He said before that he is very capricious with money, and this lady is also capricious in using magic. She really deserves to be a high-end product of Einzbern, so there is no need to worry about magic power.Unlike Gem Rin.

"...It's a pity, it seems to be scrapped like this, can it be repaired?"

The wife said disappointedly.

But Yu felt that the meaning reflected in the purple eyes of the other party was, "You have several identical cars over there, can you continue to give them to me?"

"...Of course, until my wife can drive, I will give you as many cars as you need."

Then after crashing 5 cars, Mrs. Ally finally learned to drive.

"Rin, call the manufacturer for maintenance."

Looking at the badly hit front of the car, Yuu said to Rin who was standing beside him.

Rin wasn't paying too much attention here.

But on the body of 11 maids.

These are the maids sent after the signing of the agreement. Each of them has the same appearance, the same maid attire, and wears a maid's hat with their hair wrapped up, only showing their faces.

It's red eyes.

According to Irisviel himself, Einzbern's androids are all created by imitating the appearance of their ancestor Fuyuki Seiko, so they are all similar.

But different.

Compared with the old-fashioned and individual Serra, these few seem more ordinary.Those who hardly speak, even if they do speak, are "Master" and "Miss Rin", pure maids.

So it should be the kind of ordinary maid who won't resist.

Rin's attention was high.

The attention to the maid was high however.

It's not that she can't understand her. If she has to deal with his sexual desire every day, then she will have no time to do other things, and she will have no freedom, and she will cry out in shame every day and lose her sense of shame.

So, now there are 11-12 more maids (hot weapons).For Ms. Rin, it is very valuable.

Can share tasks.

What a clever move.

Her heart is praising the sun.

And You stretched, "I didn't sleep well last night, Rin, come in with me and sleep for a while."


So, isn't it still the same as before?

But seeing Yu walking to the side of the two maids, "Can you drive?"

Number 1 on the left nodded, "Yeah."

"Then drive to Sakura City next door, and help me bring Xiao Mingmei back."


While confessing, Yuu had already hugged Miss Tohsaka.

"Oh, two maids should come in too." Dan Yu poked his head out again and said.

Immediately, two maids lined up in two lines entered.

"..." Rin, who was hugged, expressed discomfort.

So, the harem or something... go play it!

Miss Tohsaka's workload... seems to have lightened, but she doesn't feel happy.

Because... it's together now.

But Yu felt that Rin was overthinking.

He was not interested in maids in quaint attire.

Just let them come in and give him a shoulder squeeze.

It was the main room that came.

His room was in a cold tone, but the two maids who looked at the same cold tone couldn't help but frowned. "Put the hood down."


The maids nodded.Then almost at the same time, he took off the headgear that rolled up his hair, and immediately, the long silver-white hair poured down like a mountain waterfall.

The hair fell down.

Just like the most powerful makeup artist, just a few strokes can turn the calm lake into rough waves!

It's the sea! ...No, it's like art.

It was only then that Yu realized that what was meant was a cloning technology modeled after the ancestor Fuyuki Maiden.

Because, if you are not beautiful, you will not be remembered by others~!

So, the other maids are also... are they so beautiful!

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