to Ito Yu was that the phone fell on the concrete floor and the sound of the screen breaking.

Jiang Yinglili's [Suhu suddenly said something! ] In this case, completely blocked.


Things are easier than expected.

Using the method of forming a company, not only Eirika, Shiwa-senpai, but also Kato... well, his stomach hurts when Kato is mentioned, but that's it, after A Yilun is also excluded, all the members of the club Recruit.

Let's continue making games together.

Not only to make the best use of everything, but also to tie them together firmly now, in the long run, and even in the future, so that no one will be left behind.

He is really too witty.

In the past month in Okusen, Ito Yu has gained a lot, as if he jumped from a poor situation to a place where he can stop working for 30 years.So he decided to learn from this experience.

Bring game production to this world.

The memories that should have been dusted up will be opened up again by him.


The way to open will be more open.


Maybe because there are a lot of things to remember, so I directly cover some things I remembered before and things I want to remember, so as to free up space.


He is not an ordinary person now, he said that he forgot, and he can't remember clearly, and then he can only forcefully get out what he remembered.

He is now undead.

Please call him a vampire.

Oshino Shinobu poked his head because of amnesia in Okumo, the blood overflowed, and the brain tissue was played with.

But this way he won't die.

But he got his memory back.

In other words.

Can continue to do so.

Come back, memories of all the hot games he once forgot!

"Ah—go on—"

Ito Yu's spirit was raised to the highest level.

"Sure enough, there is no problem."

With his hands frantically typing on the keyboard connected to the three display screens, Yuu Ito felt that his spirit had been burned the most.

Let it burn.

"Do not."

And the door of the room was pushed open, just like Miss Shimabukuro Junhui, the married elder sister next door, handing him a towel, "It looks scary."


It looked scary.

Because of staying up late, then staying up all night, and then writing the settings with painstaking efforts, Yuu Ito is now.

Yuu Ito now.

There is always that strange smell of blood being evaporated in the room, and what can be seen is all kinds of blood on the ground, and there are faint traces of brain tissue that is evaporating.

Not ordinary people, there is no way to look directly at it.

When this man was working, I really couldn't bear to see him.And it's been three nights in a row.

In other words, the person worked continuously for more than 70 hours.

Neither ate nor drank.The dishes that were set aside also remained the same.

Maybe she doesn't need to change the meals she comes over every day, but instead takes out the spoiled food again.

"Ha—" Ito Yu didn't pay much attention to Miss Jun Hui's complaints.

At the first time, he also found this state disgusting, but after getting used to it, he liked the perverted behavior of using his hands to tap his brain.Because it really will find out a lot of things that I feel have been forgotten or have not noticed from the corners of my mind.

Very practical.

The wet towel was stuck to his face, and he was facing the screen, so his eyes were very dry, but when he wiped his face with the towel, the bloodshot state of his eyes suddenly returned to the original state.

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