Although Shizuka Hiratsuka is a three-year-old woman who loves to drink, smoke, and is often violent, any student with a sensitive heart and flaws will know that she is a genuine first-class teacher.

Pay special attention to the psychological growth of students.

Except for one student 3 years ago who was not corrected successfully, the other students who had mental problems were corrected by her.

But this time, the object of her correction is Yukinoshita Yukino.

Because this world is neither gentle nor correct.

and so.

Author's message:

Ps: The material in this chapter is taken from [The River of Lamentation].I like Classmate Black Cat, um, this is Lily manga, straight men don't go there.I recommend you [I opened an online loan in Dongying].

So taking advantage of Lily, I would like to recommend a Lily Harem article by an author who does not want to be disclosed. [I, Enkidu, am addicted to studying].Lily Harem Scatter~

Chapter 0119 Hayama Hayato is not upright! (1/27)

Because this world is neither gentle nor correct.

and so.

So if there is no one who can protect her, sooner or later she will be ruined by a more powerful world.

Shizuka Hiratsuka hoped that Yukinoshita chose a way to survive.I hope that someone will approach her, truly enter into her heart, and then lead her to accept this cruel world together.

That's why he was allowed to join this club.

The problem is, Teacher Lu is full of expectations for him.I hope he sees through the confusion and sees the truth to save Yukinoshita.But the problem is, he is no longer the well-behaved and intelligent boy she knew.

Yukinoshita is cute now, black and straight, and a cat slave, with a high-quality character in his heart, carrying out the seemingly noble but incompatible qualities of Yukinoshita not lying and so on.

Why change it!

Yukinoshita will definitely offend many people like this, and then, wouldn't it be great for him to make another move at that time?

Besides, this ministry of service disappointed him very, very much.

It was named the Ministry of Service, but it turned out that it was not a matter of service, and it didn't even have a beautiful senior.

and so.

If he didn't accept all kinds of big sister's requests in a curve to save the country, and then deliberately let Yukinoshita unconsciously assume the identity of the black face, then wouldn't he be able to see through their real requests and sing the red face?

The side ones got more thanks from her people than Yukinoshita.

Then it is not impossible to take this opportunity to offer real service.

So, Yukinoshita, please continue.

But, tilting his head and looking at Totsuka Saika, he straightened his body again.

"Actually, I have some opinions."

When Ayaka nodded happily and was about to go outside with Yukinoshita to improve her level of training, Yu stopped them.

"Yukishita, I don't really agree with you, because you don't see through the difficulties Saika is facing. Yes, if the minister's level improves, other members may follow suit, but the effect is too slow and unstable. It is impossible to immediately solve the problem of the lack of people joining the tennis club and the weak strength, and it is even impossible to make Ayaka into a cohesive force."

Straight to the point of breaking the lottery and asking real questions.


Ayaka is a boy.

There is no need to win Ayaka's heart... heart.

So Yu doesn't need Yukinoshita to act as a black face.

"...Then what's your opinion?"

It is undeniably unpleasant to be denied, but Yukinoshita is not an impulsive person, otherwise she would not say [None of them want to defeat me by improving their abilities], which shows that she It is possible to listen to the opinions of others.

I don't think I'm the absolute best.

"It's very simple. Yukinoshita has demonstrated how a team can become united." Having said that, he paused for a moment, and then received a kind look from Kaolin Flower from his grade.

Dan Yu continued, "I want a common enemy, let one person break into the club, and then bully Caijia, so that other people can fight against the same enemy. Well, the person who breaks into the club must have good physical ability. And have extremely high His prestige allows him to clear away the impression that I am a big devil after uniting the tennis club. So his sports performance is not only good, but also has a high reputation, such as that classmate Ye He."

Ye what classmate! ?

"Isn't that Ye Shanjun?" A toad who was also in the Xianchong group immediately responded.

Yukinoshita frowned.

She and Hayama are in the same elementary school, and there may be something happening in the elementary school that has a great influence on her to become what she is now [Character HD], and the culprit may be Hayama.

So it's not good for his senses.

So can this be mixed with selfishness? ! ?

"Maybe... you can try to ask me to see." She said.

So a group of people came to the football field and found everyone's Ye Shan who was sweating.

"That's why...Hayama-san, you were selected. For the sake of the tennis club, please act as the villain."


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