"Where is the student union office?"

Ito Yu asked passers-by again.

Then I found out that the other party wanted to date him, so I quickly changed people and came to the office of the student union after a while.

Clovis was already driving Migaia, but Clovis always said he pursued art and he was perfect.

But absolutely don't believe this kind of words, because he doesn't have a driving skill tree at all, it's just a 1 or 2, so until now he hasn't gone to the oversized pizza arranged on the playground.It should be still practicing in the backyard.


But Ito Yu was about to knock on the door but stopped suddenly because he heard a voice inside.

[Lu Luxiu, you are too courageous, didn't you say you would stay in the dormitory, but you ended up running to the student union. ]


President Mirei is talking to Lu Luxiu.

"I just really want to see Clovis. I have given up my past identity, but I know Clovis's driving skills are terrible, so I came to see him make a fool of himself. And from the student union here The telescope can see the playground."

[Lu Luxiu, you are still too hostile. ] President Mi Lei said again.

"Dong dong!"

Ito Yu directly knocked on the door.

"President Mi Lei~" Ito Yu shouted.

"It's the Seventh Prince Loki." President Mi Lei lowered her voice.

"What is he doing here? Help me cover!" Lu Luxiu said.

Then there were sounds of moving things in the office, as if someone was hiding.

"Miss Millet!"

Ito Yu's voice came from outside.

But no one responded.

President Mirei seemed to be trying to pretend she wasn't there.Generally speaking, you need to leave with knowledge and interest.


Speaking of which, the information Ito Yu suddenly wanted to investigate showed that Princess Marianne valued the Ashford family very much when she was still alive, and the royal family's favorite way of thinking about things like marriage is the way of marriage.

In other words.

So maybe this President Mi Lei is actually Lu Luxiu's fiancée?


And this Lu Luxiu is really a younger brother. Don't you think it's too much to say that he is going to take sick leave and then run to the student union and then want to spy on him and Clovis?

"President Mi Lei, I know you are inside." Ito Yu said again. "I'm going to push the door."


After a while there were footsteps.

Probably President Mi Lei felt that she couldn't hide the past.

With a creak, Ito Yu heard the sound.

It turned out that she had opened the door.But the president ran out of the room at an extremely fast speed, leaning his back against the door.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Ito Yu said, "You said before that you could invite me to the student union to have fun."

"And here is the student union?" Ito Yu said.


Miss Miley smiled, but the smile was a bit forced, because Ito Yuki asked, isn't it too much?

It's just that Lu Luxiu doesn't want to see the other princes, so naturally the seventh prince won't either.

So Mi Lei had to do a good job of covering up.

She is the eldest daughter of the Ashford family, and her grandfather has never given up on Princess Marianne, and of course she cannot betray Lelouch.

"Ah, this." She showed a polite smile, "It's too messy inside, so it's not easy for you to go in."

"Is that so?"

Ito Yu stared into the eyes of President Mi Lei, "I seem to have heard something just now."


The president instantly felt that the sound insulation effect needed to be produced.

But in the next second, Ito Yuu sighed again, "Hey."

He said, "I thought Miss Miley would be happy if I came to see her."

"?" Mi Lei blinked.

But Yuu Ito continued to sigh, "I thought President Mirei said that he invited me to Ashford Academy for a private meeting."

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