Be friendly.

"Goodbye, Oni-chan."


Yuu then waved to her.But the sight from the side is really warm.

Being stared at.

After becoming a vampire, his five senses became very strong, and he could be keenly aware of being stared at, having malicious intentions, rivals in love, etc.

And this time the gaze wasn't too friendly.

Yuu followed that line of sight, and saw a girl wearing a short black sweater and gray shorts.

It was a little girl, a young girl, with a schoolbag on her back, which proved that she was only a primary school student, but the expression on her face was different.

became vigilant.

It was the 7-year-old Haibara Ai who was also a false primary school student, and she was also an expert in the research department who was said to be 18 years old.She didn't know that the current Xiao Mingmei was her own sister, but she believed Yu's lie, thinking that Xiao Mingmei was just her sister's illegitimate daughter or something, that is, her niece.

But she herself escaped from the terrorist organization through the shrinking medicine. She was worried about the safety of the people around her, so she concealed her identity. Under such circumstances, she wanted to get close to Xiao Mingmei but dared not.She can only protect Xiao Mingmei from a distance.

It's a sad little girl.

For young girls, in fact, he has no special interest, but the prosperity of the population is everyone's expectation.

So one more abducted young girl in the family, he... thinks, seems to be acceptable.

So he asked Xiao Mingmei to come back again, "I won't come to pick you up at night, if you have something to do, give me a kiss." He pointed to his side face.

"Well——" the 7-year-old girl obeyed.

"..." But the expression of Hui Yuan Ai, who looked like a 7-year-old girl, became vigilant+++.

She is different from other mediocre elementary school students or passing parents. She intuitively feels that her niece (Xiao Mingmei) may be living in the other party's home...not a normal life.


This approach is too far.

Almost there.Observing the expression on Hui Yuan Ai's face that he really couldn't hide, Yuu waved to Xiao Mingmei, signaling that it was enough for her, and the rest of the time, maybe he can wait for this classmate Hui Yuan Ai to come to the door in person visited.

He waits for her.

Speaking of her body... no, it is impossible to say that she is not interested in the title of her scientist, an 18-year-old scientist, and then invented a drug that shrinks, whether it is a drug or her brain, I really want it !

This is probably the talent absorption consciousness.

And after meeting Hui Yuan Ai, he confirmed this even more, he has become mature.That's why I want to attract the other party, definitely not because I have been poisoned by a young girl, but because I want to have a young girl who is not naive and knows this and that.

So sorry Mingmei, I'll have to use you a bit and hook up this untamable scientist.

Silently apologizing in his heart, Yuu had already turned the bicycle around. In fact, when he saw Haibara Ai just now, he also saw the Boys Detective Team. There are four of them Yoshida Ayumi.

And Conan was looking at this side, showing suspicion and curiosity.It seems to be interested in something again.

Conan is also Kudo Shinichi. Due to some reasons, his body shrank and he was hunted down by the black organization. Therefore, his identity must not be revealed, otherwise it may bring danger to the people around him.

And the mother of the hacker Chris who Yu is familiar with is a good friend of this guy's mother, so she came back to protect him specially.

But with Conan's easy-to-curious performance of being full of curiosity about everything, it's not easy for Chris.

So, Yuu went to the school with the biggest head.Total Wu Gao.

Author's message:

ps1: push two books [I, mother wink, master strategy! ], turned into a lily work.

[Xianmen Fairy Wife], a fantasy harem work, the author is y, there is a guarantee of character, and it is very rare that it is not a pigeon.

ps2: Criticize Jiaqun for the wrong answer, as long as you read the book, you must know.

Do you know what Rin Tohsaka is?

Answer 1. Hot weapons

Answer 2 water pump

More novel but more reliable answers are welcome.

Chapter 0207 is all the fault of the wind (pretend this is the third watch!)

Sobu High, the full name of Fuyuki City Sobu High School, is a prestigious school famous for its scores.

And many people are very painful but also very soberly aware that generally when they are promoted from junior high school to high school, girls often have better grades, so this directly lays the foundation for the proportion of women in the total military high school to be much higher than that of boys.

It's just that none of this has anything to do with Yu, because he had already known this before applying for this school, and then spent money to come in through the back door.

It's really frustrating, and I have another exam in 2 weeks.

She was absent from school for a week, and then she didn't study very much. Fortunately, the relationship with the angel Gabriel has eased a lot now. If he persuades the other party to return to the decent, elegant and cute angel, then even if he doesn't study and make a wish, he may just drift away with a low score .

This is the killer feature.

Just 2 weeks away.

But the sound of the ringtone is not long at all!

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