"In this sports festival, our class D and your class A belong to the red team. I don't know how much the second and third grades have. However, I only know that if our first graders don't get enough good result, then it is a very embarrassing thing.”

"So, what do you want to say?" Katsuragi finally heard that Horikita's visitor was not kind.

"Our class D can't get the bottom of the last place. This is my bottom line, and this is nothing to hide. The motor nerves of our class D students are indeed not strong enough. So. After the mandatory competition In the individual competition, I hope your Class A can give us some water."

"..." All in class D.

"..." A student in class A.

"..." A passing class B student.


Horikita Suzune, how could you say such a thing in public?

Discussing in public that students in Class A should have a fake race?

"Are... are you serious?" Ge Cheng couldn't help but look over.

"Just, that's... such words, the words that come out—"

Some students in Class D also became restless.

How can you break the rules in public?

"Do you think you won't be among the bottom ten people? If Class A can release the water, won't your scores in the compulsory competition be improved?"

Seeing that Horikita Suzune had opened her eyes, of course Ito Yu-kun immediately helped.

He glanced at Karuizawa.

"It seems to be the reason, let's listen to what Horikita-san said first." Megumi Karuizawa, "Anyway, it's just talking now, isn't it?"

The student was a girl, and seeing Karuizawa open her mouth, she was a little reluctant, but she still nodded.

It can be seen that Karuizawa is indeed the overlord among girls.

And it's not so fast that the eyes can meet.

Instead, he put his hands in his pockets and called Karuizawa first, and then went to see Karuizawa, making eye contact. Such a double act made her understand that he wanted her to canvass for votes.

Author's message:

ps: There is a big guy who changed the QQ profile picture to my Horikita Suzune, and said in front of me that he will always like Horikita Suzune, it is simply too much!

Want to green me!

Chapter 240 Consolation!

I hope that Class A will release the water.

After class D's small talk was forcibly suppressed, Horikita-san looked at Katsuragi without changing his face.

Yuu Ito noticed that all the students in Class A were not here, there were only thirty-nine of them, and Arisu Sakayanagi was sitting alone in the original position of Class A.

The girl sat alone on a chair, quietly lowered her gaze, holding a thin cane in both hands.

Anyone could see that the girl's feet were inconvenient.

Her stature is so slender that it is almost understandable why she misses the trip to the uninhabited island, and it seems that she is sitting on the chair prepared by the school because of the inconvenience of her feet.Even if other people's eyes were focused on her appearance and her figure holding a cane, she herself did not show any concern.

Poor and helpless.


Xiaobanliu, no one can tell that this guy has a stronger aggressiveness than the Tyrannosaurus rex.It's the complete opposite of Katsuragi-kun, who is extremely tall but steady.

But now everyone's attention is still on Class D and Class A.


What did Horikita Suzune say?

Let Class A release the water?

"I think you have to go to another place to discuss. How about we go outside the gymnasium together? It may be heard by the second or third graders here." Ito Yu suggested.

"..." Ge Cheng didn't respond right away.

And the students in Class A are also very powerful.

"You are that...Kinda!" And among the boys in Class A, there are people who seem to be so familiar. "Aren't you from Class C?"

Two boys came out, but he didn't seem to care about Horikita, but aimed at Yuu Ito.

It is indeed familiar.

Because these two boys are the two Banyan faction who were bewitched by Ito Yu on the uninhabited island.

When they were on the uninhabited island, it seemed that the secret talks were leaked, and at the same time, they also leaked the news to Katsuragi that Ryuuen was still on the island.However, he was regarded as a spy, and then under strict surveillance, a kind of dignity was lost.


In the end, Katsuragi also achieved a broken result, but the others still suspected that they leaked the team leader to other classes, which is really depressing.

They don't want to bear the blame of failing the exam.

"Huh? What stupid things are you talking about?" Ito Yukun tidied up his clothes and tie, "I don't even know you. What's your name? Because you can't beat Horikita, and then you want to target me?"

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