In fact, if the household registration database is deciphered, then there is no need for her to be more troublesome. You can directly use an outsourcing company to capture and compare the data, but this is a situation where you don’t trust the other party, and because of my aunt, he still trusts her her.

So he also typed on the keyboard.

[What I want to investigate is an organization, they are dressed in black, doing illegal activities, and two of them I remember I took pictures of.I will send it to you first. ] You waved his hand, and the No. 2 exclusive maid immediately handed over his mobile phone, and then spent less than 10 seconds before You candidly took photos of the tall, thin man in black and the strong man in black.

"Judging from their appearance, they are neon people, so they should be able to be compared."

Only this time, Miss Hacker released an indescribable pattern of […] on the screen.

Chapter 0138 I'm afraid this organization is going to end!Down! (Second is more cute, please subscribe)

Miss Hacker released an indescribable pattern on the screen.

"You know this organization?"

The other party's performance was so obvious, Yuu asked directly.

[Know a little information. ]

Ms. Hacker Spy continued to type, [This is a black-clothed organization, which belongs to a transnational criminal organization. Most of its members are codenamed after alcohol, and the structure and purpose of the organization are not obvious.But it is certain that the Black Organization is a large-scale criminal organization with extensive influence, strong assets, and deep connections in the Japanese political, economic, and scientific circles.The usual method is to manipulate the lives and deaths of important people, and then secretly buy them with money to develop mysterious drugs and programs that can affect the future of all mankind. The FBI and CIA have been involved in the investigation of the organization for many years.There seems to be very strict internal discipline. Unqualified members, members who reveal the identity of the organization, and members who betray the organization will be eliminated quickly, and they will never leave any traces of their actions.Moreover, the secrecy is extremely strong, and even the members may not know each other. ]

What a long sentence.

But since the FBI has gone deep, the impact is very deep.

"Then compare these two men in black. I want to know their news and see if I want to kill them specially."


And Miss Hacker released this indescribable pattern again.

I saw the screen light up again, [The organization is deeply entrenched, and the two men in the picture you sent, the tall one is gin, and the fat one is vodka, they belong to the backbone of the organization.Because the organization has existed for a long time, plus the intervention of the FBI and various incidents, many spies have been infiltrated inside the organization, whether it is senior cadres or peripheral personnel, they are all filled with spies.undercover.And gin is an important person to suppress them.So if we kill them... the spies and undercover agents become rampant, and the organization may be directly exposed.The consequences are huge, and Neon's political circles and economy may be hit hard. ]

In other words, if the crime reaches a certain level, even if it is discovered, it may still be protected.

Wow, that's wicked.

[Then compare the picture I sent you next. ]

At this time, Yu has fully confirmed that Chris should be a member of this organization, and she is also a person who sits on the fence in the middle.

This kind of sitting on the wall means that an author wants readers but doesn’t want to kneel and lick, so he writes a bunch of heroines, making readers think that there are multiple heroines, but as he writes, he becomes a single heroine. Or no heroine.The method used to cheat subscriptions is really shameless.But in the early stage, you will never find out that this is a single heroine story.It's for sitting on the fence.

But this hacker lady who is sitting on the fence seems to want to keep the gin and vodka a little bit.

Let's talk about the relationship between the two, so Yu directly sold her a favor.

So take Conan first.

So he sent the picture of Edogawa Conan taken by the camera on the wall before.

"This is Conan Edogawa. This boy's body has been shrunk, and it may be related to the black organization."

Here, Yu is saving face, he originally wanted to type "your organization" instead of the black organization, obviously to give Chris face.Pretend not to know that she is also a member of the organization.

However, even if it is so face-saving.


The opponent is this pattern again.


What the hell is this!Could it be that he accidentally fell into something that was inconvenient for her to say?

[It should be a drug developed by the organization to kill people, but there is also a very small probability that people can shrink and the body can return to the infancy stage, and the body can gain growth functions.That is to say...]

This is actually an elixir.

When a person is about to die, let him take medicine to turn into a child, and then live again.

In this way, then this is the world of ordinary humans, human organizations, without the participation of demons, angels, etc., because such things as immortality are simply a joke to them.

And that's what human beings want.

It turned out to be the case.

"Then compare the information, I want to know the true identity of this Edogawa Conan."


So, what the hell is this stepping on!

Does she also know this Conan?

[You want to kill him? ]

Chris seemed to be asking tentatively.Really know people.

Don't you think you are asking too much?Miss Hacker!

[No, just to consult, the black organization got him, and I haven't found out yet, but someone on my side has something to do with him, I hate that when the black organization gets involved with him, it involves me. ]

[... Well, this boy is a 17-year-old neon high school detective who studied at Teidan High School and is very active in the police. His name is Kudo Shinichi, and his father is a famous novel reasoning expert, and his Mother Yukiko... and my mother are good friends. ]


That's how Yuu became... that's it.

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