Moreover, the skin exposed at the bra straps of the opponent's collarbone was still as white as milk.

There is no doubt that the other party should be a vigorous girl in the sports department, and her sports performance is definitely not bad.

In addition, the skin is so tanned at a young age, and the sport he is good at is probably swimming

Because in the water, the water surface will emit sunlight, so that the skin receives a greater dose of ultraviolet rays.Therefore, swimming is more likely to tan than other sports.


Yuu Ito remained silent, took out the notes from his schoolbag and handed them to the other party.


The girl didn't go to pick up the notebook, but looked at Ito Yu with a look of surprise on her face, "Fortunately, you didn't kill me this time! And speaking of it, you didn't get knocked on the ground by me just now, do you have experience?"


Yuu Ito has black lines on his face, so did you hit him on purpose knowing you were going to hit him?

This is exactly the same as those boys who put spiders or cockroaches in each other's schoolbags and stationery because they like girls!

However, it is very dangerous.

Yuu Ito squinted his eyes, even his good friends and family members couldn't see through that he had changed.But this seemingly simple-minded girl actually exposed it with a single word.

Maybe it was an unintentional mistake, but it is also very vigilant.

"Do you want it or not?"

Ito Yu gritted his teeth deliberately pretending to be angry.


The girl pretended to be stupid and touched her head, snatched the notebook, and then leaned into Ito Yu's ear, a little embarrassed, said, "Sheng Xing, you also know that I'm going to practice independently later. So, tomorrow The homework to be handed in is also bad. But, if you are lucky, you must have finished it? Let me copy it, just bring it~"


Ito Yu curled his lips, obviously it wasn't the first time the other party did this kind of thing.

If he didn't know the other party's name yet, he really wanted to teach him a lesson.

"Copying notes is fake, but copying homework is real."

Ito Yuu sighed, took out the homework book again and handed it to the girl, saying, "Since you don't copy the notes, return them to me."


The girl nodded vigorously, took the homework book and handed the notebook back, and said with a smile, "Sure enough, Cheng Xing knows me best."

"Wu Yuan Runxiang, you should also do your homework twice."

Takahashi clasped the back of his head with his hands, looked at this scene and was a little speechless, "Otherwise, even if you are a special sports recruit, you may not meet the university entrance requirements."

"It's okay~"

Wu Yuan Runxiang waved his hand and said with a smile, "When I was recruited, the headmaster promised that I would be admitted to university."


Takahashi stopped talking, his eyes filled with envy and hatred.

But he can't help it, after all, there is still a gap between people.

"As expected of a silver black mermaid."

Sakamoto bowed his head a little ashamed, and sighed, "It's enough to have unexpected talents in water sports. There are too many geniuses in the school. How can we ordinary people live!"

"Good job!"

Ito Yu stood aside without saying a word, but he praised the two good friends in his heart.

He has no memory at all, not even the girl's name.

However, the two gay friends actually told him all the news about each other.

You two are actually narrators, right?

"Ahaha, see you next time, I'm going to practice first~"

Takemoto Junxiang was a little embarrassed by the praise, but noticed that Ito Yu had been silent, said a few more words in a hurry, and then fled as if scared.

"Go to class first."

Ito Yu suddenly said, "I still have to report to the principal about my work."

"Well, that's good, let's go first."

Sakamoto and Takahashi nodded without any doubt.

Chapter 020 Oh, so there are still geniuses!

"Lucky for me, you came just in time."

In the headmaster's room, seeing Yuu Ito push the door and enter, the headmaster couldn't help but shine.

"President, I'm here to report the progress of the counseling to you."

Ito Yu was a little puzzled, but said anyway.

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