As for Kuroba Kaito, he now thought that Aoko was just angry that he didn't come on his birthday, so he went crazy.

The two were not on the same channel.

It's night time.

Residents and tourists on the island all came to the shrine. Some locals pulled a long line to keep everyone outside. Yuu noticed that most of the people were holding a number plate in their hands.

Some are still local.

It is said that this celebration will be held every year, but it is amazing that they are so enthusiastic about participating every year.

If it is superstition, then it is already deeply poisoned.

Not only that.

He found that the companions of Miss Saori who had met before were also scattered nearby. The long-haired Sumi who looked mean and the short-haired Naoko were all holding number plates.

Someone lit a bonfire.

The men in the blue yukata that I saw before were beating the drums rhythmically.And the paper door of the closed shrine was opened, and everyone could see from a distance, inside stood a very thin and small old lady dressed like a white face, she was wearing a white maiden The clothes are standing there.

"The longevity woman came out!"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

On the small island, tourists who have heard about a longevity woman who was at least 100 years old, maybe 200 years old, who ate mermaid meat all stretched their necks to watch.

Yu is the same.

Presided over such a superstitious celebration, and the person who presided over it was the longevity woman who was said to have eaten mermaid meat.

His eyes exhausted the limits of his vision, and then he looked towards the longevity woman.

The light reflected by the flames fell on him, revealing his shadow.

Yu lowered his head, and the shadow remained motionless.


He sighed softly in his heart, because this showed that this longevity woman was really not some special person who ate mermaid meat and lived forever.

Maybe it's just an old man.

Longevity woman took a pole from someone else. The pole was wrapped in white cloth and was also smeared with oil.She put the pole in the fire and roasted it, picked it up, and the pole burned directly.But she unhurriedly lit the flame on the paper window.

Is this going to burn down the windows?


The fire is on, but it burns out the digital pattern.

This is actually burning out three numbers.

And the person who shows the number can get the Dugong Arrow.

It turned out to be the case.

"I hit it!"

However, the chosen one was so close, and the one who exclaimed was the long-haired friend of Saori who looked mean--Miss Sumi.

Naoko didn't stand with her, but stood in the distance, her expression was very bad, as if she was upset that she didn't win the lottery.

"Kaito!" Standing in the corner, Aoko Nakamori couldn't help covering his lips, "This number—"

Well, yes, she might have won the lottery.

After Changshou Po left, Miss Junhui, who had been waiting for a long time, came late, but she seemed to be the one who was hosting, she looked serious, and she took two steps forward, "Everyone, please listen carefully, We will officially issue the Dugong Arrow in an hour, please gather at the Mermaid Waterfall."


It may be because of concern, but Yu felt that her steps were not so steady, and there was a sense of inconvenience of numb limbs after a sedentary person suddenly stood up.

At the scene, Hattori Heiji was still thinking about Saori, who had sent him a commission letter, and finally found Saori's father after many inquiries, that is, Mr. Benzang, a 52-year-old alcoholic.Now her nose and cheeks are red, as if she was drunk but not completely drunk.

He is now holding a number plate and a wine bottle in the other hand, smiling hey.

Hattori Heiji went to ask something, saw the number plate in his hand and compared it.Exclaim.

It turned out that he was the winner of the number in the Dugong Arrow lottery.

Draw three.

Miss Sumi, this Mr. Seiko and then Aoko Nakamori.

It seems that nothing special happened.

The men who were in charge of beating the drums before, wearing blue bathrobes and tying their sleeves with ropes, led everyone to the mermaid waterfall, but Yuu didn't leave.

Everyone is going to gather at the waterfall. Those who are interested can stay to watch the presentation ceremony, while those who are not interested can go to other places or go back to the hotel.

It's just that Ito Yu didn't leave.

After he moved with the crowd, he turned back.

The flames in the shrine have been extinguished.And Miss Jun Hui, who was dressed in a priestess costume, also went back to the shrine first, as if she was going to get the arrow of the dugong.

It may be because of the good law and order, so she and the longevity woman were left in the whole shrine.

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