There were well-intentioned mocking voices from the students below, "That's right, it's still a girl's movie." The president felt ashamed.

And Namba Daihide continued, "According to Article 32, Item 3 of the Student Council Code, the student council president is required to break his promise and re-elect!" .

This Namba Daishu has great ambitions, that is, he took over the microphone and spoke. I am afraid that he wants to be the president of the student council now!

The shrine Arisa was in a dilemma.

"However...we can't just look at the president like this, why don't we support her when we see her embarrassingly unable to get off the stage?" Thrush stretched and said, she couldn't stand it anymore, whether it was Namba's forced palace is still the president's own in--do--action.

Although Namba said too much, but the chairman's appearance is really not suitable for being a leader.

Because this stalemate will only make the students' already uneasy hearts even more uneasy.This is a very bad state, it is easy to cause riots and distortions.

"Right, set?"

"Ah, um, I know." Ito Yuu nodded.

"Then... please give me the microphone!" Now anyone can speak, but it depends on who is willing to take over the topic and speak.So Ito Yu directly raised his hand.

And this undoubtedly brought hope to the stalemate president.

Chapter 060 What qualifications do you have to blame

Because the information sent on the radio was really shocking, and taking care of the students' emotions, Arisa of the Shrine, as the president of the student council, held an emergency meeting of the students.

Want to appease the students' emotions.


It seems to be messed up.

Really screwed up.

"The biggest problem now is that we don't understand the actual situation. Is someone responsible for inspecting the outer wall of Ring Seven?" Namba, who is wearing glasses, took the microphone and said so seriously Those words left the president speechless.

Not only that.

"Namba is right!"

"President, step down!"

Because the initial news that they were going to be quarantined made the students' hearts of fear burst out all of a sudden. They seemed to have found a straw to save their lives, and they wanted to push Namba up.

It's just that this is just a kind of anger.

The fear of not seeing your parents, the fear of being alone in school, the fear of being treated like a virus.

All, all exploded.

Then it turned into a negative emotion, and then I had to find someone to bear it all.

And this person is Arisa, the student council president who is usually aloof.

Good academic performance, good looks, good looks, and excellent family background, usually awe-inspiring and lonely, making people feel sacred and inviolable, but what about now?

Everyone just wants to find someone who can't usually be bullied to bully.

It's like if you want to kill a prostitute, no matter what kind of law the prostitute committed, as long as his status is higher than that of the common people, then behead him, no matter whether he was wronged or not, then the common people will clap their hands Applause.

Arisa, the shrine, was unfortunately the target of the bombardment.

"Microphone." A member of the student union handed the black microphone to Ito Yu.

"Thank you." Ito Yu noticed that this is the person who usually follows the president, probably someone who holds a position like a secretary.

He is probably in a bad mood now, his student council president being suppressed like this.



After getting the microphone, Ito Yu didn't say anything, but touched the microphone strangely with his fingers.


Loud noise was blared from the microphone and spread throughout the stadium.

"What are you doing!"

"Make noise!"

The sudden amplified noise caused most of the students to plug their ears.

It also aroused their dissatisfaction.

After discovering that the noise was made by Ito Yu, many people glared at him.

"Are you awake? Now you are awake!"

However, it was only at this time that Yuu Ito began to speak.


He didn't stay in the group of students like Namba, but went straight to the stage.

It wasn't until he got to the rostrum and stood next to Arisa in the shrine that he said, "I thought you all turned into beasts, and you didn't even know how to write the word sober."

This said.

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