In the past written exams, no matter what, as long as you pass the exam well, you will not be able to drop out of school.Avoid dropping out.

Then reach the current state of Class B 0 dropout.

But what about this exam?

Please see the rules.


The exam will be repeated until the first and last places are decided.The last one will drop out.

This is to say that the first and last place in the class must be selected, and those who must receive protection points must also be produced who must be expelled from school.

This time the exam... is not allowed to cheat and not allow anyone to fail the exam.

One person in the class must be decided to be a dropout.

"I think it's unreasonable." Chazhu said, "I think so too as a teacher. But now that the matter has been decided, you can't resist. Follow the rules and challenge special exams. There is no other way."

As a teacher, she also fought and failed.

"why is it like this--"

And the students who had just been excited by the reward of dropout protection immediately became depressed.


Not only on Sundays, there will be people who will disappear from the class and be expelled, just like Ryuuen in Class C.


Even though they have already reached Class B, they have a chance to be promoted to Class A, but they have to drop out of school or something.

This is simply too much.

However, Chabashira could only continue, "I'm going to continue explaining the rules. The number of votes received by students who have become the object of praise and criticism in the class will be fully disclosed at the end of the exam. In other words, the entire class will be announced. votes. However, who voted for whom will never be made public, and votes are anonymous.”

Indeed, if the exam is held in this way, it can only be anonymous.

Let’s not talk about the praise votes, but who voted for whom, there will be lingering questions in the future.


Karuizawa, who was praised by Chabashira today, was deeply relieved.

Because she thinks... she has earned it.

This time, there are two kinds of results in the test, the most popular person is selected anonymously and the most hated person is selected.And she is quite dangerous.

Let's not talk about boys here.

She knows that her policy has always been to suppress boys to express her position, so she is hated by many boys.

In this case, most of the boys in the class may be criticized.

As for the girls here... Although no one has expressed dissatisfaction with her at present, she is also the main one in the Spice Girls group.but.

It is certain that people will be jealous of this kind of thing, and coupled with Hirata-kun's relationship, then those girls who like Hirata will definitely play tricks secretly.Then the probability of her being voted anonymously by the girls is quite high!

Boys criticize votes girls criticize votes...

Then it's really... definitely going to drop out of school.

She is a dropout candidate.

Author's message:

ps: There are still 10000 words left.

ps: Hey, I don’t dare touch fish anymore.

Chapter 367 Self-rescue operation!superior!

This time the exam is very special.

And the vote is still anonymous, so no one knows who voted for whom.

The voting members are still classmates, and the quality of the students is uneven, so if they want to take advantage of this opportunity to report their personal grievances, there must be people.

So this time the exam will become a crisis exam.

Everyone is at risk of being expelled.


In order to ensure my own safety, it is possible to guess the dropout candidate for now.

Almost after listening to the rules Chabashira narrated, Horikita had already written the names of the dangerous people in this exam in his notebook.


Because the distance is not far, I can directly see the words written by her.

And looking at the name written on it, Ito Yu just wanted to smile.


Horikita-san is really cute. Others may still be worried that they will be retaliated by other people in the class and fill in the criticism vote, but Horikita listed the names of the bottom students according to their grades.

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