
The command tower will participate in the duel draw at 10:[-] tomorrow morning to select the class to fight against.

In other words.

This game is another exam that forces students to withdraw from school.

Not to mention how awesome it can be to win, if you fail, the student who serves as the commander will be expelled. Not only that, but if you just pick a classmate to be the commander, he/she will not be able to participate in each game and give advice.And if the top person in his class is the commander, then once the class showdown fails, the top person will be expelled from school.


Collect 2000 million points to offset the dropout penalty.


Let the students who earned dropout protection points in the previous exam enter.


Ito Yuu read the rules. Although he didn't say anything now, he has noticed that many students have read it.


It seems that there is no one more suitable than him to go to the commander tower.


The people in the class "trusted" him, and were deceived by the recording that he asked Hui to spread deliberately, thinking that he was a very good-looking and good person.Moreover, it is impossible for such a person to get the approval votes of nearly the entire grade.

In addition, during the process of going through various exams for more than half a year, he was also there. Although Horikita-san is very strong, Ayanokouji-kun is not weak, is he?

These two records can kill many people in seconds.

So, if he decides to own the commander tower, then no one will refuse.


"Is the commander tower unable to directly participate in the project?"

Megumi Karuizawa, who was exhausted at Hirata's place before, suddenly raised her hand and said to Chabashira.

As expected, Karuizawa's performance is getting better and better.

She is now more and more able to speak on behalf of others.Of course, this cannot deny that this is her self-protection method after being threatened by Hirata today.

Hirata knows her dark history, so once Hirata gave up on herself and chose something like Kushida's idiot in junior high school, blew up everyone's secrets, and then made the whole class collapse, then she behaved better now, and It can make people not all believe in Hirata.

That's it.

Even if you know the truth, however.

What if you are no longer paid attention to by everyone and make everyone feel untrustworthy?

Then it won't take your word for it.

So Karuizawa-san is now working hard to increase his popularity.

Just like standing up and beating Hirata just now, it was Ito Yu who gave her the order, but it was also what she wanted to do.You can show a positive image to the girls, and at the same time sell Wang Meiyu as a favor. The struggle between girls is very complicated.

"It's not allowed by the rules. You can only assist and cannot end the game in person," Chabashira said.

In fact, she also understood why Karuizawa said that.

"Ah...then it's such a pity. If Commander wants to drop out of school, then it's most suitable for Ayanokouji-kun who got the vote of appreciation, but he runs so fast. If he participates in the running event, then we will It’s a sure-fire game to win.”

Karuizawa said with a sigh.

So it seems difficult to do.

But she also pointed out everyone's thoughts, if Yuu Ito was the commander.

Then everyone can first be exempted from the dropout penalty after failing the class duel.

However, Ito Yu now has a better player in his mind who failed the exam and dropped out-Yosuke Hirata.

The current Hirata has no effect on the class, and if he continues to maintain such a collapsed state, then everyone will ignore him, and then gradually it will become a ruling group headed by his family's Horikita Suzune.

After that, Hirata dropped out of school.

And now, if Hirata is named to go to the command tower, not to mention inhumane, even the current collapsed Hirata may be stimulated by this, and then he may do some stupid things, and then implicate the entire class.Although Hirata dropped out of school because he participated in the command tower, it is in line with Ito Yu's goal.


The command tower also failed the class confrontation and was expelled from school, and once the command tower failed, it meant that the class would lose a lot of points.

And for this, neither Horikita nor Chameizi will forgive him.

Hirata is not so important.


Yuu Ito and Banyanagi have also made war letters to each other. If he doesn't participate in the command tower, then.

There is no real confrontation with Banliu.

"I have no problem with the command tower." When everyone looked over one after another, Ito Yu knew that it would be impossible not to stand up, "And Karuizawa, do you mean that you want to propose sports? The 200-meter race That’s right, but besides me, there must be some people in our class who won’t lose to others in running.”

After he said that, everyone's eyes shifted again.

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