Ito Yuu sighed, and was about to stand up, but at this moment, the green-haired girl's hand was on the back of his hand.

Almost instantly, Ito Yu's body froze.

The five senses exploded instantly.

His eyes, his whole being seemed to have come to another world.

In this world, I saw a young girl being whipped for breaking something, I also saw a green-haired girl with a bird-like mark on her forehead, I saw a person with a large bird mark being burned to death, and I saw the bird Imprinting was taken as a religious belief, and then again it was betrayed.

These pictures are like a slide show, and when the pictures appear, there is constant noise in the ear, which makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

"What's the matter with you?"

"What's the matter with you?"

However, the girl and Yuu Ito said the same thing.

Ito Yu saw the past that was passed down like a religion, but what the girl saw seemed to be something extraordinary.

At the moment of "connection", she also saw Ito Yu's experience.

"Are you immortal?" the girl asked in surprise.

"And you were born as a slave?" Ito Yu said. "And you were born in the slave era, which means you are an old monster over 500 years old!"

"..." girl.

"I am CC." CC introduced himself, "The only goal is to seek death."

This is really a tragic introduction, so Ito Yu imitated her pattern and said, "Rocky AV Britannia, you can call me the prince of filming, and filming with you is my pursuit.", " Making a film?" CC seemed to not quite understand.

Of course you don't know the pure one.

In fact, when Ito Yu knew that he had this name, he didn't know whether Emperor Charles had peeped into his life, and how did he know that he was best at it.


And Yuu Ito was about to tease the other party, but found that his right eye suddenly became stinging.

"Yu Ito!"

And Xiao Ren's voice sounded from his heart.


Because the two of them share the same five senses, the pain in their eyes is the same no matter what they saw just now or the pain in their eyes at this moment.

It's just that if there is an abnormality for the undead vampire, the body will repair it as quickly as possible.


In five minutes, his right eye went from pain to calm, then to pain, then to calm, and finally to completely eliminate the pain after repeated repetitions.

"It's not dead." CC said. "And the geass got it all too."


This vicious woman.

Ito Yu hurriedly grabbed the vicious woman's hand, only to find that her cheeks turned rosy all of a sudden.And this kind of rosiness is obviously not healthy or normal.

Because there was... charm in the other party's eyes.

Author's message:

Chapter 010 Ability Without Discipline

The cheeks of the woman who said excessive words suddenly became rosy, and even her eyes became charming.

CC's behavior is very abnormal.

At least Ito Yu thinks so.

Because from the moment he was arrested to the time he spoke to him, CC's performance was relatively indifferent.

"Geass?" Ito Yu was interested in this word.

"It's your special ability." CC said, because the rosiness on her face disappeared suddenly, and it seemed that the state just now seemed to be staged, "But it seems that you are worthless."


You are worthless.

You are useless.

Are you trash?


"You really dare to say that." Ito Yu pushed the smart glasses that were not on the bridge of the nose, "The Geass you mentioned is the power that you transmitted to my right eye just now."

"And this power is largely formed based on people's inner desires. The reason is that although you are acting, I probably know what will happen to others after using this power." Ito Yu said, "At the same time, It's not just me who has this power, there are many people, and they can even force ordinary people who are completely healthy to feel that they feel missing, and they can make ordinary people think that they are disabled, etc. This is really a blessing. The power of boredom."

And with that said he stared at CC.

Because he thought of the curly-haired girl he met in the academy.

The opponent's body was confirmed to be normal, but she just couldn't see it, and she couldn't move her legs.

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