Each person is responsible for the shoe cabinets of 40 students, which means that one person is responsible for a class.

There is an organization, a team, and a conspiracy.

Anyone who saw the surveillance would probably have such an idea.

And these few people are also very interesting, all votes are sophomores.


Itanagi, a second-year student, tried to get in, but unfortunately, all the hands that tried to get in were cut off.The degree of "unity" in the second grade is somewhat beyond imagination.

And there is only one person who can control the second-year students like this-Na Yunya, the vice president of the student union.

"It seems that you are not surprised that I will come to you."

Itanagi looked at the classroom of the student union. After driving away Katsuragi Kohei, when Horikita Gaku was away, it seemed to be the private space of the only vice president, Nagumo Masa.Whether in the room or on the table there are dolls that girls will love.

And this is very likely Nagumoya's taste.In other words, it was an arrangement that hoped that the girls would come over.

Lovely setting.

Banliu doesn't dislike this, but she herself wants to buy a cute cat and pet it every day.

But unfortunately, there is no pet shop on campus, so this idea can only be thought about for a while.

I can only meet D by chance... No, the puppy of the current class B teacher Sae Chabata, and tease it.

Although his mind was already flying, Banliu Youqi's face was very stable.

She observed Vice President Nagumo.

He sat in the vice president's seat but acted like the president, asking Ban Liu Youqi in front of him in the president's superior tone.

During the period when the third graders were taking special exams throughout the year, the operation of the student council in the school fell on the two vice presidents.

But Katsuragi, a first-year student, has too little qualifications and made a big mistake, so he has already been treated coldly.

And now.

There is only one vice-president left in the student union, who is also the second-year accountant Kiryu.But the student union office is not just these two people, there are seven or eight people who are busy.

These are the seniors of the second grade.

It seems that he wants to act as a coolie during the absence of the third grader, and do various jobs that should be squeezed out.

But thanks to the help of these people, the student union continued to operate.

This has to be admitted, the existence of him allows the student union to continue to operate.

Just as a reference, he is capable of being the student council president.

Because at least he's doing well for now.

Of course there are so many things to be done by subordinates. The student council president only needs to set an example and make the final decision.

This kind of surplus is the basic temperament of the superior.


This has to be basic too.

The method of kicking Katsuragi-san out of the student union is really crude, deliberately making him responsible for a project he is not good at, and then messing it up.Then he took the opportunity to launch an attack, fully exploiting Katsuragi's characteristics of being an honest person, and then launched an attack to force the other party to take responsibility for this project, and eventually he would be resigned from the student union.

This method is still too low.

Ban Liu put his favorite beret on the chairman's table.

She and Nan Yunya are sitting opposite to each other now, but her current behavior does not seem restrained.

So just this makes her look different from ordinary girls.

And Nan Yunya didn't mind, she still had a smile on her face. "Student Banliu—"

"Because I noticed something, you seem to be worried about being surpassed by Ayanokōji from class B at the sports festival." Itanagi said with a slight smile.

"..." Nan Yunya's eyes suddenly turned to other places.

Because he never expected Banliu to think so.

of course.

This fact is a fact, even a disgrace.So he memorized it firmly, but what Banliu said was not wrong.

He wanted to hit the first grade D... no, Ayanokōji Ito Yu from the first grade B class.

This kind of love rival and pushy guy would just die.

And it would be a bit embarrassing for me to lower my status to fight, and it would be embarrassing if found out, so borrowing the hands of someone who is also a first-year person is the best solution.

Especially if it's a multi-dual plan.

The first hand unites with the new leader of Class A of the first grade, and the second hand uses the opponent's hand to attack his rival in love, which can make him vent his anger, and the third point, he is smarter than Banliu, so he can attack in Banliu Attack violently at any time, and it can subdue Itanagi and Ichinose Nanami in an instant.

The reason why he thinks this way is simple.

Banliu Youqi definitely has strength, otherwise he would not be able to suppress Katsuragi Kohei.So she should be a very useful pawn.

But strength has never been the criterion by which he judges a person.

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