Itanayu's slender fingers were tapping on the keyboard. She used the authority of the commander tower to correct one of her own answers, and passed this instruction to Katsuragi.

"The answer is $%#."

Katsuragi on the field seemed to have responded within 2 seconds after receiving the order.

The answer is correct.


The other students watching the performance in the examination room couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement.

They don't know how to do abacus and mental arithmetic, but they understand the perverted question, so they can answer it correctly. The students in class A are really amazing.

So, Class A got one point.


The conning tower on Class B's side was motionless.

He didn't even mean to instruct Koenji.

Very strange.

Banyanagi turned his head to look at Yuu Ito, who was as immobile as a mountain.Didn't he even count?Can't figure it out?


Itagyu Arisu has his own explanation.

That is to say.

Even if it is such a topic, he still disdains to calculate it.

But she seemed to breathe a sigh of relief because she figured out such a question.



An inexplicable sense of frustration.

Suddenly there was a sense of autism, and the commander tower could only revise one question, so she was almost a useless commander tower.Unable to participate in the game again.

So you can only watch in vain, wait in vain.


The next five questions were not as abnormal as the fifth question, they were all relatively simple questions, so Koenji Liusuke easily won a complete victory.

And this period.

Itanagi found that Yukun Ito next door didn't even give any hints for the question.

Probably - because the questions are too simple.

After losing three rounds in a row, Banliu Youqi guessed.

"competition is over--"

But when the duel between Class A and Class B was in the third round, the reactions of two people attracted the attention of Itanagi and Ito Yu.


The exams for Class C and Class D have actually ended.

Author's message:

ps: It's not that he doesn't shoot, but

Chapter 416 Do you know the devil's guidance that you said you encountered that day?

"Are you going to retire right here?"

Mashima-sensei asked.

"Yeah." Ichinose and Hiyori Shiina nodded at the same time. Both of them looked at the command towers of Class A and Class B who were still sitting in their original positions, and then decided to leave here first.

"..." Ban Liu.

The sudden end of the exams of Class C and Class D is surprising, but it cannot shake the fierce battle between Class A and Class B.

"Horikita-san, please!"

Horikita Suzune, who was watching the battle quietly in the classroom, was encouraged by her companions.

But this encouragement only creates stress.

Even though she always felt that she was firm enough in her heart, the current exam situation was beyond her expectations.

Their class has won 3 games in the seven games, which means that if they play another game, they can win.

And what she is going to do now is the fourth game.

"How's your state of mind?"

Chabashira Sae left the classroom and went to the fourth game - the battlefield of chess to assist.

She stood at the door of the classroom, logically speaking the teacher shouldn't say so much to the contestants, but of course other classes can understand Chabashira's mood.

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