The glass of the bar"] was pushed away, and the dim pink light slightly cast a figure on the ground... It wasn't that they all saw a girl in a black sailor suit just walk in from the door, it's just that her waist There was a pitch-black knife in between. The boss and the bald girl were stunned for a moment, and in the next second, they understood what this meant, and they stood up suddenly. Their bodies transformed rapidly, and their thick hair gradually grew longer.

"Found it, Gu, sure.

She whispered to Ruo's wireless headset, and stared straight ahead.

A strong animal smell hits the face, it is the smell of dead dogs

It is not difficult for a trained tooth hunter to distinguish the smell of a dead dog at a very close distance.Tianzhu Mo Yin's feet do not leave the ground to walk, just like an ice-skating dancer uses the skates of skates to move on the ground.

While walking, she also slowly raised her hand. That hand was holding the handle of the knife, and pulled the blade out of the scabbard.There is no shadow of the crane's knees.The first knife was an extremely fierce slash, and the bald girl who rushed forward seemed to take the initiative to get close to the blade. The light of the knife cut from the top of the head, then to the face, jaw, until the liver divided her into two parts.

This is not because this girl has arm strength that is different from ordinary people, and she can cut people in half with a swing of the blade.

Rather, when the blade poison of the Exorcism Demon Knife circulates, the blade cuts into the body of a corpse dog, just like cutting butter with heat. There is a burnt smell.Before the knife light was drawn out, there was a whistling sound, half of her body made a strange sound, and her body suddenly cracked, spreading out like mist.This is the frightening and frightening aspect of the magic knife. To ordinary people, it is just a slightly sharp blade, but to corpse dogs, it is the nemesis of natural enemies.


The boss didn't expect that Yashou would find his old lair so quickly. In order to avoid being hunted down, they changed several strongholds in a row, and prepared to become a trap disguised as a stronghold, waiting for Ruo Yashou to break in and die. .. Who would have expected that the other party would have a way to see through the disguise and come directly to the door.


Chapter 102 Organ (Second Update)

"Die! You bloody bitch.

The black claw swung out, but only halfway. Its arm broke and fell to the ground.

Then there was another slash, and the top of the forehead disappeared completely, and the brains inside could also be glimpsed in the cross section.

"Don't be too happy, Yakari, my companions will not let you go. The "corpse dog" with only one mouth left uttered the final curse full of resentment, and the black fur-covered body split into pieces cracks, making it a fragile piece of glass.

Click! Click!

Every additional fine crack is one step closer to collapse, and a subtle orange-red light can be vaguely glimpsed in the crack, and in a blink of an eye, the half-human, half-beast monster's body is scattered, turning into a large piece of ashes to bless the evil. The power of the curse on the knife cannot be ignored, and foreign objects such as dead dogs will be destroyed if touched. There is no room for rebirth.

At most, it is due to individual differences, the resistance is slightly stronger, but in battle, it can only persist for a while before it will perish.

(Not good! Its dying roar was too loud, so it was still a warning.) With her excellent hearing, she was able to hear the commotion coming from above the floor.

Before the "boss" died, he roared with all his strength, and in this way, he reminded the corpse dog companions in the building of the arrival of their enemy, Yashou.

Now, the corpse dogs are all on the move.

An imminent bloody killing could not be avoided.Cang Yong, who walked out of the back door of the building, heard a roar from the building behind him.

Quick. She also heard a series of gunshots. ζ ↑ Ba ↑ reading ↑ reading ζ realized the bad breath. She ran quickly.The reason is simple, ordinary gangsters and hooligans will not make trouble here.

In front of ordinary humans and corpse dogs, especially in front of a group of organized corpse dogs, there is not much chance of winning.

The power beyond ordinary people, as well as the terrible ability of regeneration and self-healing, make them almost invulnerable to serious injuries. On the contrary, their attacks are too terrifying.Even though she looks quite thin from the outside, she can easily break the hands and feet of adults.These few gunshots... It is very likely that the two sides are exchanging fire. In close combat, Ya will form a small team of several people and rush out in a surprise attack. Use guns to weaken unprepared corpses

Then use the Exorcism Knife that you carry with you to kill the corpse dog.

There are also some skilled Yashou who follow the ancient style and will fight directly with a knife, and they will adopt different combat methods according to different situations.Others had no idea that the building would be straightened out.She ran fast, knowing that she had to leave this stronghold as soon as possible.

(Since it is discovered here, other companions, including myself, may be exposed, so make preparations to leave the city first.

About "Ya Hunting" - she has only heard about it, and has no contact with it. She just heard from other companions that "Ya Hunting" is extremely dangerous. Ya Duo is a secret society hidden in modern times. corpse dog.Yashou does not abide by the law in modern times. They are an association of non-governmental organizations. They will prepare all kinds of prohibited illegal weapons by themselves and act by all means.

To put it simply, it is a group of rogues. When they aim at the target, they will approach them secretly, and use camouflage, raids, lurking, poisoning and other methods to deal with dead dogs. Most of the methods can be called despicable.

This is also normal. There is a big gap in physical fitness between humans and corpse dogs. Except for a few good players in frontal conflicts, the odds of winning in most cases are not great.On the contrary, the most common skills of human beings are based on despicable methods, and the most despicable thing they did was to create a foreign object called "Drawing the Demon Knife".

However, no matter how powerful the "knife" is, it is useless if it does not hit the target.

"If you really encounter Yashou who does not use modern firearms but only uses the Exorcism Knife, then you must be careful... because it may be a specially bred Yashou, which is different from ordinary Yashou in actual combat. If there is another gap between Tianxia."

She remembered who warned her like this, but she couldn't remember who it was. In short, she didn't like fighting, and she was afraid of death. Now it's better to think about it first and then leave.When I heard that voice, my movements were half a beat slower, because I had never encountered such a thing before.

The breath changed from light to thick, and it floated behind him in an instant.

I am afraid that if someone stays here, they will be able to see Dao Congying falling from the balcony. The other party has been waiting for a long time, and this is the moment they have been waiting for.

As soon as the figure landed on the ground, it raised Daoguang, which was not actually a swung blade, but an electric light-like blade that radiated upward from the scabbard, slashing her back.The astonishing killing intent was involved in the light of the knife, like a poisonous snake biting its prey.

Damn it!

Reluctantly throwing the small bag in his hand and smashing it behind him, the lightning-like slash was slightly missed by half.It just brushed against the clothes, and the cursed steel blade did not cut into the skin.Thanks to this point, she finally escaped to heaven.

Cang Yong quickened her pace and jumped onto the fence beside the alley. She jumped up to the nearby houses with superhuman strength, and finally escaped the catastrophe.

"I'm very sorry, I clearly said that I came to help... But I still let the last one go.

The one who spoke was a short-haired and petite woman in a suit jacket uniform. She was crying and desperately apologizing to Tianzhu Mo Yin.

It doesn't matter, in fact, it is not a big problem to find the list of relevant personnel and use the agency's internal intelligence network to find out.Tianzhu Moyin sighed: "However, the escaped corpse dogs must be disposed of as soon as possible. I have already notified the cleaners of the agency to come here to solve follow-up problems. No, I was the one who was careless. Because of my willfulness, I have been acting alone all these years, ignoring these points because of habit

To deal with this kind of group corpse dog, it is necessary to submit a report to Yashou's agency, and the battle will be led by an attacking team that is proficient in CQB operations and has received paramilitary training.There are about [-] dead dogs on the floor, but since they were targeted by her, none of them had a chance to escape, because it was a high-rise building, and they didn't choose to jump down to escape, probably because they thought they were under surveillance.

.. The "government" that Ya belongs to is divided into several departments, and the normal battles are handed over to the full-time Yashou who holds a sharp knife; there is also a special "Intelligence Team" for maintaining equipment and collecting intelligence information.

It is the "cleaning team" responsible for the follow-up finishing work that conducts peripheral coordinated operations.

Several small trucks also appeared on the other side of the building. This is the personnel of the "cleaning team". They used several methods to seal off the place, preventing irrelevant personnel from entering the "Kaicuo area" - this also includes the "government" in charge of the dental guard group. "Internally, there is also some support from the government, but most high-level government officials still don't know about it.On the government side, there are unknown contacts with the "organization". Thanks to this, it is relatively easy to act.For example, there was a gunshot just now, and it was a corpse dog who had prepared a light weapon and shot her.

Residents nearby called and explained to the police that gunshots were heard here, but they were quickly dismissed by the police who received the call.

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